HealthDiseases and Conditions

Hyperemia of the skin

Redness of the skin or hyperemia is a fairly common condition of the skin.

This word was given to us by the Greek language. Literally means blood overflow of the vascular system in the body or part of the body. "Hyper" - over, "emiya" - blood or super-blood, a lot of blood, the vessel is full.

By the type of blood flowing in the vessels, hyperemia can be arterial, that is, with an increase in arterial blood flow, and venous, when the outflow of venous blood is disturbed.

The simplest hyperemia of the skin, which we encounter in everyday life, is a thermal burn of the 1st degree. The skin turns red in the affected area due to the intense blood flow, then swelling arises due to a violation of its outflow.

Most often, skin hyperemia is a manifestation or "visiting card" of the disease. For example, a characteristic "butterfly" on the face appears with systemic lupus erythematosus. Here we see a powerful receptivity of the vessels to the inflammatory factor. In some people, with an outbreak of anger, one can observe flushing of the facial skin (the face has become stained) or the appearance of spots on the inner surface of the hands, or on the neck or ears blush.

Hyperemia of the skin accompanies various skin diseases: psoriasis, lichen, ulcers and so on. Depending on the affected area, hyperemia is divided into focal and widespread. Focal hyperaemia manifests itself as separate spots on some part of the trunk, with stomatitis, with gastritis or ulcer of the stomach and duodenum. It can be observed during surgery on the pancreas as a result of its inflammation.

Most of all troubles still delivers hyperemia of the facial skin. First of all, in this case, beauty suffers, a person may even have an inferiority complex. On the face all regions are susceptible to hyperemia - the back of the nose, the wings of the nose, the chin, the cheeks. Intact only the forehead remains. The process begins with the branching of the vascular network. If the cause is not eliminated, the skin on the affected area begins to thicken, bright red pimples may appear.

In young and young age, the cause of hyperemia of the facial skin can be an allergic reaction, instability of the hormonal background. In women older than 30 years, age changes begin, which lead to a change in the vascular wall and a violation of the blood vessels. Most often, when the initial stages of skin hyperemia manifestations, patients are engaged in self-treatment, then they turn to the doctor-cosmetologist, then to the dermatologist. But the cause of this type of hyperemia may be diseases of the stomach or intestines, a violation of the function of the glands of internal secretion, inflammatory conditions of the nasopharynx, diseases of the genital organs. In addition, the banal cause of hyperemia can be a long daily standing near the ordinary cooker.

Prevention of the manifestation of various types of skin hyperemia, including on the face, depends on the possible causes that contribute to its manifestation. Prolonged exposure to a source of heat or, conversely, in the cold, taking certain medications, using cosmetics.

Skin prone to hyperemia needs special protection and care. A person with signs of hyperemia categorically can not conduct thermal procedures, since they lead to an even greater expansion and filling of blood vessels. Therefore, such a mask is contraindicated with paraffin masks, steam baths. Facial massage should be done very carefully and only with a high-class specialist.

You should use cosmetics that do not contain alcohol and other components that can cause irritation. Instead of washing, you should wipe your face with lotion, without rubbing it into the skin. In summer, a broad-brimmed hat or a light umbrella will best protect the face from the sun.

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