
Peking cabbage: how to grow to get two crops in one summer?

Not only for the salad, Peking cabbage will do. How to grow this culture in our climate, what can be prepared from it, and what its useful properties are, we read further.

This kind of cabbage is used not only in fresh form as a component of many salads that Russians love. It is also brewed, stewed, brewed and even dried. From the Peking cabbage, excellent shchi are obtained, and the traditional Korean dish of kimchi will certainly please the lovers of this cuisine. The nutritional value of this culture is as high as the more usual white-headed, and its useful and even therapeutic properties are even higher. It is desirable to add to your diet Peking cabbage to people suffering from cardiovascular diseases and gastrointestinal diseases, it strengthens the immune system and increases the body's resistance to infections.

And yet this culture is quite new for our country. In recent years, she regularly appears on the shelves of stores. Now and the villagers interested in Beijing cabbage. Planting and caring for her have some nuances, not knowing about which it is difficult to get a good harvest. It is because of this that many have thrown to farm this ripening and highly productive vegetable. Even farmers should take a closer look at it. Peking cabbage grows well in winter heated greenhouses, and a short maturity period means that it is easy to harvest several crops a year. A small fluctuation in store prices for this vegetable suggests that the market does not know the surplus of this product even at the peak of the season. Planting of Peking cabbage in spring provides earlier maturation and greater yield than ordinary cabbage. The second time it can be planted at the end of July on land, freed after harvesting of early vegetables, which allows you to reuse the area and get additional products.

We were convinced how delicious, useful and profitable for cultivation such a culture as Peking cabbage. How to grow it, we will tell further. This vegetable is very sensitive to such indicators as the length of the day, heat and drought. Various varieties for spring or autumn planting periods are listed. The main condition for greenhouses and for open soil is cultivation by the comb method, that is planting seeds to a depth of 1-2 cm on the ridges. Do not forget about abundant watering during the whole time. And no hilling and raking the land during weeding - does not like this Peking cabbage.

How to grow a crop to get the maximum yield? In a heated (sowing in early March) or film greenhouses (sowing in early August), although it grows in the open. When spring planting, the first heads can be cut at the end of May, with the second landing - in early October. Do not forget about the right choice of varieties. Only some of them can successfully grow in both terms.

So, if you know the features of agricultural technology, not such a capricious culture - Peking cabbage. How to grow it, in greenhouses or in the open ground, - choose yourself. And get invariably abundant harvests.

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