HealthDiseases and Conditions

Signs of prostatitis, advice and recommendations

A delayed and prolonged inflammatory process can lead to irreversible changes and chronic prostatitis. Patients with signs of prostatitis often develop disorders of the nervous system, often there are sexual disorders, a sense of partner insolvency and erectile dysfunction. Chronic prostatitis adversely affects the reproductive health of men.

Typical Symptoms

Pain in the groin, which extend to the external genitalia, is the classic signs of prostatitis. In some cases, the disease can occur accompanied by a weakening of the sexual function and with minor impairment of urination.

Atypical symptoms

A man may have no signs and symptoms of prostatitis, as well as a feeling of discomfort. But they often do not get married children. In such cases, the disease is detected in the diagnosis of male infertility and is prescribed a comprehensive treatment.

Symptoms of prostatitis in old age

In the elderly, the signs and treatment of chronic prostatitis have their own characteristics. After 50 years, the disease favors the aggravation of the prostate adenoma and adds significant inconveniences, such as difficulty and frequent urination.

Home Treatment

Elatomsky instrument factory produces the device MAVIT (ULP-01), intended for complex therapy of a chronic form of prostatitis in a home environment. The device combines the actions of three therapeutic factors that affect the prostate: mechanical vibration, pulsed electromagnetic and thermal field. The combination of physiotherapeutic factors MAVITa creates a therapeutic effect on the vascular and lymphatic channels, nerve plexuses, surrounding the prostate tissue and on the gland by combined thermal, contact unconscious and magnetic effects.

Prevention of prostatitis

Tobacco smoking, alcohol abuse, suspended sexual intercourse, sexual redundancy and dysrhythmia of sexual activity contribute to increased blood flow to the pelvic organs and venous saturation in the prostate gland, thereby exacerbating the signs of prostatitis. Thanks to "stagnant phenomena" in the body creates a fertile environment for the retention of pathogens and infections that can be transmitted during sexual intercourse. Therefore, it is necessary to prevent the likelihood of a disease with such a disease! Venereologists believe that prostatitis is an inevitable consequence of gonorrheal urethritis. If you are diagnosed with chronic prostatitis, then you should not exaggerate the probability of negative consequences of the disease. It will take a healthy lifestyle, physical work and sports. It should be remembered that the use of even a small amount of alcoholic beverages will inevitably lead to an aggravation. In the treatment recommended orderly sex life.

One should know that even protracted signs of prostatitis do not exclude a normal family life if the patient and his attending physician are appropriately treated for the disease.

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