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I pinch my finger, what should I do? Tips for all occasions

Minor finger injuries
Sometimes there are very ridiculous cases, in which there is a slight damage to the limbs, and especially the fingers. Although such injuries and not too strong, but the pain with them is very tangible and painful. To minor damage can be attributed pinched or nailed finger, as well as knocked out. Consider situations of damage to the extremities and find answers to the questions: "I pinch my finger, what should I do?", "Nailed a finger, what to do? ", "Knocked out a finger, what to do?"

Identification of damage
To begin with, you need to stop panicking and understand what it is with your finger, that is, to determine whether it is just slightly damaged or broken. Of course, only a doctor will be able to accurately identify the damage and understand how serious everything is. And help him in this x-ray. But for first aid, sometimes it is enough to know a few basics that help to understand if there is a fracture or not:

  • If you break your finger, it will be motionless, that is, no movement or moving it will be impossible.
  • With a fracture if you knock on the tip of your finger, there will be a sharp pain.
  • If you can lift a finger - this is a good sign that it is damaged slightly. Now the question arises: "I pinch my finger, what to do, how to promptly help and how to reduce the pain?"

Damage help
Of course, it is better not to allow any damage, but if you still pinch your finger, what do you do next? First, the patient finger should be lowered into a container with cold (if possible ice) water or at least hold under the flow. Also, you can apply something cold to your finger (this is especially true if you can not hold it in water). This will reduce pain a little. After a certain time, when the pain subsides a little, it is recommended that the arm with the raised finger be raised above the head, and then lowered again into the water.

After doing these simple procedures and reducing the pain, a tight bandage should be applied to the finger. If the skin is damaged, then before applying the dressing the wound should be treated with an antiseptic, put on it a sterile bandage and wrapped.

And if there was an unpleasant incident with a hammer or other heavy object, and you nailed your finger, what to do? In this case, it is necessary to act the same way as in a situation with a finger that is pinched. For quick healing, you can use special creams and ointments that relieve swelling and help tissues to cope faster with damage. A nail can become a negative consequence of the nailed finger. With a strong impact, it is damaged, its color becomes red at first, and then begins to turn blue and even turn black. Subsequently, the damaged nail plate will grow and change to a healthy one.

Often, starting athletes after the first training, there are minor injuries to the hands. They are insignificant, but they can not remain without attention. One of these injuries can be a knocked out finger. So, if you knocked out your finger, what to do next, how to help, so as not to harm? The first thing that feels, the person knocked out a finger, this is a piercing pain. And the main thing to do is put a tight bandage on the damaged area. This is done to fix the finger. But you can not leave such a trauma without a doctor's visit, you need to fix your finger. The doctor, having examined the victim, can judge the method of treatment, sometimes surgical intervention is used.

From all of the above, you can make a brief plan of action in case of minor damage. So, if I pinch my finger, what should I do? The first - you need to reduce pain and prevent swelling, for this, put your finger in cold water. The second is to hold your hand vertically (with your finger up), for the outflow of blood. The third is to apply a tight bandage.

Having provided first aid, it is still necessary to consult a trauma doctor. Only a specialist can put a correct diagnosis and, if necessary, prescribe a treatment. Having made an x-ray, it will be possible to judge the presence or absence of damage to the bone.

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