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Who can take activated charcoal for diarrhea?

Can I take activated charcoal for diarrhea? The answer to this question you will learn from the materials of this article.

General information about the "black" preparation

Activated carbon is a natural sorbent used by people for many centuries. It is not a secret for anyone that such a device ideally helps with food poisoning. After all, this drug quickly and effectively removes from the body all accumulated toxins and harmful substances. But besides this, it often contributes to the loss of beneficial bacteria.

So does activated charcoal help with diarrhea or not? It should be specially noted that such a natural product simultaneously carries both a danger and a benefit. On the one hand, it cleanses the body, and on the other - displays the one without which human health is endangered.

In order to find out whether activated charcoal is effective for diarrhea, one should understand its "methods" of work.

Principle of action of natural medicine

As you know, this drug is sold in all modern pharmacies at a fairly low price. And, everyone who has ever encountered such a problem as diarrhea, says that activated charcoal in diarrhea helps quite well. What is the reason for this effect? The matter is that the mentioned preparation operates by the method of absorption. In other words, coal as if sucks in itself harmful components and substances, and then concentrates them and removes them from the body in a natural way.

In what cases does it help, and in which cases does it not?

To say clearly, whether activated charcoal will help to get rid of diarrhea, it is possible only after the cause of the disorder is established. Thus, if a person is poisoned by low-quality products, then this drug, taken in the necessary amount, during the day will remove all harmful substances from the body. If the cause of diarrhea is any virus or microflora disorder after taking antibiotics, then only activated charcoal is unlikely to cope with the problem.

Activated charcoal: dosage for diarrhea

If there is severe diarrhea that has occurred as a result of eating poor-quality food, you should take large doses of this absorbing drug. So, experts recommend using it three times a day in the amount of one tablet per 10 kilograms of weight (for example, if you weigh 60 kg, then you should at once drink 6 tablets).

To conduct such an intensive course of treatment for adults should not be long (no more than 7-9 days). Indeed, long-term therapy with this drug can easily lead to weight loss and exhaustion.

It is recommended to drink charcoal activated with a large amount of filtered water. It should be noted that this is a mandatory item, since the liquid will allow the drug to act more efficiently. If you ignore this advice, then the particles of coal do not dissolve well enough, and, accordingly, and badly spread throughout the intestines.

Can I give the child activated charcoal?

For children with diarrhea, this medication can be given (from 6 years), but under one condition: if diarrhea is not a consequence of any viral disease. By the way, after the course of the sorbent to the child and adult it is necessary to use probiotics, which contain useful bacteria. After all, as it was said above, coal removes from the body all necessary and unnecessary substances.

Other uses

Today it is very fashionable and popular to use activated carbon for weight loss. There are even special methods by which this drug is used for a long time. It should be noted that it is possible to lose weight in this way, but in the end, the health of a person can be greatly shaken. In this regard, nutritionists do not highly recommend this method.

Many pet owners are interested in whether it is possible to treat intestinal disorders in pets with such a drug as activated charcoal. With diarrhea, this remedy helps. But, as in the case of humans, it will be most effective if diarrhea does not arise from a viral or any other disease, but from banal poisoning. The dosage is simple: if your pet weighs 3 kilograms, you should dissolve 3 black tablets in half a glass of water, and then give the animal a drink.

Activated charcoal and pregnancy

Surely many future mothers had diarrhea during pregnancy. Coal activated in this position is not contraindicated. But in order to get rid of diarrhea for sure, experts recommend using more modern pharmaceutical products (for example, drugs "Enterosgel" or "Smektu").

If such medications in your home were not found, and the problem should be resolved urgently, then the above-mentioned sorbent can be taken. But after such therapy, a woman in an interesting position should stock up with probiotics, and also eat strongly. This is necessary in order to accumulate bacteria and nutrients, which naturally were removed from the body by activated charcoal.

Contraindications to the use of the drug

Activated charcoal is highly undesirable for those who suffer from hypovitaminosis, peptic ulcer of the duodenum or stomach. In addition, this drug is prohibited to take with bleeding, and in the event that you are prone to constipation.

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