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Effective cough medicine for adults. Medications for a nebulizer with a cough

Coughing can not always be a symptom of the disease, it is an important protective reflex of the body, which allows getting rid of phlegm and foreign bodies in the airways. When to start treatment and which cough medicine to take better, you should ask the doctor. After all, the most expensive drug is not always the most effective. If you understand, sometimes the best is just a cough medicine, the price of which varies within reasonable limits.


The disease can be caused by a number of negative factors. A sudden cough reflex helps to clear the throat and respiratory passage from foreign particles, microbes that irritate the mucous membranes. By nature, he is both involuntary and intentional. There are three phases of the cough reflex:

  • inhalation;
  • The forced exhalation with the closed voice crack, which is in the middle part of the larynx;
  • When opening the glottis, an explosive release of air occurs, so the cough has a characteristic sound.

The cause of the disease are respiratory tract infections, such as a cold or flu. Viruses can settle in the body and show up with various symptoms in a few days. Smoking also belongs to the category of the most common causes of the appearance of a cough with a characteristic sound, which is called "smoker's cough". In this case, the disease is chronic and poorly treatable. Asthma often develops in childhood and includes characteristic wheezing, which makes it easy to identify the disease. Heavy forms of asthma require long-term treatment, otherwise the disease takes a chronic form and stays with a person until the end of life.

Other factors that cause cough reflex include vocal cord damage, bacterial infections (pneumonia, whooping cough, bronchitis), pulmonary embolism, heart failure, gastro-food reflux, and psychological problems and some medications.

Classification of the disease

Before choosing a cough medicine for adults, you should determine what type of cough it is. Distinguish the following types of manifestation of the disease:

  • Acute - appears suddenly and lasts up to 2-3 weeks;
  • Subacute - this type can last from 3 to 8 weeks;
  • Chronic - persists for more than 8 weeks;
  • Wet, moist or productive - flows with the formation of sputum, rising up the respiratory tract;
  • Dry or unproductive - an agonizing barking cough, at which no sputum is formed;
  • Night - occurs only at night, during sleep of the patient.

Correctly identified type of ailment will allow to choose an effective cough medicine for adults, which will quickly remove the symptoms of the disease and ease the patient's condition.

Diagnosis of the disease

Typically, an experienced doctor determines the nature of the disease, referring to his medical experience, but sometimes additional diagnostic tests may be required. Before deciding which cough medicines are better in this or that case, diseases of the internal organs (heart, stomach, thyroid) that provoke involuntary contraction of the lungs, diaphragms and cause the disease should be eliminated.

Additional diagnostic tests include sputum specimens, chest X-ray, spirometry and the like. Cough infectious nature is treated with certain drugs, for bacterial use completely different medications. If, for example, a patient is diagnosed with asthma, the patient is prescribed specific drugs.

Than to treat an infectious cough

Infectious, or viral, cough has its own characteristics. Usually it develops suddenly, within 1-2 days, and can be quite irritating. Additional signs include headache, malaise, sometimes fever. In some cases, the infection affects not only the airways, but also the nasopharynx, then the symptoms are connected with a runny nose. The medicine for the throat and cough in this case should be aimed at combating the viral infection. Relieving the symptoms, as long as the immune system will get rid of the infection, will promote the use of drugs "Paracetamol", "Ibuprofen" or "Aspirin." They will help reduce heat, reduce the manifestation of pain. Prices for such drugs are low and range from 150-300 rubles. Before taking such a cough medicine during pregnancy, you should carefully study the instructions so as not to harm the future baby.

During treatment, the patient should receive a copious drink to prevent dehydration and, as grandmothers like to say, "wash out" the infection from the body. An important component of treatment will be smoking cessation (if this harmful habit takes place). Tobacco smoke not only provokes the disease, but also exacerbates its course. To apply any medicine for dry coughing to adults in this case is not worth it. Sucking candies will help to remove irritation and sore throat. Antibiotics are usually not recommended, since they do not kill a viral infection.

Treatment of bacterial cough

Medications for bronchitis and cough are aimed at diluting sputum and improving the process of its withdrawal. A bacterial disease is a complication of a viral infection when secondary infection with microbes (bacteria) occurs. Such phenomena can lead to the development of bronchitis, pneumonia, asthma, pleurisy and other diseases of the upper respiratory tract. In this case, the most effective cough drug for adults, called an antibiotic, is prescribed. It is necessary to eliminate bacterial infection, the symptoms of which are characterized by fever, fatigue, weakness, chest pain, heavy breathing, which is often accompanied by whistles and wheezing. If the cough lasts a long time, then there may be blood in the sputum. Unfortunately, bacteria adapt very well, prolonged use of antibiotics makes them more resistant to various therapies. In inpatient treatment, patients are prescribed medications for bronchitis and cough in various combinations of drugs in order to obtain more effective results of therapy.

It is important to remember that all antibiotics should be used for their intended purpose. The effect of these drugs on the body with time wanes. If the prescribed course of treatment is not completed, the likelihood that drug-resistant strains of microorganisms will develop will increase. That is why it is very important to continue treatment with antibiotics as much as the physician prescribes, without stopping therapy after the disappearance of the symptoms.

Productive or unproductive?

