HealthDiseases and Conditions

Purulent pimples should be treated at the initial stage.

Any pimple occurs as a consequence of blockage of the drainage ducts. When bacteria get infected, there are purulent pimples. They can form on any part of the body and cause a terrible discomfort to the person. Externally purulent acne is a swollen tubercle with a purulent stem in the middle. The process of maturing them is long and rather painful. After opening, the pain gradually subsides and relief comes.

The causes of purulent acne are very many. In adolescence, their appearance is caused by a violation of the hormonal balance. It is at this age and there are purulent pimples on the face of the child. For the same reason, they can occur in women before menstruation. A more serious disease is hyperkeratosis, which leads to densification of the stratum corneum. In this case, the sebaceous glands are filled with bacteria that provoke the appearance of purulent pimples. It is proved that with weakened immunity, stressful conditions or taking medications, in particular antibiotics, purulent pimples can appear on the face and other parts of the body.

Treatment of this unpleasant skin defect, especially in the advanced stage, should be comprehensive, and before it starts, you must always consult a dermatologist. Complex treatment consists in the selection of special medicines, cleaning and restorative procedures. When diagnosing hormonal disorders, priority measures should be aimed at restoring the hormonal balance.

At the initial stage of development from purulent pimples, you can try to get rid of them with the help of iodine. To do this, several times a day, the inflamed bug is moistened with iodine using a cotton swab. Very often purulent pimples with such treatment disappear without a trace, but sometimes their healing is preceded by the exit of pus. Be careful and make sure that you do not have an individual iodine intolerance or allergy to this remedy. This is especially important if you are going to treat purulent pimples on the chin or on other parts of the face, as in this case there may be scars.

Among the folk remedies the most effective is scarlet. This plant, which has many healing properties, is available in almost every home. The aloe leaf should be cut and flesh applied to the pimple, fixing the top with a breathable plaster. This is a very effective method of treatment, purulent acne
Disappear within a day.

No less effective is Vishnevsky's ointment. On the gauze pad, apply a little ointment, and applying it to the pimple, fix it with a band-aid. This procedure is best done at night. With large ulcers, rapid healing with the help of an ointment can lead to the formation of scars. Therefore, do not use this method when there are purulent pimples on the chin or other parts of the face.

Often used for treatment is ultrasound therapy, which is carried out in cosmetic rooms with the help of special equipment. This procedure promotes the opening of the pores of the skin and their cleansing from sebum, preventing them from getting an infection. High-frequency oscillations have anti-inflammatory properties, leading to rapid healing of purulent acne.

Also in cosmetic rooms can offer to conduct chemical peeling. During the procedure, deep skin cleaning is carried out. Removed excess secretion and keratinous parts of the skin. It is carried out on the basis of various acids, which, penetrating the epidermis, affect the foci of inflammation.

It is not advisable to squeeze out pimples, especially before they fully ripen. This can only provoke the spread of infection, and, as a consequence, the emergence of new foci of the disease. If you still decided to squeeze pimples, do not forget about thorough disinfection with special means before and after. Such drugs are relevant if pus came out on their own. They should be used until the inflammation disappears completely.

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