Spiritual developmentTarot

Arcana Tarot: meaning. Court (Tarot): folding, combination of cards

Tarot cards are called a system of symbols, a deck of 78 cards, which appeared, according to some sources, in the 14th-16th centuries. Today it is used mainly for fortune telling, and the only card game with a full deck of tarot has been preserved. Symbols have a complex interpretation from the point of view of astrology, alchemy and occultism, therefore Taro is usually associated with "secret science" and is considered a mysterious thing.


The cards of the classical Tarot deck consist of two large groups:

  1. 22 cards are called "trump cards". They belong to the senior arcane, each of which has a unique name and original image. In different versions of the Tarot deck, the name and order of cards may differ.
  2. The remaining 56 cards are divided into four suits - Cups, Swords, Rods and Denarii, and are called junior arcana. In each suit there are 14 cards, each of which has its name - Ace, Dvaika, Troika, and so on. The account is finished on the Top Ten, followed by "court", or "figured" cards - Knave (Pag), Horseman (Knight), King and Queen.

In the series of junior arcanes, the position of Ace only determines the accepted agreement - it can be placed both after the King (be considered the eldest of the court cards) and at the beginning of the sequence (be considered the Unit of the proper suit). Today fortune-tellers using the Tarot deck often use the first option.


How to guess, we will consider further, and now we will find out what the arkans are. It was the occultist Paul Christian (1863) from France who applied the Tarot cards to the term "Arcana" ("sacraments"). The most accurately described this deck is Moebes Grigory Ottonovich: "Arcanum is a secret through which a certain group of facts, principles or laws are cognized. Without it, you can not get along when there is a need for this knowledge. This mystery is available to the mind that is interested in tarot. " In principle, all scientific laws that identify the field of any application are suitable for this term.

The notions of "senior" (major, big, and so on) and "junior" (minor, small, and so on) arcana were also introduced by Paul Christian. The names, figures and assignable values of the arcana can be radically different in different decks of the Tarot. In the occult schools, heterogeneous systems for enumerating older arches, their alphabetic, astrological and other "esoteric" correspondences were created. Adherents of isolated schools often argue about whose method is correct and traditional.

Elder Arcana

What are the older (great) lassoes? These are the 22 trump cards, which in the classical version are called so: Jester (Fool), Priestess, Magician, Emperor, Empress, High Priest (Hierophant), Choice (In Love), Justice, Chariot, Wheel of Fortune, Hermit, Hanged, Death, Devil, Temperance (Time), Tower, Moon, Star, World, Judgment (Last Judgment), Sun.

An unusual role in this group is played by the map of the Fool, sometimes called the Fool or the Madman. In card games with Tarot decks, it performs the function of a joker and is usually either denoted by the number 0, or does not have a number at all. The placement of the Fool in the chain of senior lasso is a significant moment in most occult sciences that use the Tarot as a symbolic support.

The creators of such disciplines often stated that the main arcana of the Tarot originated in ancient times and contain ancient Indian, ancient Egyptian and other symbolisms. Scientists and historians investigating this issue believe that Muslims from the East brought playing cards to Italy (Taro homeland). They also think that these cards can have an ancient Chinese or Indian origin, and that the Tarot trumps have been added to the Italian deck not before the end of the XV century.

The Minor Arcana

The minor arches are called 56 cards, which are divided into four suits:

  • Swords;
  • Bowls, cups;
  • Wands (scepters, sticks, staffs);
  • Coins, disks (denarii, pentacles).

In each suit there are 14 cards. The first four are called "court cards" ("courtiers") or figurative. The following characters are depicted on them:

  • King (knight, pharaoh);
  • Queen (sibyl, lady);
  • Prince (cavalier, rider, knight);
  • Page (messenger, princess, jack).

The remaining ten cards of the suit have advantages from 1 point to 10 and are called spectacled. Cards that have one point are called aces.

The suits of junior arcanes coincide with the suits of playing European cards: Rods (Staffs, Scepteres and so on) are identical to clubs, Cups for worms, Swords for spades, Coins (Denarii, Circles, Pentacles and so on) are tambourines. This is the most popular match system, although there are other options.

Ships Map

The Last Judgment (Tarot) is the XX highest arcana of the deck. Consider the main meaning of this card in its direct position. This lasso, although it has a rather formidable title, does not carry the idea of retribution or punishment. Here we are talking about transformation, disclosing new abilities in a person, restoring a person after a difficult stage, releasing him from something very stiff, annoying, annoying.

Tarot Card The Court draws attention to the bold steps on our part - persistent and cardinal. And he also reports on the effectiveness and effectiveness of such steps. Naturally, similar experiences are usually accompanied by painful feelings, emotions, and sometimes doubts, fears. However, one should always remember that everything negative is temporary, transitory, and a satisfactory result will be long-term and stable.

What else is interesting about the Court (Tarot) map? The combination of it with other arcana causes curiosity in many. For example, the combination of the Court and the Priestess denotes the manifestation of magical talents, the Chariot and the Court - the achievement of the desired victory. The combination of the Court and Death speaks of a decisive step that needs to be taken to let go of what has already ceased to have significance and meaning, for which for some reason the individual has stubbornly kept to this day.

