Health, Diseases and Conditions
The back hurts after epidural anesthesia: what to do? Epidural blockade: the principle of action, consequences, reviews
Epidural blockade of the spine is a method whereby medications are injected directly into the source of pain. As a result, there is a loss of sensitivity in the area of exposure.
The therapeutic effect is achieved through the simultaneous administration of several drugs. In particular, the constituent components have a pronounced analgesic effect with a maximum concentration in the lesion focus. There is also a reflex action at all levels of the nervous system.
What is the blockade of the spine?
What is epidural anesthesia, and what indications for its conduct - these and many other questions are of interest to patients. This is one of the most common types of local anesthesia used in medical practice. Blockade is performed on various areas of the spinal cord, depending on the type of surgical intervention. In midwifery, it is used in the lumbar region, as an anesthetic during a cesarean section or for anesthesia during childbirth.
Several years ago, caesarean section was performed exclusively under general anesthesia. The drugs used for anesthesia have a lot of side effects. The consequences of epidural blockade in conducting cesarean section are less deplorable, since there are practically no side effects in the mother and fetus. The main advantage of this type of anesthesia, in contrast to general anesthesia, is the preservation of the mother's consciousness. However, it is worth remembering that it is not always possible to apply this technique, which is why a preliminary examination and consultation with the doctor is required.
How is the blockade of the spine
Knowing what epidural anesthesia is and what evidence it has, you can determine the feasibility of conducting it. The procedure requires minimal preparation of the patient. Blockade involves the injection of an anesthetic under X-ray control, which ensures the accuracy and complete safety of the manipulation performed. On average, the drug does not last more than 20 minutes. Anesthetic effect comes almost immediately and lasts up to 6 months.
When carrying out anesthesia in the presence of serious problems with the back, the doctor observes the patient for 1-2 hours in a hospital setting, and then releases him home. In the event that the blockade provided the required result, but its effect was short, it is possible to re-introduce the drug.
Many are interested in how epidural anesthesia is done and what indications for it. In particular, this procedure is carried out:
- With caesarean section;
- Natural childbirth;
- Pregnancy accompanied by hypoxia;
- Fetal heart failure;
- Severe illnesses in the parturient woman;
- Incorrect position of the fetus;
- Anomalies of labor.
In addition to obstetrics, epidural blockade is widely used in operations. In particular, it can be conducted:
- At operations in the field of the perineum;
- Surgical intervention in the abdominal cavity;
- Urological operations;
- Surgical intervention in vascular surgery;
- Surgery on the joints, bones.
This procedure can be used in conjunction with general anesthesia. This will significantly reduce the dosage of pain medications, which the patient will subsequently need.
The main advantages of epidural blockade
Such a procedure has certain advantages, in particular, such as:
- The patient is conscious;
- Ensures the stability of the cardiovascular system;
- Can be used with a full stomach;
- Does not irritate the respiratory tract;
- Allows to eliminate postoperative pain.
When using anesthesia for caesarean section or during labor, there is no toxic effect on the body, nor does fetal hypoxia occur. Whether to do epidural anesthesia, patients decide together with the doctor, according to the available indications and given contraindications.
Anesthesia with the introduction of an anesthetic in the epidural space, in addition to indications for use, has some contraindications. That's why you need to consult a doctor, as well as undergo a complete examination. Contraindications can be local and absolute. The latter include such things as:
- epilepsy;
- Pathology of the liver;
- Neurotic disorders.
In addition, it is important to take into account and local contraindications, which include such as:
- Presence of inflammatory processes in the localization of pain;
- Deviations from the development of bone structure;
- Individual intolerance of the components of the analgesic.
The procedure is not performed for violations of blood coagulability, in the case of a serious condition of the patient, as well as during lactation (breastfeeding).
Why does my back hurt after the procedure?
Many patients note that after the epidural anesthesia the back hurts.
Painful sensations can occur for a variety of reasons. First of all, the patient should understand that absolutely any interference in his body can lead to side effects. If the injection is carried out in the area of the spine, the pain will be a completely natural process, but it will not last very long. The maximum duration of soreness is only a few days.
The back hurts after epidural anesthesia is not very strong, the pain is somewhat blunted, which is very similar to soreness after normal injections made to other parts of the body. This is provoked by the fact that a catheter or needle causes irritation in a number of located tissues. Over time, such pain will pass without the use of any medication and additional procedures.
If the back hurts after epidural anesthesia and an inflammatory process is observed, this may mean that an infection has been infiltrated at the injection site. This option is possible only if the medical personnel incorrectly performed the procedure and did not disinfect the medical instruments, which led to infection. In case of infection, there is an additional headache, the temperature rises, and the heart rate increases.
