HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hashimoto disease - a disease of the thyroid gland

Hashimoto's disease Is named so by the name of the Japanese doctor, for the first time in 1912 described an autoimmune thyroiditis - an increase in the thyroid gland. The term "autoimmune" ("auto" - itself, its own) means that the aggression of the immune system, which is normally directed against other people's cells, is directed against its own, that is, in this case the thyroid gland cells, which are perceived by the body as alien.

Hashimoto's thyroiditis is asymptomatic at first. Occasionally, unpleasant sensations and minor pain in the neck may be felt. When probing, you can identify a solid non-uniform goiter. There are two types (types) of autoimmune thyroid diseases : one of them is Graves disease, when the secretion of the hormones of the gland is observed in excess, the other, on the contrary, the synthesis of hormones is lowered (myxedema or Hashimoto disease).

Hashimoto disease With the passage of time is manifested by lethargy, drowsiness, dry skin and hair, constipation. Begins to increase body weight due to fluid retention. Symptoms can increase for several years. Memory worsens, thinking, there is shortness of breath, swelling. Movements become slow, and people become slow. Violated sexual functions: in women - menstrual cycle, infertility, in men - decreased sexual desire, impotence. There is also a coarsening of facial features, vagueness of speech, bradycardia (slowing of cardiac contractions), changes in voice, color of skin. Since the thyroid gland continues to increase in the course of the disease, symptoms of neck compression begin to be felt, pain during swallowing, dyspnoea in lying position is noted.

The disease is more likely to affect women than men (4-7 times). There are several reasons for Hashimoto 's disease . It can be a hereditary disease. If close relatives have a pathology of the thyroid gland and suffer from diabetes mellitus, the likelihood of Hashimoto's disease is significantly increased. The provoking factors may be viral diseases, ARI and even caries.

Hashimoto's disease in the neglected stage is very difficult. Generalized edema leads to dyspnea, pericarditis (acute inflammation of the pericardial sac), ascites (abdominal dropsy). Significant deterioration in the condition may result in a hypothyroid coma. Therefore, with a sharp decrease in pressure, with the appearance of inhibition or loss of consciousness, it is urgent to seek medical help.

The effect of drug treatment largely depends on the stage of the disease. Therefore, the sooner the treatment is started, the more naturally the results will be better. Two methods of treatment are used: therapeutic and surgical. Some hormonal drugs have a good therapeutic effect. These include thyroidin, which symptoms of autoimmune thyroiditis leads to the reverse development, that is, reduces the thyroid gland to normal size.

Hashimoto's disease can last for months and years. Also, her treatment can last for a long time. Doses of drugs are prescribed strictly individually. Recently, cortisone, adrenocorticotropic hormone or prednisolone has been widely used in the treatment of the disease. Treatment significantly alleviates the general condition of patients, reduces the phenomenon of hypothyroidism. Satisfactory results were also noted when irradiating the thyroid gland with X-rays.

But it is difficult to expect a particularly significant success in cases when the iron has already experienced irreversible changes. In such cases, surgery is shown - thyroidectomy, which involves the complete removal of the thyroid gland or its fragment. After surgery, a substitution therapy is prescribed to protect the patient from the hypofunction of the gland, as well as the appearance of a tumor in its remaining part.

It is important that patients who undergo surgery are observed at least twice a year by a doctor and strictly follow the recommended course of treatment.

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