HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pain in the elbow joint

The elbow joint is a joint of the ulnar, humerus, and also the radius bone. Most likely, you know that the entire surface of the joint is under the hyaline cartilage, which performs a function that promotes a soft and smooth movement of the joint. It is believed that this type of joints is the most difficult, since it contains a large number of smaller joints: radial, pleural and brachial.

In order to overcome fear and undergo treatment of pain in the elbow joint, it is necessary to know that the diagnosis of the joint for a variety of diseases has no painful consequences and for its effective passage it is necessary to turn to the help of specialists with extensive knowledge. They perfectly know their business and have all the necessary equipment.

Pain in the ulnar fold is very common and has a sufficient number of causes. In order to find out the cause of these pains, it is advisable to undergo a test, which the doctor usually appoints himself, but this does not always happen, so you should insist.

What causes pain in the elbow joint? There are a lot of them and each of them should be considered separately. The most significant of them are: tumors, inflammations, osteochondrosis.

One of the main causes of pain is the so-called "literal epicondelite, also called" the elbow of a tennis player ". Sometimes on its background, the development of a medial epicondylitis, which is called the "elbow of a golfer", is possible. With the appearance of palpation, not only soreness is noticed, but also the appearance of pain during passive movement. In such cases, doctors come to the aid of specific tests that help to differentiate different diseases from the pathology of the nadir.

Another important reason, because of which there is pain in the elbow joint, is the bursitis of the elbow process. The elbow bag is located on top of its appendage and has no connection with the joint cavity. Sumo inflammation is due to the fact that the patient has chronic injuries on the back of the ulnar surface or a combination of such diseases as gout and arthritis.

Also, pain in the elbow joint can occur due to the lesion of one of the joints, which is called hemophilia. Doctors often frighten patients with monoarthritis, but in practice it can be met quite rarely. Blockages in the joints are mostly due to the dissecting osteochondritis of the epiphysis of the humerus.

In the event that, without any external changes, there is a restriction of mobility in the elbow joint, it can be assumed that this is due to a disease such as diffuse fasciitis. Due to this pathology, the skin looks like an orange peel and it is almost impossible to assemble it into one crease. Also under it you can easily feel the compaction, which does not cause any painful sensations.

Pain in the elbow joint is sometimes reflected. The cause of this can be the infringement of the roots of the nerves in the hernia of the intervertebral region. This pathology disrupts the process of flexing the arms in the elbow area, and also carries the possibility of the appearance of atrophy of the biceps muscle.

If you have pain in the elbow joint, then you should not engage in self-medication, as an adequate treatment should appoint a qualified specialist. In the event that you suspect a lesion of the elbow joint, you need to turn to a rheumatologist, a traumatologist and a neurologist. You can get advice about the effectiveness of using Lyapko applicators from all the same specialists.

If you follow the instructions described in this article, be sure to find out the cause of the anxiety.

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