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How to treat a foot injury at home? Treatment of a foot injury at home using folk remedies

Any person can get a bruised leg . Doctors say that this is quite a frequent trauma, which the population faces. And the reasons are often hidden in the banal inattention or improper handling of certain objects. Treatment of a foot injury at home is usually based on the use of medications. In pharmacies, you can choose a variety of different means. As a result, folk methods began to be forgotten.

However, today, when medicines are not affordable for everyone or are often ineffective, people have become intensely interested in how to treat a foot injury at home using old recipes.

Definition of trauma

Most people feel this kind of injury is not serious. It's a pity. After all, ignoring such a state can sometimes lead to serious consequences.

In some cases, the bruise is accompanied by a dislocation, bone fracture or a crack. Therefore, ignoring the trauma is strictly prohibited, regardless of its complexity. Be sure to consult a traumatologist. Only he is able to confirm that the injury received is solely a bruise of the foot. Treatment at home should not begin without an accurate diagnosis.

To suspect of the presence of bruising can be on the following grounds:

  1. Acute pain syndrome immediately after an injury. After a while, the acuity decreases, but the pain does not disappear.
  2. The damaged area swells. This symptomatology is observed only 15 minutes after the injury.
  3. Through the covers of the skin, there is a bruise. Its shade can range from light blue to rich black.

In such situations, it is very important to begin treatment of the foot injury at home in a timely manner.

First aid

Faced with a trauma that resembles a bruise, do not be idle. It is very important to know the simple rules of how to behave in this situation.

So, in order to ease the suffering of a person, until the time you deliver the patient to a traumatology, you should do the following:

  1. Be sure to ensure complete rest to the damaged leg site. For this, it is convenient to seat or arrange the patient.
  2. Any treatment of a foot injury at home begins with the application of ice. You can use whatever is at hand. It's cold water, a bottle of lemonade, a pack of ice cream. The cold is applied for 20 minutes with interruptions of 5 minutes.
  3. It is recommended to place an injured leg on a small hill. This will ensure a better outflow of blood.

And remember: it is from your actions, from the understanding of how to treat a bruised leg in the home, the whole further process of recovery depends.


Once the diagnosis is confirmed, there is an urgent question: how to treat a bruised foot in the home? Of course, the doctor will give appropriate recommendations.

Usually therapy is based on the application of:

  1. Anesthetics. If the patient experiences severe discomfort, then drugs "Analgin", "Nurofen", "Ibuprofen" will be prescribed.
  2. Icy compresses. In the first day after the injury is recommended to apply cold. This helps to reduce hemorrhage and eliminate pain.
  3. Compresses with medicines. They contribute to the elimination of puffiness. However, they can be used only on the second day after the injury. For lotions use drugs "Dimexide", "Romazulan", "Heparin", "Traumeel".
  4. Ointments, gels. They act locally on the site of the injury. Such drugs reduce inflammation, reduce swelling, relieve pain. The most commonly recommended drugs: "Dolobene", "Levomekol", "Lyoton", "Indovazin".

However, we should not forget about the people's means. Consider what the healers recommend to people who have received a bruised leg. Treatment at home with folk remedies must be discussed with the doctor.

Use of iodine

This tool can be found in every medicine cabinet. However, few people think that it can speed up the treatment of a foot injury at home. The use of iodine not only disinfects the skin (especially if the injury is accompanied by a wound), but also contributes to tissue repair.

Molecules penetrate deeply into the skin, stimulating the flow of blood to the site of the injury. Thus, iodine greatly accelerates the recovery process. Hemorrhage quickly resolves.

You can use the following recommendations:

  1. The simplest procedure that is recommended for injuries is the application of an iodine net on the surface of the damaged area. Do not smear the entire surface. After all, you risk getting a skin burn. And remember that you can apply the mesh only on the second day.
  2. There is another effective way to eliminate the bruise. Pour into the pan apple cider vinegar (0.5 liters) and add salt (1 tablespoon with a slide). Put the mixture in a water bath and warm it up a little. Then, add 5 drops of iodine. In the resulting liquid, moisten gauze or a napkin and apply to the place of injury. You can wrap it on top with polyethylene. Compress is put every day for 20 minutes.

Application of badyagi

Such a herb is a sufficiently effective tool that can alleviate the symptoms with bruises. Badyaga differs anti-edematous, anti-inflammatory effect, reduces redness of tissues. In addition, it accelerates resorption of the hematoma.

To make the medicine, it is necessary to combine the powder of bdjagi (2 tablespoons) with water (1 tablespoon). Mix the ingredients, trying to get a uniform mush. It is this composition that should be applied to the area of the bruise. Top with a bandage. The healing effect will begin to appear at a time when the moisture completely evaporates.

Use this tool is recommended 2-3 times a day.

Use of potatoes

Enough unpleasant if the finger is damaged. And sometimes the injury extends to the nail. Very often such a finger begins to fester. If the nail plate is damaged, be sure to treat the injury site with hydrogen peroxide or iodine.

Treatment of a bruised toe in home conditions by means of a potato is considered effective enough. Take the raw tuber. Grind it on a grater. The resulting gruel is applied to the site of the injury. This compress should be kept on a painful patch for several hours. Change the dressing 1-2 times a day.

If, after a bruise, a nail plate comes off the finger, then treat the wound daily with iodine. This will protect against getting into the body of infection.

Cabbage Compression

This is a fairly simple tool. It does not require any preliminary preparation. At the same time cabbage leaf is considered to be an effective method of treating the injury. Another plus of this therapy is the imperceptibility of the compress under the clothes.

So, you need a clean cabbage leaf to attach to the site of the injury. Fix this compress with a bandage. It is recommended to change the leaf 1-2 times a day.

Treatment with onions

This product is sure to be found in any home. And very few people know that the onion can help with bruises.

You will need 5-6 bulbs. They must be crushed to the state of gruel. To this component, add rock salt - 1 tbsp. L.

This mixture is wrapped in cloth or gauze and put on the place of injury. Change the compress several times a day. Such treatment of a foot injury at home lasts about 5 days.

Using Aloe

A famous home flower can help with a bruise. It effectively stimulates the resorption of bruises.

You can apply to the damaged area an aloe leaf, previously cut. Some healers recommend to chop it into a gruel. And make a wrap wrapped in gauze.

Regardless of which method you choose, remember: Aloe can only cope with fresh hemorrhages.

Important recommendation

In the first day after the injury, only cold compresses are applied to the damaged site! In no case should you warm up your leg at this time, use folk remedies or medications. All heating procedures are allowed only from the second day.

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