Health, Healthy Eating
The right diet for cholesterol
Unfortunately, not everyone can boast of a good metabolism. As a result, cholesterol in the body significantly increases, which adversely affects the work of all organs. In this case, a diet with cholesterol is mandatory, which will reduce the blood level in it to 15%.
The amount of fat present in the daily diet should be reduced by at least a third. It is worth noting that the clogging of blood vessels is primarily due to the presence of animal fat, respectively, the diet for cholesterol should contain a minimum of its quantity.
In principle, a diet with cholesterol does not force you to completely abandon meat, it will be enough to replace the usual too fatty grades of pork and beef for boiled lean meat and poultry, which should be consumed without skin. Also it is necessary to forget or minimize semi-finished products and by-products, for example, the liver, brains and kidneys, the use of which diverges from proper nutrition as such.
Preparation of food should be carried out exclusively on vegetable oils, only not on cream or fat. Diet with cholesterol, the approximate menu of which should not exceed 2000 calories per day, excludes cooking on any animal fat. Equally useful will be both olive and linseed, and vegetable oil of the first pressing.
Special attention should be paid to the consumption of eggs in food, the number of which per week should not exceed three. Contrary to popular belief, the same harm to the body can cause excessive use of both yolks and proteins.
Since carbohydrates increase the "postponeability" of fats in the body, a diet with cholesterol provides for the complete elimination of cream cakes and various pastries from the diet, since such a mixture can increase the clogging of vessels to unthinkable scales. With regard to dairy products, it should be noted that the most preferred options are low-fat or completely defatted. For example, it can be low-fat yogurt without additives, as well as yogurt and curd mass with zero values. Contrary to the misconceptions, the use of cheese should not be completely interrupted, giving preference to non-fatty varieties.
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