Inverted Court

Consider the meaning of the Court (Tarot) in an upside-down position. In this case, this lasso testifies to the resistance of the personality to changes, about excessive cautiousness, which only hinders the process, about health problems, which prevent to go to the goal, to act. This is a kind of destructive moment of our drives, something that makes you stumble on the spot or pulls back.

The reason for such actions is the person's hope for fortune or minimizing the seriousness of obstacles. Always need to pay attention to the layout of neighboring arches, located near the inverted Sud, as they add much to its general interpretation. For example, with the Hermit, the inverted Court reports a reassessment of its capabilities, and with the Hierophant - symbolizes another loss of enthusiasm.

Relationships and love (direct position of the Court)

What can you find out with the help of the Tarot deck? Court relations and love in a straightforward situation characterizes a very peculiar. For the sphere of personal connections, the card always predicts the acquisition of a partner, if before that time a person was lonely. Arkan also talks about a new level of relations that will appear in the already existing alliance of people (this situation is characteristic of lovers). The court in this case indicates the internal changes that have taken place, which are the reason for overcoming current difficulties. Outwardly, they can make themselves felt by the sense of transparency of the matter, by illumination.

Arkan shows that the resolved issues that have been left in the past have been reconsidered, as they have been worked out, and the lessons from them have been extracted.

Lay-out on love (inverted Court)

What is the meaning of the Court (Tarot) in the hands of love in an inverted position? In this case, the card usually confirms that a person suffers with remorse, in some way repents. As a result, such an assessment of the situation creates obstacles for him in relations with relatives.

In some situations, an inverted Court may be interpreted as a short-term separation. The meaning of the lasso is enhanced if in the scenario near it is the Devil (then the Court is interpreted as a persistent evasion of change) or Hanged (profound repentance).

Career (direct position of the Court)

What is the significance of the Court (Tarot) in the hands of the career in the direct position? If, with this kind of fortune telling, the Court card fell out, then, the revival of professional activity is expected. This option also reports that the monotonous working days are about to stay (or have already stayed) in the past. In this case, a person can hope for significant changes in his career, that in his business (project, undertakings), in the end there will come a turning point.

In the fortune-telling of the future new work, this lasso confidently confirms that it will be found that this new place should be moved, since it will be much more promising and more interesting than the previous one. If in the professional sphere everything is stable, then the Court points to getting rid of some long-standing problem, from an unnecessary and annoying duty and the like.

Together with the Sun, the Court in the situation is treated as the coming of fame, and with the Magician - as an improvement of professional skills. If the Court is near Justice, this is explained as the ability to objectively and sensibly assess confusing situations.

Career (inverted position of the Court)

The court turned over in the hands of the profession is usually interpreted as imposing problems, the forcing of which can lead a person to the best stage of his career. However, one must realize that obstacles can be not only external (procrastination), but also expressed in an inner sense of regret, pessimistic judgments.

And what value does the Court (the Tarot) have if it is placed near the Emperor? In this case, the map is explained as obstacles that a person will encounter when deploying his plan. If a Troika of Wands appeared near the Court, then the person will have a useful, albeit a martyr's experience.

Card Tip

In fact, the Court predicts that events are coming, changes can not be avoided. And it will be better if a person takes it. Because then he can go in the right direction leisurely and confidently, solving problems, overcoming obstacles and paying attention to the significant.

General attitude to divination

Many people are interested in the question: "How to guess?" It is known that this art is based on the judgment that at random a chosen tarot card (or several cards) contains a symbolic answer to a question that was orally or mentally asked before removing it from the deck .

A lot of tarologists today say that the sorcerer in fact can not provide the inquirer with any reliable information (phone number or account, the number of items, the amount of money, etc.) or to answer specific questions. They say that divination also can not answer a question that involves an equivalent answer, "yes" or "no."

And yet it is believed that the Tarot deck can predict the course of events, explain the veiled motives of people's actions and the causes of phenomena, portend in general outlines the results of applying diligence in this or that vector. By the way, the tarologists warn that repeated guessings on the same topic within a short period of time will not be reliable.

Conversation session

What is Tarot's divination "Three Cards"? This is one of the most reliable and simplest ways to find out what is happening now or happen in the near future with a questioner. Even inexperienced fortune tellers can use this method. This alignment can be performed many times, but the measure of compliance is still recommended.

In general, in simple cases, the divination is reduced to building a query, extracting the first card from the deck and commenting it according to the specified query. However, such a method is inconvenient, since the interpretation of a single card is often either contradictory or irrelevant.

The Tarot of the Three Cards is also included in this version. The predictor, wishing to obtain a more detailed and detailed answer, uses groups of cards selected involuntarily. He puts them on the table in a certain order - performs the alignment. Each alignment has its own target group of tasks, which it is called upon to solve ("partnership relations", "general state of affairs", "work", "love", "self-knowledge", "relationships with others" and so on). As a result, the map, which fell in the specific position of the scenario, is no longer a general, but a much narrower explanation.

We hope that after reading our article, you will be able to explain the meaning of the Court (Tarot) card in different ratios.

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