BeautySkin care

Aqua-cream "Clean Line": reviews, composition, types and features

Representatives of the fair half of society are ready for much to advantageously emphasize their natural dignity and skillfully hide some imperfections. Effective in the fight against dry skin aqua-cream "Clean Line". Comments of women who used this cosmetic product are presented in this article.

Whether the means approaches or suits all?

Faced with such a common problem as dry skin, it is important to choose the right care. One of the fast-acting means is the "pure line" aqua-cream. Reviews of women indicate its effectiveness only if it is suitable for the type of skin. Serious skin diseases should immediately seek help from a cosmetologist. Do not use self-medication in such cases. You may need special treatment.

What they say about the cream of this line

The result after using the product is noticeable after the first application.

Thanks to the components that make up the product, it has a beneficial effect on the skin and solves a number of problems:

  • Zinc, which is part of the cream, helps regulate the production of subcutaneous fat;
  • Cleansing and softening of the skin is provided by the extract of eucalyptus, which in the required amount is present in this cosmetic product.

Aqua-cream "Clean Line: Ideal Skin" will help you to feel clean, well-groomed, fresh and velvety . The reviews proved this more than once.

How to use?

The product is applied to the pre-cleaned skin. It can be used as a day cream, and as a night cream. The advantage is that it is the ideal analog of any make-up base.

Many women who have already used this product, buy again and again aqua-cream "Clean Line: Perfect Skin". The feedback testifies that it is very nice to apply, it is instantly absorbed. The advantage is that the product does not leave greasy marks and shine on the surface, which is very important in the care of oily skin.

Do not have to worry about moisturizing, because the aqua-cream "Clean Line" is unique. Reviews of women suggest that it has a tremendous moisturizing property. In addition, one of the important advantages is that the agent does not clog pores.

When can I see the result?

Funds from the company "Clean Line" are very effective in combating imperfections in the skin. Aqua-cream "Instant dullness" reviews are mostly positive. Women say that for more than six hours their skin was in excellent condition and did not shine.

Excellent cope with the moisturizing means brand "Clean Line". Aqua-cream "Instant dullness", which is confirmed by excellent moisturizing effect, is effective in the fight against clogged pores. This cream makes the skin velvety, smooths the surface, gives a healthy radiant look.

Will it suit everyone?

As with any cosmetic product, the reviews about the aqua-cream "Instant dullness" ("Clean Line") leave positive and negative reviews . Those representatives of the beautiful half of society who were not satisfied with the drug, admitted that the cream did not go to their type of skin. The tube indicates that the product is specifically designed for skin prone to fat. Naturally, on other types of its impact will be different.

Truthful reviews

To feel all the advantages of the product, choose the aqua-cream "Instant dullness: Ideal skin" follows women with the type of skin that is indicated on the package, namely, prone to greasiness. If you follow the advice for use, then the product will quickly show positive properties. About the cream "Instant dullness" ("Clean Line") reviews are mostly positive, which means that the product is really of high quality.

How does it affect the skin

It is often possible to meet the question of whether the cosmetic is an aqua-cream. Recently, all sorts of PR moves do not cease to amaze. But nevertheless, those who used the remedy were satisfied. After its application, the skin actually looks well-groomed, rested and healthy.

Beneficial features:

  • Excellent matiruet skin;
  • Sufficiently moisturizes;
  • Helps to get rid of fatty shine;
  • Prevents blockage of pores.

What will the skin become after use?

Positive effects can be seen immediately after use. The speed and effectiveness of the cream many women identified as the main benefits.


  • The skin began to breathe better;
  • To the touch it is velvety;
  • Has acquired a healthy appearance.

The healing effect is achieved through zinc and eucalyptus extract, which are part of the cream. Due to the fact that the product has been developed taking into account a certain type of skin, its effect is as precisely as possible directed at eliminating specific problems. Such drugs are much better than others, designed for all types, because the direction of the latter is broader.


Based on the study of feedback on this tool, there are a number of advantages:

  1. Effective in controlling flaking.
  2. Eliminates the inflammatory process.
  3. He fights with pimples and wounded.
  4. Removes irritation.
  5. Removes redness.
  6. Ideally matiruet skin.
  7. Economical in use.
  8. The texture of the cream is pleasant to the touch, it is not greasy or liquid, it is very easy to use in consistency.
  9. Women are fully convinced that aqua-cream really has good matting properties.
  10. After application on the face there is no fat shine.
  11. Acceptable cost.
  12. Ideal for people with increased sebum.

One can not but agree that such a tool deserves positive feedback. It has already become for many a long-awaited find that quickly solves most imperfections of the skin.


The article describes user feedback about a cosmetic agent. Proved its effectiveness when used for skin care, prone to fat, aqua-cream "Clean Line". The testimonies indicate that if applied to other skin types, the result may not be fully manifested or a negative reaction to the incorrectly selected remedy may occur. If the type of skin is as indicated on the product package, you can safely buy the cream and enjoy the perfect skin.

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