Often, a strong back pain after epidural anesthesia. What to do and how to solve this problem, you need to know necessarily, since this can cause very serious violations. That is why, in case of the appearance of the slightest pain, it is necessary to consult the doctor for the examination and the appropriate treatment.
Medical errors during the procedure
If the back hurts after epidural anesthesia, this may be the reason that the injection is incorrectly placed. It is worth noting that medical errors are rare. As a rule, they are related to the doctor's insufficient experience. Let's consider some consequences of anesthesia during childbirth.
The doctor may touch the roots of the spinal cord during the procedure. It is very difficult to get into the epidural space, therefore, during the procedure, you can also be affected:
- blood vessels;
- Hernia;
- Ligaments of the spine.
Especially dangerous is damage to the nerve roots of the spinal cord.
Since there are many blood vessels in the area of drug administration, a doctor may stumble upon a vein plexus. The pain in this case passes independently, without medical intervention. The risk of such a trauma increases in patients taking medications to improve blood flow.
Also, a hernia can be affected during the procedure. To avoid such consequences, it is necessary to conduct a full spine check before blockade.
Nerve endings can be damaged. In this case, the consequences can be very serious. It all depends on how deep the needle went. As a result, a variety of neurological abnormalities may occur. As can be seen, the consequences of medical errors can be very serious, so a qualified and experienced specialist should conduct the blockade.
Elimination of pain after the procedure
In operations, epidural anesthesia is used in extreme cases, since it carries a risk to the patient. If after the procedure the spine is very badly hurt, then you should immediately contact the doctor, and not suffer the pain. The further actions will depend on the source of the painful sensations. The doctor will conduct a screening and prescribe appropriate therapy. As a rule, patients are prescribed painkillers and vitamins.
If an infection has been introduced during the administration of the drug, inflammation may occur. In such a case, the treatment will be longer and a complex impact on the source of pain will be required. In the presence of infection, anti-inflammatory medications are prescribed, as well as antibiotics that help to eliminate inflammation and destroy the pathogen of infection. A specific drug should appoint a doctor. Self-treatment in such cases is unacceptable.
Purulent lesions are eliminated solely through surgical intervention. Timely contact with a doctor will prevent further spread of the infection.
To eliminate back pain after epidural anesthesia, not only anesthetics are used. Other effective therapies include:
- osteopathy;
- Magnetotherapy.
Osteopathy helps to restore the mobility of the damaged area of the spine. However, when carrying out such a procedure, it is necessary to take into account the individual characteristics of the organism of each patient and to calculate all the risks.
Magnetotherapy accelerates the ongoing regenerative processes, which allows you to recover much faster. Often, this procedure is used during breastfeeding, as well as in the presence of contraindications for medical therapy.
The duration of treatment is determined only by the attending physician, based on the available indications, clinical picture and contraindications. To quickly eliminate unpleasant painful feelings, you can undergo a course of manual therapy. This will help not only to eliminate pain, but also to improve joint mobility, muscle tone and ligament functioning.
Knowing what it is - "epidural during delivery and surgery", and also what consequences this procedure has, it is possible to choose methods of prophylaxis to prevent the occurrence of pain. When conducting preventive measures, complications after the procedure can be substantially minimized.
Unpleasant consequences can be in people with excess weight, which is why you need to try to control it within normal limits. To find the optimal diet for yourself, you can visit a nutritionist. Especially carefully you need to monitor your diet during pregnancy.
It is important to do special exercises aimed at strengthening the muscles, but you need an individual approach. Therefore, it is desirable to conduct the first sessions with the trainer. It is necessary to monitor the state of the immune system, especially if there is a predisposition to the occurrence of allergic reactions. In addition, taking certain medications can affect the patient's condition. Before conducting epidural anesthesia, the patient should consult a doctor and tell him about all the medications he takes.
To carry out the procedure of anesthesia is necessary only in the checked up clinics which have a good reputation. Previously, you need to read the reviews and recommendations of friends.
In the postpartum period and immediately after the operation, it is not recommended to lift weights, as this can provoke severe pain in the back area. Do not overload the spine too much until the muscles are well strengthened.
Back pain is rarely provoked by epidural anesthesia. Often, many other factors lead to this, in particular, such as insufficient professionalism of the doctor, diseases of internal organs and excess weight. However, in any case, at the slightest alarm signs you need to visit a doctor.
Many women are interested in what it is - "epidural during delivery" - and how such a procedure affects the condition of the mother and child. Many reviews confirm that this is a completely safe procedure, which has virtually no contraindications. In addition, if it is carried out correctly, there are no complications and side effects.
Many patients say that after this procedure, only a slight soreness in the puncture site and a slight numbness are noted. According to some people, for several days there are pains in the back area and the head is very sore. In this case, the patient is shown bed rest and symptomatic therapy.
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