
Chemical hair straightening

There are quite a few ways to straighten hair. One of the most effective and easiest to apply is chemical straightening. Professionals this procedure is also called relaxation.

This is an option for those who do not want to mess around every day with "ironing" and hairdryers, fear bad weather and constantly worry about the curls that turned smooth in the morning. After permanent straightening, the hair can be washed, combed and not worried that the hair from it will lose the amazing smoothness and shine that are obtained as a result of the procedure.

Permanent erection is not absolutely harmless to the hair: the effects of the preparations lead to a change in their structure. How justified and safe is chemical hair straightening? Comments of women who resorted to such a means of changing the hairstyle, often differ sharply: some argue that straightening did not affect the hair in a negative way, others after the first experiment for ever give up attempts at repetition.

Before the procedure, it is absolutely necessary to consult a professional. Painted, weakened, fine hair is not recommended for chemical straightening, as this can significantly worsen the condition and appearance.

Chemical straightening starts with the preliminary application of Vaseline cream on the scalp to prevent possible burn damage. Then the rectifier - sodium hydroxide - is applied to the hair and evenly distributed . The active substances penetrate the structure of the hair and open the cuticle. After that, the hair is covered with a neutralizer, which suspends the action of the rectifier. At the final stage, conditioning is carried out.

Hair becomes perfectly even, smooth and shiny. The effect of straightening lasts two or more months. But since it is natural for hair to grow back fairly quickly, chemical straightening will have to be repeated as soon as the difference between their state along the length and the roots becomes noticeable. In the second time, the rectifier composition can only be applied to the roots, since repeated exposure to the entire length of the hair can lead to their partial destruction.

After the procedure, the hair needs a more thorough care, because they have been caused some damage by chemicals. It is not necessary to use hairpins, it is necessary, whenever possible, to abandon the stowage or the styler. And also periodically make restoring and strengthening masks, apply conditioners, balms, rinse hair with herbal decoctions.

The procedure can be performed not only in the salon. Chemical hair straightening at home - today is a fairly well-mastered procedure. This method of making hair smooth (like in salons) includes several consecutive stages. First, the hair is applied to the chemical composition - the rectifier, then the lock and finally the conditioner. At home, sodium hydroxide and ammonium thioglycolate are most often used as rectifiers. In order to prevent the chemical from getting on the skin, it must be treated with a fat cream or petroleum jelly.

At home chemical straightening it is necessary to be especially attentive to all stages of procedure, to follow the instructions applied to straighteners. Before the procedure, you need to check how your skin reacts to the effects of certain drugs with which you plan to conduct chemical straightening.

It should be borne in mind that, no matter how sparing any chemical straighteners, they all have a negative effect on the structure of the hair. Therefore, it is necessary to carefully weigh the pros and cons before deciding on such radical measures. Fashion, of course, requires sacrifice, but they must be reasonable.

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