HealthHealthy Eating

Delicious and fragrant medicine - buckwheat honey

Since ancient times, people have known and used the medicinal properties of honey. It was used in the manufacture of various dishes, medicines and for canning. Its composition is unique. Here, the substances obtained from the body of bees and the most valuable properties of plants are combined. Beekeepers classify honey over plants from which nectar is extracted. If the source of the collection is only one species of plant, honey is called monoflern. It is to such species in our country include lime, acacia and buckwheat honey.

Its properties are diverse. Specialists consider this type of honey to be one of the most high-grade and useful. This product is characterized by a particularly high concentration of various minerals and that is why it has such a rich dark shade. Buckwheat honey is bright chestnut, terracotta or dark orange. Its taste is also strikingly different from acacia, lime or flower honey. It has a small tartness, spiciness and slightly noticeable bitterness. A perfect juicy aroma complements the perfect composition.

Also from other varieties buckwheat honey is characterized by faster crystallization. As a rule, already in October liquid honey is candied. Its crystals can be larger or smaller, depending on the prevalence of a particular trace element. And they are contained here in large quantities. This is nickel, cobalt, iodine, boron, calcium, copper, zinc, phosphorus. Especially a lot of this delicious product contains iron. There is a whole range of vitamins, such as K, E, B2, B1, PP, P, glucose and fructose. Thanks to such an excellent composition, the most useful of the monoflorous varieties is deservedly considered to be buckwheat honey.

Its use is in excellent antiseptic properties. It promotes the rapid healing of wounds, removes inflammation and cleanses the skin well, and is therefore widely used in cosmetology and medicine. This kind of honey is the best ally in the fight against flu and cold, it helps restore the defenses of the body and increase immunity. Buckwheat honey perfectly fights bacteria and is often used for home canning.

This is a real storehouse of vitamins and trace elements, and therefore it is necessary for children prone to colds. Due to the high content of iron, it is this type of honey that contributes to the strengthening of the walls of blood vessels and better regeneration of blood, which means that it is necessary for patients with anemia and anemia. In the fight against beriberi, the best way is also buckwheat honey. Its properties contribute to the normalization of blood pressure and enhance the effect of antihypertensive drugs, so it should be included in the diet of hypertensives. This is a real salvation for people with low hemoglobin levels and stomach ulcers. The recipe is very simple. Every morning you need to drink a glass of chilled boiled water on an empty stomach, and after fifteen minutes to eat a spoonful of honey. Its regenerating and wound healing properties promote rapid healing of microcracks and complete restoration of the mucous membrane.

According to numerous clinical trials and the results of special studies, it was found that buckwheat honey copes well with the effects of radiation influence on the body . Its use is concluded in good restoring and cleansing abilities, thanks to which it helps to remove radionuclides from the body and quickly regenerate cells. It has soothing properties, it is useful for suffering insomnia and nervous disorders. It is enough to eat a few spoonfuls of honey an hour before bedtime and drink them with warm milk or water.

Buckwheat honey can be consumed even with diabetes, but no more than two or three spoons a day. Its only contraindication is individual intolerance. Like other varieties of honey, it can cause allergies caused by one of its many components. In all other situations, it is a tasty and fragrant remedy for various types of infections, infections and to strengthen immunity.

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