HealthDiseases and Conditions

Why does the nose bleed?

During life, each of us at least once faced with such an unpleasant situation as nosebleed. Some even horrified the look of a man who blew his nose. Statistics show that one person in fifty regularly meets with the fact that he constantly has blood from his nose.

However, let's try to understand why the nose is bleeding. First of all, it is the signal of our body that there are glitches and irregularities in its work. Therefore, one can not ignore such a phenomenon.

Another reason why the nose is flowing from the nose is an ordinary picking in the nose. For this reason, sixty-five percent of all nasal bleeding occurs. Everyone knows that the nose is a very sensitive area of the face. There are many tiny blood vessels in it.

The next reason for the blood flowing from the nose may be the age. If this is a teenager - bleeding can be associated with a change in appearance, facial features. If the mucous membrane in the nose dries, then it is very easy to damage the capillaries. If you add to this the childish predilection picking in the nose - then "the picture converges."

But why does the blood from the nose happen often and strongly? In adults this may be due to a lack of certain vitamins - for example, vitamin C. The causes of intense bleeding may be more serious - it is a disease of internal organs, blood, bacterial infection, heavy physical labor or emotional stress, prolonged exposure to the open sun.

In elderly people, the cause of epistaxis can be increased blood pressure, atherosclerosis, and, again, a mechanical effect - because with age, the walls of the vessels become thinner.

If a person suffers from a chronic cold, then his exacerbation can also be the cause of epistaxis. If you intensively blow your nose, cough and sneeze - also do not be surprised why the nose is bleeding. Curvature of the nasal septum, dustiness of premises, dry air - all this contributes to the drying of the mucous membrane, because of which on the inner walls of the nose dry crusts are formed. Their grazing leads to damage to the blood vessels.

If you are allergic and experience a period of exacerbation, you probably noticed that the nasal mucosa swells, the vessels widen and the nose "swells".

Stop minor nosebleeds will help the introduction into the bleeding nostril of a cotton swab dipped in a solution of hydrogen peroxide. At the same time, it is necessary to press the wing of the nose against the nasal septum. To the bridge of the nose and the neck it is desirable to apply cold - ice, a handkerchief or towel soaked in cold water. But if such a trouble caught you on the street in the winter, then it is not recommended to use snow, so as not to infect the body with dirt or infection. The pharmacy sells special sterile haemostatic sponges, and if you constantly bleed from the nose for no apparent reason, carry them with you to get out of the situation in this situation. These sponges contribute to the folding of blood. However, you need to undergo a complete examination to see why the nose is bleeding, especially if it happens regularly. The reasons can be hidden, and only an experienced doctor can find them.

If the bleeding is severe, you need to lie down so that the head is above your legs. Do not try to throw your head back so that drops of blood do not enter the stomach or the respiratory tract.

If we talk about folk methods, it is good to help with frequent nasal bleeding grass - common yarrow, nettle, shepherd's bag. Grasses are brewed at a ratio of 20 grams of dry matter to a glass of water, boiled for a quarter of an hour in a water bath, then filtered and cooled. Take the broth should be one tablespoon three times a day. In addition to the aforementioned medicinal plants in the fight against nasal bleeding, the viburnum proved to be well established.

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