Health, Preparations
"Lizobakt": instructions for use, analogues, testimonials. Cheap analog "Lizobakta" for children
Treatment of the throat is often done with the help of tablets for resorption. In many ways, these drugs help get rid of the symptoms of pathology. Also, drugs contribute to the elimination of pathogenic microorganisms in the area of action. One such means is Lizobakt. Instructions for use, analogues of this medication will be presented to your attention. You will learn about the peculiarities of using tablets in children, and also get acquainted with the reviews about this medicine. Remember, that on all arising questions it is necessary to consult with the attending physician.
Composition, type and description of the medicament. How much is the original medicine "Lizobakt"?
The drug "Lizobakt", analogous to the cheap ones for this product are available in tablets. These capsules are designed for resorption. The use of medication inside will not give any therapeutic effect.
The composition of the drug "Lizobakt" includes lysozyme and pyridoxine. Among the additional components can be noted lactose, magnesium stearate, vanillin and others. The cost of the medicine is about 350 rubles. For this amount you can buy 30 tablets.
Cheap analog of "Lizobakt"
Many patients try to find a substitute for one or another medicine at a low price. However, doctors do not recommend doing this. Before using a cheap analog "Lizobakta", you need to consult a doctor. Only in this case the treatment will be correct and effective.
Absolute substitute, which has the same composition as the original medication, no. There are relative analogues, working on the basis of lysozyme. To such it is possible to carry medicines "Hexaleus" and "Laripront". In the first substitute there is also an anesthetic component. The cost of tablets "Hexaliz" is about 300 rubles for 30 capsules. The medicine "Laripront" will cost you 250 rubles. In this case, the drug also has a mucosal and antibacterial effect.
Alternative means
A cheap analog of the "Lizobakt" may have another composition. In this case, it will have the same effect on the patient's body, as well as the original drug. These drugs include "Tharyngept" (150 rubles.), "Strepsils" (300 rubles.), "Grammidine" (250 rubles.) And many others.
Also, the described preparation can be replaced by another type of drug. This can be spray Ingalipt (100 rubles.), Kameton (130 rubles.), Miramistin (160 rubles.), Tantum Verde (300 rubles.). Be sure to pay attention to the indications and limitations in the application of this or that remedy.
Any cheap analog of "Lizobakt", like the original drug itself, is prescribed for diseases of the throat, tonsils, mucous membrane of the mouth and pharynx. Preparations are used in the following cases:
- Viral and fungal lesions;
- Bacterial pathology (as part of complex therapy);
- Gingivitis and stomatitis of different origin;
- Herpes and erosion in the mouth and so on.
The composition is well combined with other medicines. However, it is worth remembering that the drug enhances the effect of certain antibiotics, antiviral agents and immunomodulators.
Important information about contraindications
The drug "Lizobakt" (similarly cheap for children including) is prescribed only after three years. Some similar compositions are completely permissible after 4-5 years, for example "Grammidine". Also, there are medicines that have been approved for use since the first days of life (Miramistin).
The drug "Lizobakt", analogues (cheap) for children are used only for the doctor's prescription. Remember that any initiative can lead to unpleasant consequences and development of intolerance of components. The drug "Lizobakt" is not prescribed for hypersensitivity to the components. Also, lactase deficiency is the basis for refusing treatment.
The drug is usually well tolerated. Rarely with an overdose, allergic reactions may occur. That's why the medicine can be used for future mothers and children.
Lizobakt tablets: instructions
Analogues of the described means are not accepted as the original preparation. This is always worth paying attention to. Remember that before using it is necessary to calculate the individual dosage of a medicine.
The drug "Lizobakt" is prescribed for two capsules up to 4 times a day. This portion of the medication is given to adult patients. If it is necessary to treat children, then the composition should take one lozenge every 6 hours. The composition should be used separately from food intake. After applying the medication, it is recommended to refrain from eating and drinking for one hour. Tablets can not be chewed. They should slowly dissolve in the mouth, enveloping the affected mucous membranes.
How does the medicine work?
Medics report that the drug is very effective. Its effect is due to composition. Lysozyme is a substance that fights bacteria and fungi. Also this component has an antiviral effect. Pyridoxine has a healing effect. This substance promotes the regeneration of the mucous membrane, reducing the pain syndrome.
Doctors report that the drug is almost not absorbed. It has no hepatotoxic effect. The agent does not affect the ability to drive traffic and does not cause a sedative reaction.
Patient Reviews
What do consumers say about the tool described? Patients report that they need to take 8 tablets per day. In this treatment lasts about one week. For a full course you will need two packs of "Lizobakt" medication. This is very expensive. That's why consumers are looking for cheaper similar medications. However, not always their choice turns out to be correct.
Consumers report that the tablets "Lizobakt" have a rather pleasant unobtrusive taste. Many substitutes have a pronounced mint flavor. Not everyone tolerates it. The "Lizobakt" remedy is pleasant, does not cause a sensation of numbness, burning or discomfort. Use of the composition in children is very easy. Thanks to the pleasant taste, babies with great pleasure use tablets.
Patients talk about the high effectiveness of the drug. The composition quickly has a therapeutic effect. Already after two days of use, the sensations become almost invisible. The medicine quickly heals sores and wounds. The medicine fights with stomatitis for several days, whereas without the described drug the disease can last for several weeks.
Patients remind us that you can always take the medicine with you. Tablets do not require any special storage conditions, which is very convenient. Many consumers testify that "Lizobakt" is a remedy that should be in the first-aid kit of each family.
Conclusion: a short summary of the article
You learned about the medicine for correction of the diseases of the throat and mucous membrane of the mouth - "Lizobakt". Reviews, analogs and some information from the instructions for use are presented to your attention. Despite the safety and efficacy of the described drug, you should not use it yourself. Also, the use of drugs for children without prescribing a doctor is prohibited. To the health of children should be treated especially carefully. All the best to you, do not be ill!
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