HealthDiseases and Conditions

Pediatric Roseola: Causes and Symptoms

Pediatric roseola is a fairly common infectious disease. It is accompanied by an increase in temperature and the appearance of skin rashes. Many parents are interested in the question of how the infection is transmitted, what its symptoms are and whether the disease can be cured.

Baby Roseola: Causes

It is interesting that until recently the causes of such a disease were not known. Only thanks to the latest studies it was possible to find out that the causative agent is the herpes virus of the sixth or seventh type. Statistical data indicate that the baby roseola is most often diagnosed in infants under two years of age. The source of the infection can be any person infected with the herpes virus. Quite often the kid gets infected from his own parents. The fact is that in adulthood, when the human immune system is fully formed and strong enough, herpes does not cause any symptoms. At the same time, for young children with weak immunity, a viral infection is dangerous.

Pediatric Roseola: symptoms and course of the disease

The incubation period lasts from five days to two weeks. The very same disease begins with an increase in body temperature to 38 - 39 degrees. Sometimes a cold also appears. Along with this, the child becomes capricious, often cries, refuses to eat. You can notice a small swelling of the larynx and an increase in the cervical lymph nodes. A few days later, the temperature returns to normal. Roseola baby (photo in the article) is accompanied by the appearance of a reddish rash, which in some ways resembles a rash with rubella. In most cases, redness is observed in the abdomen, neck and back. But the rash is not itchy and does not give the baby almost no discomfort. After a few days, the rashes disappear on their own.

Pediatric Roseola: Diagnosis

As a rule, a general examination and familiarization with the symptoms of a doctor is enough to suspect the presence of a viral infection. Also, blood tests are taken, which confirm the presence of an infectious disease.

Pediatric Roseola: treatment of the disease

In fact, this disease does not require hospitalization and specific treatment. And although it is relatively safe, the child should be shown to the doctor, because only the specialist will be able to carry out the diagnosis. As for therapy, it is necessary to eliminate symptoms in the first place. For example, doctors prescribe a fever antipyretics that will knock down the temperature. In addition, it is necessary to strengthen the immunity of the child - for this purpose, experts recommend the intake of vitamins and immunomodulating medications. And, of course, you need to provide the child with bed rest, full nutrition and fresh air.

Pediatric Roseola: preventive measures

Statistics show that most children manage to survive with roseola to two years of age. After the transferred disease in the body remains resistant immunity. Of course, sometimes such a disease can be avoided. But this is possible only if the child is engaged in strengthening the immune system of the child - to monitor the baby's nutrition (it should be full and contain vitamins and minerals in the required quantities), often be outdoors, do not forget about hardening.

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