HealthHealthy Eating

Raisins: benefit and harm

Dried berries of grapes are called raisins. It is very interesting that the dried grapes (raisins) properties differ from fresh grapes and this fact was known in ancient times. This dried fruit takes its weighty place in folk medicine.

About whether raisins are useful, you can talk for a long time. It has undoubted therapeutic properties, it contains mineral salts, vitamins, organic acids, sugars, proteins, thiamine, niacin, fats, minerals.

Raisins, depending on the variety and place of growth, can differ in color, it can be with or without a stone. As to which raisins are more useful, nutritionists say that dark varieties are more valuable than light ones.

They supply different raisins from Uzbekistan, Turkey, Iran, Afghanistan. The benefits and harms of dried fruits are known to many people, so the majority resorts to preventive treatment or even refuses to use raisins, fearing complications.

By types raisins can be divided into four categories. The first is a light, seedless, raisin-free raisins (kishmish). A very dark raisins without seeds are determined to the second species. The medium-sized olive-colored berries , having a bone, are referred to the third species. To the fourth kind, raisins are very large fleshy and sweet, in each berry to three bones.

Sam raisins, benefits and harms that it brings are known to many nutritionists, I would like to take a closer look at these two aspects. Since ancient times it was believed that raisins can heal. At the present time, this product is recommended for disorders of the nervous system, for heart diseases. Can be used in the prevention of anemia, impaired liver, kidneys. Dry fruits are useful in diseases of the gastrointestinal tract. And organic acids, which are part of raisins, have antibacterial properties, strengthen teeth and maintain gum health. It will help in the fight against feverish manifestations, weakness is still the same raisins. The benefits and harms of such a product are described in many sources. The suit contains nitrogenous substances, thiamine, proteins, niacin, antioxidants, magnesium, boron, potassium, iron. The use of raisins per day should not exceed 60 grams.

With regard to the harm that can cause the body raisins, it contains sugar 8 times more than in grapes. It is not recommended for use with obesity, diabetes, heart failure, enterocolitis, ulcers. As mentioned above, it should not be eaten without measure, it contains a large concentration of nutrients. This applies not only to raisins, but to all dried fruits. Another not very pleasant moment, which concerns the purchase of raisins. The product is not always clean. After you have made a purchase, hold raisins in sour milk for decontamination. Then you can break the berry and see if there are larvae of insects, dirt.

About white varieties of dried fruit. To preserve color, it can be treated with sulfur dioxide. It is recommended that these varieties be washed several times, soak for at least a quarter of an hour. In the production of white varieties raisins use food colorants, which in itself in large quantities is harmful. And in order for the raisins to shine, it is oiled or greased. After all, dried fruits are usually dusty and matte.

Now we know that raisins, the benefits and harms of which have been repeatedly proved by many scientists and physicians, can have both curative, preventive, and negative properties. Remember that the product is caloric, do not forget about contraindications, do not overeat it. In moderation add to the diet dried fruits, in particular raisins, it will only benefit your body, because the amount of vitamins and minerals that are in the suit, is rarely found.

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