Sports and Fitness, Tennis
Successful technique of playing table tennis
Table tennis - a very exciting emotional game, which does not require large muscular loads. It promotes the development of visual acuity, reaction and attention, the promptness of decision-making, the ability to concentrate. Everyone can play ping-pong, regardless of age, financial status and profession. It can easily be overpowered by people with shortcomings of hearing, sight, various health abnormalities. For
Where to play table tennis? The advantage of playing ping-pong (the second name of table tennis) is that it does not require equipped halls and playgrounds. A small room, a stairwell or a corridor is quite suitable. It is very useful to play in the fresh air - in the park, sanatorium, cottage and even on the veranda of the house. You can play all the year round and at any time, and you can train on a kitchen or dining table or on a coffee table.
In order for the game to pass successfully and spectacularly, it is necessary to master certain basic techniques. At the initial stage it will be enough to master the rules of the game, and in the future, if there is a desire, - to acquire a deeper knowledge.
If you watch professional players, you will see the high technique of playing table tennis with the naked eye. This is a complete set of rational and reliable ways to hit the ball on the opposite side. First of all, the outcome of a successful game depends largely on the correctness of the grip of the racket and the starting position. There are two ways to hold a racket in your hand:
- European horizontal grip.
- Vertical Asian grip.
The active participation of the fingers in the grip of the racket helps to feel the ball more delicately when performing strokes both on the left and on the right.
The technique of playing table tennis provides a natural position of the case and the main rack. It does not need special muscular tension, just before the ball is played, keep the distance from the table at the level of the outstretched arm with the racket. With a horizontal grip, the player stands facing the middle of the table, legs are shoulder-width apart, the feet are parallel to each other, the knees are slightly bent. With vertical grip, the athlete stands facing the left half of the table, the trunk and feet are turned to the right side, knees slightly bent. It is allowed to cross from one foot to the other for an instant start from the move.
The technique of playing table tennis depends on the techniques of hitting the racket on the ball. The most common blow from tennis players - a swipe left or right. The quality of its performance depends on the impact position and powerful swing of the hand. Having mastered the correctness of the implementation of these basic techniques, they can be used in protective shots undercut and intermediate shots cut.
The technique of playing table tennis also includes footwork, in particular - rational movement. The basic rule of a tennis player is that the legs in the game must outrun the movements of the hands. Advanced leg work is a special, uncharacteristic reaction for the athlete, which is developed by persistent training over a long period of time and is the key to a successful game.
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