Spiritual developmentTarot

Divination by Tarot: Gypsy

Fortune telling on Tarot cards is quite a popular way to look into the future. Those who are already familiar with this type of prediction, probably heard about the gypsy scenario of the Tarot. This is a very ancient method of divination, which can help in covering many interesting questions.

What is it for?

Before we consider how to correctly guess in this way, we will find out why this alignment is necessary. As a rule, when it is carried out, it is very important to take into account a certain period of time: a week, a month, a year. He can show the relationship in the person's environment, his hidden abilities, talents and what hides fate from him. As a rule, for the gypsy layout of the Tarot, there is no need to clearly formulate the question. It is enough to think about the event of interest to you and the time during which it will occur.

Preparation for fortune-telling

Before you begin to divination, you need to relax and free your head from unnecessary thoughts. An incorrect attitude can lead to the fact that the cards will give untrue answers. There should be only one question in the head or the situation that worries you. Think about it, imbued with the feelings that it evokes in you. Only after this it is necessary to pick up the deck and begin to shuffle it. Gypsy alignment in the Tarot, like any other, must be performed without the presence of unauthorized persons.

In addition, there are several varieties of this fortune telling: small and large layouts. The second gives a more detailed answer, but also requires more time for guessing. Let us consider them in more detail.

Small alignment: the technique of divination

It is this method of guessing that is most popular, since it requires much less time and knowledge of combinations of maps. Even a beginner to fulfill this alignment will not be a huge task. It only requires 7 cards. In addition, if the question is sufficiently important and complex, then for the divination should be used only maps of the Major Arcana. To carry out a small gypsy Tarot layout, they are laid out in the form of a triangle, starting from the top, while slandering the right words. The first card is my I, the second one - what decorates me, the third one - what frightens me, the fourth one - what leads me, the fifth one - that will not go away from me, the sixth - what will become of me, and the last - what will I have left. Next, you need to determine what the fallen cards mean in the Gypsy tarot.

Interpretation of the results

Of course, in order to get an answer to the question posed, you need to know the meaning of each card. Let's consider an example.

The first signifies the "higher self". These are thoughts that bother the person, the essence of the problem, about which he asks, its deep meaning. In this case, the Page of Pentacles indicates that a person has a chance to change something. Most likely, he is at a crossroads and does not know which way to choose.

The second card - "what loves you" - indicates events and people who bring positive emotions and good luck to your life. In this particular case, the Power card fell out. It means that in fact a person has a hidden inexhaustible power. He does not use all his reserves and for this reason finds himself in a quandary - this is what the Tarot cards in the gypsy scenario say.

The third card indicates negative circumstances and people. Seven Wands denotes gossip, intrigue and struggle. The map warns that you can get into trouble by the fault of others.

Answering the question "what leads me", the card indicates events that should be a lesson for you. It is necessary to pay special attention to this card, to rethink its behavior and change it. In this case, the Four of the Cups means an overabundance. She warns that in all things a measure is necessary. If, for example, the question concerned a love relationship, then this card can warn about excessive pressure on the partner.

The fifth card symbolizes the inevitable events. Even knowing about them, you can not change them. In an inverted position, the Ace of Swords means a conflict situation, aggression, unforeseen expenses.

Sixth and seventh show the coming events regarding the issue. They symbolize the outcome of the situation. In this scenario the Nine Cups and Pages of the Cups symbolize good news, unexpected pleasant meetings. Undoubtedly, the situation, which was asked, will be solved in the best way, if the questioner corrects his mistakes, which the previous cards told him.

Large alignment

To get a more detailed answer in this way it is recommended to guess. In the Tarot, the gypsy alignment (large) is performed with the help of the Senior and Junior Arcana. They need to be divided. Older Arcana are used by everyone, but from the second it is necessary to arbitrarily select 20 pieces. Next, the deck needs to be shuffled well, ask her a question and put it into six piles. In each, you get the same number of cards, equal to seven. Now the first stack should be arranged in one row (upper), the next below - and so all six stacks. The result is a rectangle consisting of six rows and having 7 cards in each. Next, you need to determine the value of the received cards.

Interpretation of tarot divination. Gipsy alignment (large)

Of course, to determine the value of all 42 cards seems at first very difficult. However, in fact, everything is much simpler. First of all, remember that the first series tells about the past, the second one - about the present, the third - about the future, the fourth - about the inevitable events, the fifth - what should be avoided, and the sixth - this is the result of the situation. In addition, in this scenario, it is necessary first of all to pay attention to the Old Arcana and begin the interpretation of each series precisely from them.

There is another way of interpretation. It is related to the sphere that a person asks about. For example, if the question relates to a financial plan, then first of all it is necessary to pay attention to the suit of Denarii (Pentakli). It is based on the value of these cards, and you should continue to interpret all the others. In the relationship and the love sphere will help understand the suit of the Cups. First of all, they pay attention to them and their combinations with the Senior Arcana and only then begin to interpret all the others.

Meaning of the Elder Arcana

It is these maps that are very important and important in each scenario. In divination by Tarot cards in a large gypsy scenario in the second row, you must choose the Senior Arcane, which corresponds to the requested problem. It is from this map that you should continue to interpret, considering other maps. So, for example, the Tower denotes the collapse of all hopes and plans, the Wheel of Fortune is destiny, events that can not be influenced. Priestess, Empress, Emperor, Priest - map data in the Gypsy scenario symbolize the surrounding people. Jester and Hanged - enemies and frivolous acquaintances, the Moon, the Sun and the Star are certain important events in the life of the questioner.

The Meaning of the Minor Arcana

Of course, one should not underestimate the role of the Minor Arcana in divination on Tarot cards. Gipsy alignment is no exception. First of all, you need to know that they are all divided into four suits: Denarii, Cups, Swords and Wands. Each of them symbolizes a certain sphere of life.

So, Denarii personifies the elements of the Earth, and therefore, are connected with money matters. The predominance or lack of these maps in the scenario is not a good sign. In the first case, this indicates that a person in life displays excessive activity, and in the second - on the contrary, that he is passive.

Swords - the suit of fighting and confrontation. Too many cards of this suit means that the person is in a difficult position. If you look at the love of a man in the Gypsy Tarot, then the Swords say that you will have to fight for attention. Most likely, you will have a rival.

The element of the Cup suit is water, which means that they symbolize feelings and strong emotions, both good and bad. These are all experiences that a person will experience in relation to his problem. Interpretation of this particular suit is very difficult, because, as a rule, the Cups cards must be interpreted depending on the nearby ones.

When guessing at the Tarot in the gypsy scenario, a suit such as the Wands can fall out. They symbolize work, duties, business deals, plans. If the questioner asked the question about this sphere, then the Wands in the divination should pay special attention. They will tell how the work of the person will move forward, whether it is necessary to risk it and what to expect.

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