A productive, or wet, cough is often useful, because it helps the lungs and bronchi to get rid of mucus and phlegm, so it does not make any sense to suppress it. In more serious cases, the doctor may prescribe a special cough medicine with sputum in order to improve the process of its excretion and to facilitate breathing to the patient.

Dry, or unproductive, cough is characterized by painful symptoms: a feeling of continuous perspiration in the throat, headaches and pains in the trachea (or bronchi). Sputum is not formed, which prevents the patient from clearing his throat.

The medicine for dry coughing for adults should help to soften it and remove the formed sputum. As soon as it starts to separate, we can assume that the recovery is already close, and until this time the infection will be firmly "sitting" in the airways. Which one to choose a cough medicine for adults, largely depends on the cause of its appearance (infection, allergy, etc.). In the allergic nature of the disease, patients are prescribed antihistamines, with viral - antiviral drugs, and for bacterial - antibiotics. To drugs that alleviate the symptoms of the disease and improve the process of expectoration, include funds "Bromgeksin", "Ambroxol", "Mukaltin" and other mucolytics. If the symptoms of the disease are so painful that they interfere with sleeping, the best cure for dry coughing for adults is suppressive drugs that suppress the cough reflex. They include medicines "Folkodin", "Kodterpin", "Sinekod" and others. Very useful for non-productive cough milk with the addition of baking soda, mineral water "Borjomi" or any other natural mineral water. A good expectorant is syrups and potions, for example, "Broncholitin", plantain syrup, althaea root, ivy.

Cough medicines with sputum are called expectorants. They facilitate the passage of mucus from the bronchi and lungs and facilitate its rapid excretion. Taking expectorants is necessary if a large amount of thick mucus is produced. To this category of drugs, such as cough medicines with sputum, include tablets and syrups "Lazolvan", "Prospan", "Givalex", "Flavamed", "ATSTS" and others. Prices for medicines range from 250-400 rubles. The same remedy can not be taken for a long period, as the body may become addicted to this drug, and treatment will become ineffective. Useful walks in the fresh air, abundant drinking and inhalation, if a wet cough is diagnosed. The medications that the patient takes are to be prescribed by the doctor, since self-medication can have bad consequences.

Treatment during pregnancy

During pregnancy, any treatment should be treated with great care, and coughing is no exception. Of course, expecting the birth of a baby, a woman should take care of her health and try not to get sick. In case of illness, one should not engage in self-medication, because the best cough medicine for pregnancy is that which does not harm the child. As a rule, future mothers prefer folk medicine, but there are also some pitfalls. The fact is that not all medicinal plants are equally useful: some of them may be poisonous or toxic. Before beginning treatment for cough during pregnancy, always consult with your doctor about the appropriateness and safety of taking these or other medications. Of the medications that are sold in the pharmacy, you can use syrup of althea root and plantain, syrups "Prospan", "Givalex", "Erespal".

Folk recipes

A safe medicine for the throat and cough for pregnant women is home-made lollipops. The only contraindication to the use of therapeutic candies (or to reduce their number) is an increased level of sugar in the blood. To prepare medicinal candies, you need to mix the sugar with the broth of thyme. Proportions for mixing: 300 grams of sand 100 ml of broth. Dissolve the sugar in the broth of thyme, pour into enameled dishes and put on fire. Cook the syrup for about 20 minutes, stirring occasionally. As soon as the mass begins to set, spoon it into silicone molds for ice. Such candy can dissolve throughout the day, the cough will pass by the end of the first - the maximum of the second day of treatment.

The cough medicine, the price of which is relatively small, is also prepared at home. For pregnant women, this remedy is the most safe and no less effective. To make it, you need one liter of milk and 1 large carrot. Carrots cleaned, cut into 2-3 parts, put in milk and put on a slow fire to languish. When the milk is boiled halfway, it should be filtered, cooled and dripped during the day in small portions in a warm form.

Use of nebulizer in the treatment of cough

A nebulizer is a device that is used to deliver a medicine directly into the respiratory tract to the lungs. He does this by converting the liquid medicine into an aerosol that can be easily inhaled.

Medications for a nebulizer with a cough include:

  • Inhaled corticosteroids - drugs that reduce inflammation in the respiratory pass, which is due to its edema;
  • Bronchodilators - drugs used in the treatment of asthma;
  • Non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs - reduce inflammation in the respiratory tract, but do not control the symptoms of allergic asthma.

Prevention of cough in adults

If a person has a cough, treatment, drugs not only produce a positive effect, but also have a negative effect on the body: they undermine the immune system. Rather, it will deal with preventive measures and strengthen immunity to prevent disease. Preventive measures include the following:

  • It should avoid hypothermia, wear warm clothes in the cold season.
  • It is often necessary to wash your hands during the cold season and infectious diseases. This will help prevent the spread of the virus that causes the cough.
  • Avoid contact with people who have symptoms of colds or infectious diseases, of course, if possible.
  • Refuse to smoke any tobacco products (including hookah). A dry, jerky "smoker's cough" means that a person's lungs are constantly irritated. This circumstance can lead not only to any complications such as bronchitis or pneumonia, but also to more serious oncological problems.
  • It is important to avoid exposure to tobacco smoke (so-called "passive smoking") at home, at work, in public places.
  • Increase the amount of fluid consumed per day. This will keep the level of mucus in the respiratory tract within normal limits and prevent dehydration of the body.
  • During the season of colds and infectious diseases, you should be vaccinated against the flu every year.

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