Health, Diseases and Conditions
Venereological Disease: Symptoms and Treatment
Venereological disease is transmitted from person to person through sexual intercourse in the conduct of indiscriminate intimate life, the absence of barrier protection or in contact with personal hygiene items of the patient. Infectious diseases of the genital area is studied by the science of venereology.
Causes of the development of diseases
The main reason for the spread of sexually transmitted infections is a disorderly relationship with unverified partners. Venereological diseases are a consequence of the defeat of the body by viruses, infections, bacteria or protozoal microorganisms.
Some infections can be transmitted during labor, breastfeeding, use of personal hygiene items , poorly sterilized medical or cosmetic tools.
What are the most common sexually transmitted diseases
Among a large number of STIs, the most common are:
- syphilis;
- Gonorrhea;
- Trichomoniasis;
- Chlamydia;
- Mycoplasmosis and ureaplasmosis;
- genital herpes;
- Papilloma virus;
- Cytomegalovirus;
- HIV and AIDS.
Each of these diseases has its own effect on the human body, manifesting specific symptoms and provoking the development of serious complications.
Stages of sexually transmitted infections
There are two main stages of the course of the venereal disease - acute and chronic. The acute form develops in the first days after infection. It is characterized by the presence of specific symptoms (discharge, discomfort, redness, rashes, itching, painful urination).
After this, the stage begins when the symptoms cease to manifest, the person thinks that he is healthy, and does not undergo examination and treatment. In fact, the pathogen continues to settle in the body, only the oppressed immunity no longer fights it. Venereological disease in the chronic stage is dangerous not only for serious complications, but also for the probability of infection of relatives who daily contact the patient and his personal belongings.
Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases
Often, venereal diseases can occur in mild form and almost asymptomatic. Experts consider such phenomena very dangerous, since the disease affects the human body, actively progressing and passes into a chronic form that does not lend itself to effective treatment.
Calculate the sexually transmitted disease can be on the following symptoms:
- The appearance of specific secretions from the genital organs, the secret may have a different consistency and odor;
- Redness, burning or itching in the groin area;
- Frequent and painful urination;
- Insignificant hyperthermia;
- Painful sensations in the lower abdomen, lower back, groin (in men the pain can extend to the scrotum);
- Pain during intercourse;
- Women are disrupted by the menstrual cycle.
Venereal infection in chronic form causes the development of inflammation of the uterus and appendages, infertility and prostatitis in men. In addition, the disease has a negative effect on the work of the body as a whole, there are violations in the work of the adrenal, cardiovascular system, developing atherosclerosis.
STDs provoke a decrease in immunity, resulting in the body becoming unstable to the effects of external adverse factors, viruses and bacteria. Symptoms of sexually transmitted diseases can not be ignored. It is better to visit a doctor once again, take tests and begin timely treatment.
Diagnosis of sexually transmitted diseases
The disease does not appear immediately, but after a certain time after infection, so a person may not even suspect that a dangerous virus or infection has "settled" in his body. Similar symptoms of venereal diseases cause difficulties in diagnosing.
It is very important for a specialist to approach the choice of research methods responsibly, otherwise an incorrect diagnosis can be made, a venereal disease can be treated, and thus the situation may be further aggravated. Most often for the diagnosis of STDs are conducted such laboratory tests:
- A smear from the urethra, vagina or cervical canal allows you to determine the presence of gonococci and trichomonads, in some cases chlamydia and ureaplasma are found. This is the simplest and most accessible method of investigation, but it has very low informativity and a high degree of error in determining the pathogen.
- Blood test - according to the main indicators in the biomaterial, one can also detect the presence of venereal diseases in the body. The analysis of blood allows to control the development of pathology and its treatment.
- Sowing - bacterial culture of microflora on a nutrient medium is the most accurate method of investigation, allowing to determine the presence of infection, its form, pathogen and its sensitivity to certain medicinal products.
Before taking material for laboratory testing, it is necessary to abstain from sexual intercourse for three days and not to visit the toilet for 3 hours before taking the smear. In this case, the result of the study will be as accurate and informative as possible.
Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases
Timely diagnosis several times increases the chances of a favorable outcome. The main active substances in the therapy of the venereal disease are antibiotics and sulfonamides.
Most bacteria develop resistance to certain antibiotic drugs over time, so it is recommended to make an antibioticogram when carrying out laboratory tests. This will allow the doctor to build a competent therapy regimen and cure the patient much faster.
If the disease was not found on time, it is fraught with serious trouble, malfunction in the reproductive system of men and women. In this case, the greatest danger is not the fact of infection itself, but its possible consequences for the organism.
Consequences of venereal infections
Treatment of sexually transmitted diseases should be carried out on time. If this does not happen, the virus or infection settles in the body and causes the development of severe consequences. Each infection has its specific effect on the body or its individual systems:
- The virus of genital herpes causes a decrease in the quality of sperm, infertility, intrauterine infection of the fetus, leads to the development of a stable pain syndrome in the pelvic region;
- Trichomoniasis provokes the development of diseases of the prostate, testicles and urinary tract;
- Mycoplasmosis causes inflammation of the prostate gland;
- The papilloma virus provokes the activation of cancer cells in the body;
- Chlamydia affects the sexual sphere of women and men, causing diseases of the urethra, prostate gland, provokes ectopic pregnancies, miscarriages, infertility, intrauterine infection of the fetus and pathology of development;
- Gonorrhea causes inflammation of the testicles, prostate, impotence, infertility, pyelonephritis, inflammatory processes in the ovaries and fallopian tubes, which leads to a violation of reproductive function;
- Syphilis adversely affects all systems of the body, it is considered a slow death, the lack of effective and timely treatment leads to death.
HIV is a topic for a separate article. This virus affects the entire human body - from the lymphatic system to the cornea of the eye. As already mentioned, the signs of venereal diseases do not appear in the first weeks of infection, which makes it difficult to conduct a patient's examination. The human immunodeficiency virus is no exception. The patient does not begin timely treatment and, not knowing about the presence of infection, infects relatives who are constantly in contact with him.
Prevention of sexually transmitted diseases
The most common way to protect against infection with sexually transmitted diseases is through a condom. It is very important to be able to correctly use this barrier method of contraception and use it for all sexual intercourse.
Only with the regular observance of preventive measures can one not worry about such trouble as sexually transmitted diseases. The photos of the consequences of such infections, presented on information resources of medical subjects, stimulate people to take care of their health.
Protect yourself from sexually transmitted infections, thanks to a discriminating intimate life. It is optimal to have a relationship with only one permanent partner, but it must necessarily be verified.
If there is unprotected contact with a person who may have an STD, during the first two hours you need to treat the genitals with antiseptic drugs.
What to do after unprotected intercourse
It is important to understand that not all infections can manifest themselves with specific symptoms. Venereological diseases in women and men can be asymptomatic. That's why after unprotected sex it is necessary to undergo a survey that allows to detect the presence of infections and treat them before the diseases go into chronic form.
The admission of any pharmacological drugs intended for the treatment of pathology with similar symptoms is strictly prohibited. Prevention should be regular and carefully observed with every sexual encounter.
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