Food and drinkLow-calorie products

Products containing potassium

Heavy physical activity, stress, alcohol and sweets abuse contribute to the loss of potassium. The first signs of his lack are fatigue, nervous exhaustion. A man tries to cheer himself up with coffee, and he in turn launches potassium from the body. In addition, with a shortage of potassium, bruises quickly appear, and pain in the muscles is disturbed. These signs can easily be eliminated by rubbing apple cider vinegar with honey into the muscles of the limbs.

If you feel constant fatigue, you often have bruises, small vessels burst, there are unreasonable cramps in your legs, then this is a signal of potassium deficiency. And you just add to the menu products containing potassium to feel much better. Without the need and the appointment of a doctor, one should not self-medicate and take potassium preparations, since its excess in the body is much more dangerous than its lack.

Millet porridge is an available source of potassium. It is enough to cook and divide the porridge into several receptions during the day. A drink, prepared from a glass of boiled water with 1 tsp dissolved in it. Honey and 1 tsp apple cider vinegar, will greatly enhance the effect. But drink this drink in small sips and in between meals. Use foods that contain potassium in your daily life to feel healthy.

Want to know which foods contain the maximum amount of potassium? This is not dried apricots, raisins or baked potatoes, as there is an opinion among the people. The most rich in potassium products are honey and apple cider vinegar. Only people use them in their diets much less often than they should. Just like yeast and wheat bran, and in fact they contain a lot of potassium.

Products containing potassium can be conditionally divided into two groups. The first group is the products of vegetable origin: vegetables, fruits, cereals, nuts. And the second group - products of animal origin: fish, liver, cottage cheese. Of the dried fruits, the greatest amount of potassium is found in dried apricots, figs, prunes, and suits. They can be eaten in the winter season. And in the summer it is better to give preference to vegetables and berries: cucumbers, tomatoes, radish, carrots, zucchini, pumpkin, cabbage, red currant, cowberry. Of the nuts, the largest supply of potassium is in almonds, pine nuts, peanuts, but in walnuts and cashews, potassium is much less.

Try to eat more bananas, carrots, oranges, melons, watermelons, make juice and mashed potatoes for a change.

Potassium is found in many everyday products, we consume it daily, without even thinking about which foods have potassium, and in which it is not.

Rye bread, oatmeal and millet cereals, potatoes, fish and milk are consumed by all people, and in fact it contains a lot of this important trace element.

It is very important to properly prepare foods containing potassium, so that it is better absorbed and not destroyed. Do not soak food before preparing it in water, especially potatoes. It is more useful to cook for a couple or bake in the oven. Try not to leave on the plate chopped pieces of fruit and vegetables, do not keep long-peeled vegetables, so as not to lose potassium. When buying vegetables and fruits, give preference to fresh, undamaged products, because in sluggish, cracked vegetables, such as for example cabbage, carrots or potato potatoes remains negligible.

Normally, potassium is in equilibrium with sodium and magnesium, which in turn is important for the proper functioning of the heart. Its main function is to ensure the normal operation of all cell walls in the human body. Potassium helps to provide the brain with oxygen, relieves fatigue and prevents the development of chronic fatigue syndrome, the most common condition in modern life conditions. It is simply necessary for us to be energetic, healthy and enduring people.

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