
How to recognize a lesbian? Signs of sexual orientation

Love for a representative of your gender causes different emotions in people. Someone treats such a feature with understanding, others perceive negatively. And some people do not care how others live.


The theme of homosexuality is especially discussed in society. This is due to the fact that men of non-traditional sexual orientation openly declare themselves, and do not hide their connection. Women behave differently. They do not flaunt their emotions. Therefore, same-sex women's love does not cause special outbursts in society. In fact, such relationships exist and are part of society. In this article, we will talk about lesbians and their way of life.

What is meant by the concept of "lesbian"?

It should be said that lesbianism has existed for a long time. Unisex female love is described by historians from ancient times. It is also known that such behavior of women was previously considered a deviation from the norm and with it professionals such as psychologists and psychotherapists encountered in their work. The history of the emergence of such a term as lesbianism began about three millennia ago.

Lesbianism is described as a homosexual relationship between women. Girls who enter into intimate and emotional relationships with other fair sex representatives are usually called lesbians. This terminology has not changed for many years. It is also known that lesbianism from a scientific point of view has more complex underlying causes than male homosexuality. That is, doctors note that the reasons why a woman becomes a lesbian are of a hidden nature, so in some cases they can not be recognized at a glance.

Why do women prefer same-sex love?

How to recognize a lesbian? The signs are certain. We will discuss them further. Now let's talk about why women prefer same-sex love.

Female sexual nature is a complex and multifaceted nature. There is an opinion of medical specialists in the field of psychiatry who believe that not all girls who position themselves as lesbians are such in fact. There are some women who are involved in this direction by other representatives of the fair sex. That is, these lesbians seduce completely normal women and incline them to lesbianism, although they are in fact normal women or girls without any psychological or psychic abnormalities. Also, some girls switch to homosexual relationships for some reason. For example, an unsuccessful union with a man or some other circumstances.

There are also statistics that 4% of the female population of the planet are lesbians. According to estimates of sociologists, male homosexuals are the same. There are bursts of discussion of lesbians in society, and sometimes there is a lull. In any case, the number of women who choose same-sex love does not increase or decrease. Their numbers are always on the same level.

It should be said that some women may be for a while in relationships with women of their own sex, and in a few years it is easy to get married and have children.

A well-known doctor of psychiatry Freud said that girls are bisexual. That is, they can have a relationship with their own and the opposite sex. They can experience an attraction of a sexual nature to both women and men. This is explained by the fact that in childhood the child is attached to the mother, and this applies to both boys and girls. At the subconscious level, this instinct remains for every person. With age, he can never wake up, and may become more attracted to another woman.

When a girl grows up, she has a definition of who she prefers sexually, a man or a woman. Namely, she chooses who is more attractive to her. As a rule, this choice is not individual, as it is imposed by society, family and traditions, so the girl chooses a man. In the future, as she grows up, she can reorient and get sexual experience with a representative of the weaker sex. It is possible that her partner will be older and will involve her in lesbianism.


Lesbians can be divided into three categories (the signs of a lesbian woman of each type are described below):

  1. True lesbians. This category includes women who have a relationship only with the representatives of their gender. Relations with men do not interest them, they have never had sexual intercourse with them. Either their experience was unsuccessful.
  2. Bisexual women. This category includes representatives of the fair sex who may have a love relationship with representatives of both sexes. They can be married and have mistresses.
  3. Random lesbians. There are cases when a woman was involved in love homosexual relationships. She does not continue them, marries and does not return to this topic for life.

Bisexual Nature

How to recognize a lesbian woman? All of the above women refer themselves to representatives of non-traditional sexual orientation.

However, from a medical point of view, true lesbians and bisexuals are of interest. In addition, there are polls that indicate that about half of women have had sexual experiences with women of their own sex. This fact suggests that women are bisexual in nature.

The history of lesbianism. Legend of Zeus and the beautiful lady

There are historical data that lesbians have appeared in Greece. There is a beautiful legend about how Zeus fell in love with a beauty who lived on an island called Lesbos. Zeus fell in love with her and seduced by all means, but did not receive reciprocity in return. She refused him all the time. Then Zeus became angry and destroyed all the male population of the island. Including boys. For a long time, only women lived on the island. Even the ships did not swim to the island, they were not allowed by Zeus, as he was in anger because of the beauty's refusal.

Forty years later, when the mariners managed to reach the island, they found that women had learned to do well without a male. Namely, a part of the girls took on male functions, including sexual ones. Sailing seafarers were surprised and amazed at the skills of women.

Another history of origin

There is another legend about the island of Lesbos. She says that the poetess Safina lived here. She wrote beautiful poems. They talked about the love of women to each other. These poems were beautiful and beautiful. Safin's poems enjoyed great popularity among the local population, and also became known throughout the world. It should be said that the poet herself had many connections with men and was not a lesbian.

