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Bursitis: symptoms of different types of disease

Inflammation of the slit-like cavities (synovial bags) formed by the synovial membrane is bursitis. Symptoms of it are usually characteristic: first appears swelling, and then swelling of the affected area. This is due to increased accumulation in the synovial bags of exudate - a fluid with shaped elements of blood.

Most bursitis occurs in the elbows, knee, shoulder, ankle joints due to their maximum mobility. After all, the main cause of inflammation - regular pressure, rubbing against the bones of the tendons, muscles, skin. It can be noted that this pathology often develops against the backdrop of practicing a particular sport.

Bursitis: symptoms

As already noted, the main symptom of this disease is the appearance in the joint site of a painful and rather elastic swelling that has a rounded shape and a diameter of up to ten centimeters. But it has other manifestations of acute bursitis. Symptoms include general malaise, impaired joint mobility, fever. Then a swelling in the site of inflammation can be replaced by a significant swelling. The symptomatology varies depending on the pathogenesis. So, if purulent bursitis develops, the symptoms will be pronounced: high fever, skin hyperemia, severe swelling and pain in the affected area. With a chronic disease, there will not be such obvious signs of inflammation. In the place of the synovial bag appears a small, soft texture of the swelling. The disease does not cause acute pain, the joint continues to function fully. When there is exacerbation, the amount of exudate in the synovial bag increases, which can provoke the formation of a cystic cavity with fluid.

Bursitis of the elbow joint

Typically, it occurs as a result of mechanical damage to the elbow, resulting in infection of the synovial bag. As a result, it greatly increases in size and takes the form of a hemisphere. In the joint zone there is pain, the skin turns red. This inflammation often happens in tennis players.

Bursitis of the hip joint

Pathology can be difficult to diagnose, since it has symptoms similar to arthritis. Bursitis of the joint leads to soreness, which occurs when the legs are guided to the side. On the front surface of the thigh appears swelling, which can be noticed when palpation.

Bursitis of the shoulder joint

Thanks to the anatomical structure of the shoulder, synovial bags are often affected, which are not communicated with the cavity of the joint itself. Their inflammation leads to the emergence of a shoulder when it is rotated or led to sharp pains. There are also visual symptoms: the contour of the shoulder is smoothed, muscles are enlarged, a swelling appears.

Bunion of knee joint

Inflammatory synovial bags also do not have direct communication with the knee joint and are located directly under the skin. Due to the superficial location they are damaged more often than bags of other joints. Inflammation causes swelling and pain, lymph nodes increase, the temperature rises.

Ankle bursitis

Inflammation in most cases a synovial bag located between the tendon and calcaneal tubercle. This can be the result of incorrectly selected shoes or the penetration of pathogens. As with other types of bursitis, swelling is formed at the lesion site.

How to treat bursitis

Therapy involves the use of antibiotics and non-steroid drugs. In case of acute inflammation, a pressure bandage is applied to the affected area, making warming compresses, applying anti-inflammatory ointments. In the case of chronic bursitis, the exudate can be removed by puncture.

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