Health, Diseases and Conditions
Dysbacteriosis in an infant - where truth and fiction
With the birth of a child in the life of parents there is a lot of trouble associated with caring for a newborn, as young parents often lack experience and self-confidence. The smallest deviations of the baby from imaginary norms of development or life activity can sow panic and catch up with the pope with a sacred horror, because any variations of the norm seem to be signs of an incipient illness or already formed illness. The same applies to a condition such as a dysbacteriosis in a baby - the symptoms can appear suddenly and in fact testify to the development and more dangerous diseases.
Scary and terrible dysbiosis
One of the main horrors of young parents is dysbiosis in an infant who is scared by many pediatricians and the media. Any discrepancy in color or consistency of feces is perceived as an affirmation of the disorder, the prescription of medicinal preparations begins, and even the refusal of breastfeeding in favor of an artificial one is possible. In fact, not everything is as terrible as it seems at first glance, the diagnosis of "dysbiosis" in an infant can be made only on the basis of laboratory tests and medical examination of the child in the aggregate.
Nature of the process
While the fetus develops in the maternal tummy, he does not need to digest food himself, because he receives all the necessary substances directly through the umbilical cord, so his gastrointestinal tract is absolutely sterile. For the first time, microorganisms get there at a time when the baby passes through the birth canal of the mother, and then the microflora of the intestine is supplemented by all the microbes that are transmitted at any contacts with both the mother and the environment. That is why dysbacteriosis in an infant with the condition that the necessary rules of feeding and care can not arise, even in principle.
In the first minutes after the birth of the baby is applied to the chest, and he receives the first drops of precious colostrum, in which, as in breast milk, contain special substances that promote the development and growth of bifidobacteria in the intestines of the baby. These bacteria will be the main inhabitants of the digestive tract of the child as long as it is breastfed. The diagnosis of "dysbiosis" in an infant can be established if the beneficial bacteria for some reason can no longer perform their functions, which is expressed in disorders of the stool and the poor health of the child.
Manifestations of dysbiosis
In fact, it is impossible to accurately isolate and classify the symptoms of dysbiosis in infants, because each child is unique and the processes of vital activity of his organism are also unique. Nevertheless, attention should be paid to too frequent stools (more than 12 times a day), watery stools, vomiting, fever, weight loss, too long and deep sleep, after which the child is hard to wake up and does not look rested even After several hours of sleep. In addition, you need to see a doctor if the child has a fennel, a weakness, urination occurs less than 2 times a day, and urine has a more pronounced sharp odor and dark color.
In fact, dysbacteriosis in infants, the symptoms of which can vary, is quite rare, especially if the child is fully breastfed. Talk about dysbacteriosis in infants is possible only if in the analysis of stool there is a pathogenic microflora, and the child's condition objectively inspires fears. If the child is gaining weight and is quite cheerful, then it is not necessary to talk about any disorders. The key to the health and happiness of the baby is the happiness of his mother, who feels confident next to him, even if breastfeeding can not be said. That's why you need to focus not on numerous articles in print and electronic media, but on your own feelings, the child's well-being and the advice of an experienced pediatrician.
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