Spiritual developmentMystic

Prayers and plots from allergies

At least once in a lifetime, many of us had to face the manifestations of an allergy. According to statistics, more than fifty percent of the population of developed countries is prone to this disease. Allergies can be caused by food products, animal hair, pollen, washing powders and other household chemicals. In addition to medicines and medicinal plants, conspiracies and prayers for allergies are often used to eliminate unpleasant symptoms. This method of treatment does not harm the body, and the benefits of its use are quite appreciable.

What is the power of conspiracy

Often one can hear the assertion that folk remedies are akin to charlatanry and absolutely useless. However, many cases are known where people, desperate to get rid of any disease before which the medicine is powerless, turned to the healers, village guides and got well. Miracles of healing occur during the pilgrimage to holy places, touching the relics of the great martyrs and old icons, reading Orthodox prayers.

"Randomness," says the skeptic, "Regularity," the believer will answer. But there is also a scientific explanation for this. Any prayers and incantations are nothing more than sessions of a kind of psychotherapy. Under the influence of the melody of conspiracy, the biological processes that take place in our body are ordered, which promotes recovery.

How to tune in to treatment with the help of prayers

Before you read plots from allergies for yourself, your relatives or a child, you must abandon the gloomy thoughts, tune in to success, that is, believe that this method of treatment will definitely help. There is an opinion that the znacharian methods do not work for unbaptized people. This is true, but only partly. If a person does not object that a ritual is performed in his respect, then recovery usually occurs. Faith lives in the soul and depends little on external attributes.

You need to remember a few simple rules: allergy conspiracies, especially short ones, are best learned by heart, so they will act faster than when reading through a piece of paper. The second important point: treatment should be carried out on the waning moon, the words to say a little singing, while imagining how the illness leaves the body of the sufferer.

Therapeutic practice by the method of Natalia Stepanova

This conspiracy against allergy, recommended by the Siberian sorceress, is easy and simple to remember. It is used in those cases when the main symptoms of the disease are expressed by suffocation, coughing, sneezing.

Early in the morning, when the sun is only just emerging from behind the horizon, you need to say three times the following words: "The Fedya of our Fedot was tortured by dandruff. Dandruff, dandruff, uimis, servant of God (name of the patient) wake up from faintness, from cough. Amen". Read the conspiracy for two weeks, beginning with the first phase of the decline of the moon.

Lunar ritual for getting rid of diathesis and urticaria

To perform this magical action proceed in one of the clear nights on the waning moon. Conspiracy to water from allergies will help in treating skin problems in children and adults. A clear glass filled with water must be placed on the windowsill, so that the rays of the night sky touch the water surface.

Looking at the moonlight, whisper the words: "The moon is shining, every day it is decreasing, so the illness leaves me. The moon is shining, water gives strength to water, it will heal my itch, it will take away all the diseases. Give, the moon, your strength to water, protect, heal, help. "

The plot needs to be read three times, after which immediately go to bed without talking to anyone. The glass should stay on the windowsill for the whole night. In the morning, wipe lunar water with skin allergic rashes.

Prayer on herbal decoction

Plots from allergies double their strength, if you read them not for water, but for medicinal broths. The next rite is performed in the spring or early summer, when dandelions and young mugs appear. Accumulate the roots of these medicinal plants, carefully wash and pass through the meat grinder. Take a glass of mixture, pour a liter of boiling water and put on a slow fire. Boil for 15 minutes, let it brew for half an hour under a closed lid.

Over a warm broth you need to say a prayer: "I will rise, servant of God (name), without asking, I will go out, crossed, at dawn early, in the sun red. I'll wash myself as a student, I'll go the narrow, dear wide path, I'll go out into the endless field. Behind the field there is a mountain, behind a mountain there is a sea, on the sea there is an island. A hundred-year-old oak grows on the island. Seven wolves walk around the oak, its roots are undermined, from which the oak dries and dries. I'll go to the oak tree, drive the wolves. Leave you, wolves, an old oak in peace, do not dig the earth, do not cut the roots, you do not destroy the green crown. Approach you, wolves, to the servant of God (name), wicked wicked from her you remove, illness, aches, thinness destroy. To prevent the skin from itching, so that my nose does not tickle, my throat does not choke. The foul is that every one decay, in the distance far away it flew away. Amen (3 times) ».

Drink is consumed three times a day in equal portions. Every morning you need to prepare a new broth, you should not store it for future use: as it loses its healing power.

Conjured threads

This effective rite is also held on the waning moon, plots from allergies are read after three woolen threads of different colors (blue, red and yellow) are tied on the patient's wrist.

The text of the plot is: "Samuel himself, washed everything off with water. He wiped his hand and blew it off his breath. The wind dispersed, the pain from the body drove. God gave help, I "thank you" said. Amen".

The conjured threads must be worn on the right hand for a week. If an allergy sufferer is left-handed, then the bandage is done on the left arm. By the end of the seventh day, the threads are torn off and the candles burned on the flame. If you live in a house where there is a stove or fireplace, then you can throw the bandage in a burning furnace.

Thus it is necessary to say the words: "Red rubella, golden scrofula. Vshire you do not expand, up you do not rise. Let the fire burn you, the smoke in the wind will blow. The night with dawn will turn pale, all the mischief will be taken away. Amen".

If you burned threads over a candle, then the ash should be carefully collected and washed with water. The positive effect of the ritual will be noticeable already in the first days after it.

A strong plot from an allergy in a child

Little children often comb the skin rash literally to the blood. To remove the itching and speed up the healing of sores, outlining the inflamed places with the ring finger of the left hand counter-clockwise, read the following conspiracy: "Knot, knot, give an ax, cut down the pain from the servant of God (name), so that it does not ache, Not poke, it did not hurt, it did not itch. Amen".

A magical rite that relieves of chronic allergy

If the disease does not recede even when taking strong drugs, it is possible that you will be treated with allergy conspiracy. To perform this rite, you need to take an empty bucket of medium size with a tight-fitting lid. Exactly at noon, bending over the bucket, it is necessary to read the prayer seven times in a row:

The slave of God walked in the dark, carrying a worm on a needle,

He threw the sickness into the void, he buried them on the bottom.

There will be pain with white bones,

Reduces the pain of red blood,

The body will get rid of all diseases,

The strength of the servant of God (name) will triple.

I fasten words to a strong lock,

In the dark abyss for ever.


We do not forget that the words must be learned by heart, and the ritual should be performed only on the waning moon. After reading the plot, spit into a bucket, close it with a lid. With the onset of darkness, the container is buried in the ground in a secluded place. It is believed that once the saliva in the bucket has dried, so will the disease go away forever. But relief comes fairly quickly.

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