It is also known that many lesbians were in countries such as Syria, Iran, China. There are a lot of Chinese poems about non-traditional love. It is worth noting that little is written about lesbians in poems and without any details. But as regards the homosexual relations of samurai, there is their colorful description with details of intimate relationships. Even there is a description of the homosexual nature between mentors and students. The fact that lesbians are not given much importance, suggests that this behavior of girls is quite normal. Also female love was described as thin, gentle. She was more beautiful and refined than the usual relationship between a man and a woman.

Reasons why a woman becomes a lesbian

How to recognize a lesbian? There is a medical opinion that women are not born with such a mental abnormality as lesbianism. They become lesbians because in the life of a woman there are certain circumstances that push her to lesbianism. But also do not deny the fact that there are some women who have a craving for homosexual relationships. Their number is 1% of all girls of non-traditional orientation. The other lovers of same-sex love became its adherents due to the influence of external factors.

It has also been shown that a deficiency of serotonin in the female body can lead to a change in orientation. Since the girl does not get enough emotional coloring from the usual way of her life, she needs new sources. Lesbianism is one of such sources, it can give a woman new sensations and emotions that will fill her life with the necessary colors and make her happy and satisfied. This behavior of girls has the right to exist, but it is a theory. Scientific evidence highlights other causes that affect the reorientation of women.

Medical features of the female body

Pathological processes that affect an organ such as the ovaries affect women's behavior. The girls have male behavior. What are the signs of lesbians? They begin to look like a man and meet women.

Psychological features

The main psychological problem for a woman is her unattractive appearance. Some girls think that they are absolutely not of interest to the male. Therefore, they can not start a relationship with men, and switch to women. In addition, some of the fair sex begin to compare themselves with others. They think that those are beautiful, but they are not. Then they begin to experience sexual attraction to their sex and extol their girlfriend.

The social dimension

This reason is the most multifaceted than the previous ones. Some life situations can push a woman to the fact that she becomes an adherent of same-sex love. Sometimes it is difficult to get to the source, as many factors influence. For example, such a complex is possible, when the relationship between the daughter and the father was not established in childhood. Parents could very much want a son's birth, and they had a daughter.

In this case, the father can begin to develop in the daughter of a man's qualities, such as leadership, perseverance, perseverance in achieving the goal. So how to recognize a lesbian? It turns out that the girl acquires a man's behavior and becomes a lesbian. With men, she begins to compete, she lacks femininity, tenderness, complaisance. In another case, because of an early departure from the mother's family, a woman can take on household chores, such as cooking, cleaning, caring for all members of the family, solving domestic problems. She suffers from a lack of maternal affection and in the future can seek affection in another woman. It was revealed that the social reasons for becoming a lesbian girl are the strongest. They are able to switch a woman to an interest in same-sex love. Also, an unsuccessful experience with the opposite sex can cause loss of interest in communication and normal relations with men.


A few years ago, there was an opinion that the distinguishing features of lesbians - is that they look like a man-like. Actually this is not true. Below are listed the signs by which you can determine that a woman is a lesbian. How to recognize a lesbian by sight? They spend a lot of time with women, prefer women's companies. The girl shows an active interest in her sex.

And how to recognize a lesbian by sight? A woman has masculine behavior, she is friendly with men. And there are many such friends in her circle of friends.

If lesbians are married, they are not satisfied with the relationship in the family. They are not satisfied with sex. Also, women develop aggressive behavior towards their husbands or other representatives of the stronger sex.

Women present themselves in society as adherents of traditional relations. They can even actively oppose lesbians and homosexuals.

How to recognize a lesbian? Supporters of non-traditional love spend a lot of time with women. Such girls prefer women's companies. In addition, there may be individual external signs of lesbians, since each organism has its own characteristics.

What other signs are there that the girl is a lesbian? Pay attention to her makeup. Usually girls of non-traditional orientation do not use cosmetics. This fact is an additional indicator of lesbian inclinations.

Active behavior of lesbians

How to recognize a lesbian of this type? Active lesbians look like boys. Their position is manifested from an early age and laid down at the genetic level. Further, parents and society praise such a girl for her active life position and so on. Thus, the girl has a tendency to male behavior. She begins to like this behavior.

Lesbians of a passive nature

What are the signs of a lesbian wife? Now we'll figure it out. This category includes women who are not satisfied with family life and are offended by the male sex. Most likely, they did not experience sexual satisfaction in bed with her husband. Basically, such women have a large number of unsatisfied sexual fantasies, which they could not realize and suffer from it. Perhaps they were subjected to violence by men. Such lesbians can return to traditional orientation after a certain time.


How to recognize a latent lesbian? This type of women manifests itself in aggressive behavior towards the male sex because of unfulfilled sexual desires. These ladies go to see a psychoanalyst. At the same time they have a family and reach heights at work. How to recognize a latent lesbian? This can be done by aggressive behavior towards men.

Family Lesbians

Now you know the signs of a latent lesbian. Besides this type there are also family ones. Who are they? In recent years, there are women who start living together and have children. They create a family and live in marriage with each other.

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