Food and drinkTea

Tea with melissa: good and bad. Greenfield tea with melissa

Many people almost can not imagine their day without a tasty, fragrant, invigorating drink - without tea. He saves both in the cold and in the heat. Breakfast without a cup of tea for many is not breakfast. What is the secret of such magic? Why do people just like tea, and also with different additives? For example, tea with melissa, the benefit and harm of which has been studied in its entirety, is quite popular among many people due to its pleasant taste, aroma and various properties.

A bit of history

For tea in the broadest sense, you can include any drink that is prepared by brewing certain ingredients. In this case, the characteristics of the material, which is prepared - herbal tea, fruit, berry, are added. This is due to the use of the beverage in its original form as a therapeutic agent.

In the world cuisine on a regular basis, tea penetrated the Chinese Tang dynasty. It is from ancient China that tea originates. The name of the drink, translated into different languages of the world, also comes from the Chinese language. It was from there that traditions such as the tea ceremony came, and various nations borrowed customs and rules for the preparation and drinking of tea. In the middle of the 17th century, the drink spread to European countries and became an indispensable attribute of various meals.

Kinds of tea

The tea drink is classified by several features:

  1. Country of origin. The homeland of tea is China and Vietnam. After spreading around the world, many countries started cultivating tea bushes and producing tea - Japan, India, Africa, Iran, Turkey. In some others it is also conducted, but exclusively on the domestic market.
  2. Type of tea tree plant. This parameter depends on the type of tea that is grown in a particular state.
  3. Degree of oxidation of tea leaves. In the production of directly different teas, the grown leaves pass through the oxidation stage before they are finally dried. Many taste, color characteristics depend on this. Depending on the oxidation period, two types of tea are distinguished: black and green. The remaining varieties vary between these shades - white, yellow, red.
  4. Type of treatment. Collection and sorting of tea is different - scattered teas, pressed, granulated, soluble.
  5. Additional additives. In addition to classic black and green tea, in the modern market there are various kinds with a lot of additives - fruit, with bergamot, with herbal additives (mint, lemon balm, chamomile). Different additives combine various useful properties, which also enhance the taste and color of simple tea.

Melissa as an additive to tea

Plants have a lot of healing properties. People have long been collecting leaves and flowers and preparing various infusions and decoctions. Melissa is not an exception. This plant is a type of lemon mint.

When brewing, melissa produces a delicate aroma of mint and lemon. This made the plant a fairly common supplement for different types of tea, both black and green. Although the latter kind of drink is considered more acceptable for various herbal supplements. Green tea with melissa, the benefit and harm of which causes violent disputes among consumers, is a very common drink both for refined gourmets and for ordinary lovers.

Benefits of lemon balm

Melissa is known for its useful properties for more than 2000 years. It is actively used in both traditional and traditional medicine. The most important and useful part of the plant are the leaves. It is in them contain essential oils that provide melissa its popularity and possess the most useful properties:

  • Calming effect;
  • Improvement of the intestine;
  • Improvement of the brain;
  • Diaphoretic property;
  • Anti-inflammatory property.

In addition, a large number of melissa contains chemical elements - calcium, zinc, magnesium, iron, organic acids and vitamins C and B. Their use positively affects the human body, replenishing the missing vitamins and minerals.

Contraindications to the use of lemon balm

Everything is always worth knowing. Before you start regularly to use tea as a remedy with melissa, the benefits and harms of this drink should be well studied by the consumer, but it is best to get advice from a doctor. Do not abuse this drink, if you need to be extremely attentive and vigorous. Melissa is a soothing means, its use even in tea can reduce activity and attention. Various trace elements in the composition of lemon balm can interact differently with medications. At such reception it is necessary to learn about their compatibility.

The effect of lemon mint may be unexpected if you drink tea with melissa. Benefits and harm for men can have the opposite side. It is not recommended frequent use of such tea, it reduces the activity of the body and can affect the male potency. On this basis, men should be cautious about using tea with melissa and, if possible, exclude it from their diet. With infrequent use, the risk of impotence is reduced.

Chilled and ready teas with melissa

Tea with melissa, the benefit and harm of which is obvious, can be presented in several variants. Many manufacturers add lemon mint at the time of making tea. In such ready-made tea all proportions are observed and there is no need to understand the dosage of the plant and the tea itself for their better combination. A vivid example is Greenfield tea with melissa, the benefit and harm in which is present no more and no less than in other varieties and types of tea with additives.

However, to prepare a decoction of lemon balm independently will not be very difficult. To do this, you need 1 teaspoon of this ingredient and a glass of boiling water. It is necessary to give the drink some time. It will strengthen the taste sensations and make the drink more saturated. Melissa leaf tea, the benefit and harm described above, will be an excellent addition to the morning awakening, will give a good mood or help to relieve fatigue and relax after a difficult working day.

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