Food and drinkLow-calorie products

Breakfast low-calorie: a conscious need

Often, some people who watch their weight tend to completely refuse the first meal, arguing that, say, in the morning and so the body rested and cheerful after sleep. And completely in vain. According to many nutritionists, breakfast, low-calorie and small volumes, a person needs almost always (well, if not in case of fasting for any purpose - therapeutic or losing weight). Why this happens, let's try to understand this article.


Let us turn to the theory of the question. Even if low-calorie, breakfast is extremely necessary for several reasons. Firstly, the food that you ate in the morning, almost does not affect the figure (tested in practice by many). But while using it, you get a powerful energy charge for the whole day. Secondly, a low-calorie breakfast helps to start digestion, proper functioning of the pancreas and provides a qualitative digestion of food. After all, what happens: if you do not eat in the morning, then at lunch or worse - in the evening you are full of soul. Your digestive tract is sleeping for almost the entire day, and then there is a powerful release of bile and pancreatic juice during a large-scale evening meal. Your stomach does not have time to digest, food remains in the intestines for a long time, forming slags and provoking all sorts of disorders and dysbacteriosis. A few years of this wrong diet - and the body will necessarily tell you its "fi" (most likely, it will happen sooner). A breakfast, low-calorie and small in volume (and therefore not able to lead to the formation of excessive fat cells, so worrisome for those who observe all sorts of diets), removes all these harmful to health factors. And your stomach, and other organs, will not be overstrained by the uneven consumption of food.

What should a low-calorie breakfast look like?

Firstly, it should immediately be stipulated that it should not be made up of sandwiches with cheese, for example, and smoked sausage, which many like so much. Breakfast should be full, but not reminiscent of snacks. We should also exclude fast food and all sorts of semi-finished products as food that does not deserve our attention in any way. It is worth trying: breakfast low-calorie can be not only useful, but also delicious. And if you are so afraid of getting better, it's best to give up late dinners that turn into dinners, and instead drink a glass of kefir or ryazhenka. But breakfast is simply necessary!


Well, now let's try to cook a low-calorie breakfast with you. Recipes can be very diverse. There are a lot of decent dishes for the first breakfast, having almost zero calories, which certainly will not affect your figures in any way. They can consist of yogurts, fermented milk products, sea fish, berries, fruits, vegetables of all kinds, pumpkin, mushrooms. All this food is quickly absorbed, but on the other hand, you will not have a feeling of hunger for a long time.

Salads and smoothies

For such breakfasts are very suitable all kinds of salads and smoothies, both from fruits and vegetables. Usually they are seasoned with either vegetable oil, kefir, or low-fat yoghurt. You can add a couple drops of lemon juice to get a sour taste (it's important not to overdo it and add a couple of drops). Here are several principles for preparing such simple and very low-calorie dishes :

  1. All the ingredients are best taken for the season. The last crop loses vitamins and can be covered with various means, increasing the shelf life. Seasonal approach to the construction of delicious and useful salads is especially concerned with berries.
  2. Hard vegetables are best grated, so they will be better absorbed. Vegetable salads it is more useful to fill with olive oil, adding a drop of lemon juice and slightly podsalivaya.
  3. For fans of liquid dishes - smoothies: blender - our everything! It can grind almost any mass of vegetables or fruits, season with herbs and drink this yummy as a breakfast. In this dish, for sure, we will have a minimum content of fats and calories.

Low calorie breakfasts with calories

As examples, we give several such options. But you can do your best to show your imagination and try something new every time:

  1. Fruit salad with yoghurt. Its calorific value per 100 grams is only 65 kcal. The protein content - 4 grams, fats - less than a gram, carbohydrates - about 10 grams. To prepare a salad for several people, you need to take a couple of apples, two bananas, ten berries of large strawberries (or other berries for the season), a glass of low-fat yogurt without aromatic additives. For lovers of sugar: you can add a spoonful of honey. We prepare simply: we clear fruits and cut them finely. All mixed, filling with yogurt. The main thing is not to eat more than one bowl (for those who follow the diet: 200 grams of the dish equals 130 kcal), as the salad turns out to be very tasty!
  2. Fruit and berry smoothies. This dish has a generally minimal amount of calories due to the fact that it only includes fruits, juice and berries (35 kcal per 100 grams), and fats - 0 grams! In a blender, pour a glass of apple juice (better, of course, cook it yourself), put two large soft apples, previously cleaned and cut into small pieces, 100 grams of berries for the season (strawberries, raspberries, blueberries, gooseberries, currants). We turn on the blender and grind everything to the state of the liquid slurry. Drink no more than a glass for breakfast!

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