HealthDiseases and Conditions

Red palms. Causes of redness

Very often people think about why their palms turn red for no apparent reason. This fact can excite everyone. There are two types of redness: generalized (palms blush completely) and partial (manifested as single points). It is worth noting that the red dots on the palms appear quite rarely and are a kind of moles, in contrast to the extensive redness, which is a sign of the emergence of a number of diseases.

In the case when the reddened palms do not itch and do not hurt, you should think, first of all, about palmar erythema. Such a disease can be absolutely safe and testify that the body lacks vitamin B, but more often red hands appear with alcoholic cirrhosis of the liver, which people who abuse alcohol simply ignore. But liver disease is not the only reason for the appearance of such a phenomenon. In addition to these conditions, red palms can appear in diseases such as diabetes mellitus, hyperthyroidism, tuberculosis, rheumatoid arthritis, and in some cases even with cancer.

The appearance on the palms of painless and undetectable red spots can indicate a symptom of Janeway (in addition to the palms, the heels also blush). This condition manifests itself in infectious endocarditis, that is, inflammation of the inner cardiac membrane, which may well develop into such a formidable condition as heart failure, blood clots and, ultimately, lead to a stroke.

In some cases, there is an extensive red rash on the palms, accompanied by the appearance of flaky scales. Such changes in the skin can indicate fungal lesions or psoriasis. In addition, scales can indicate a disease such as reactive arthritis (Reiter's syndrome), in which joints become inflamed, most often in young people.

This type of skin lesion can also be characteristic for pustular psoriasis on the surface of the palms and feet, which appears as a response to the intake of certain chemicals or medical preparations (steroid hormones, penicillin, iodine, lithium). In addition, this condition may well be triggered by some infections or even a strong emotional stress.

In the vast majority of cases, red palms can indicate pathological changes in the liver, so this symptom should not be ignored. In addition to the redness of the palms, other symptoms of liver damage, such as insomnia, nausea, anorexia, changes in the color parameters of feces and urine, should appear. With ultrasound, an increase in the liver can be detected, and biochemical blood tests will show abnormalities. Red hands appear at a fairly late stage of the disease, so this symptom is unlikely to be seen in the first place. Redness of the skin is associated with a large amount of bilirubin circulating in the blood, which does not linger in the liver and toxically affects the skin. Because of this, there are all kinds of zones of hyperemia throughout the body that itch and do not give the person peace of mind.

As you can see, redness of the palms very often indicates that it's time to see a doctor. Even a harmless at first glance, the lack of vitamin B can grow into a more serious condition, the same applies to the notorious stress, which is an excellent soil for the development of any pathological conditions. As for more serious reasons, the red palms indicate the need to begin treatment. That is why palms can be an excellent diagnostic feature, which should not be ignored in any case.

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