
Drops in the nose with breastfeeding: a list, composition and reviews

No one is immune from a cold. Especially the woman who just took out and gave birth to a child. After all, the body sent all the forces for fetal bearing, recovery after childbirth and lactation maintenance. No wonder that it is now so great a chance to catch a cold, although there is absolutely no power and time. How to help a nursing mother? What kind of drops in the nose can be used during breastfeeding? What composition of drops is considered the safest for the child?

Coryza and lactation

Most often nursing mothers are harassed by usual seasonal viral diseases. Their main symptoms are:

  • Elevated body temperature.
  • Cough.
  • A sore throat.
  • Coryza.

But still it is not superfluous to consult a doctor with the goal of excluding another nature of the disease (for example, bacterial). After all, the newborn baby directly depends on the mother's health. Everyone knows that most children for the first six months or even for the entire period of breastfeeding are immune to many diseases, but no one can be insured for one hundred percent.

It happens that, despite a strict diet and a serious restriction in products, a runny nose in a nursing mother causes an allergic reaction. In this case, after an appropriate examination, the doctor will choose the medicine that can not harm the baby.

What advises Komarovsky EO

Being a doctor who speaks with the people on behalf of a civilized medicine, Komarovsky immediately does not recommend drops in the nose during breastfeeding. He advises to lie down at the first sign of infection, dress warmly and create the most comfortable conditions for recovery: cool air and almost 100% humidity. If these recommendations are followed, the doctor promises that drops in the nose during breastfeeding, if the runny nose is not complicated, will not be needed and the cold itself will take 3-7 days.

As an additional treatment, Eugene Olegovich appoints his patients:

  • A plentiful warm drink.
  • A diet.
  • Drops from the physiological solution in the nose (salted water solution).
  • Regular airing of the apartment.

The doctor recalls that to protect the family and the child from the infection, it is superfluous to use gauze masks (which need to be changed every two to three hours). And also recalls that folk remedies such as honey, lemon, raspberries and garlic not only do not bring any scientifically proven benefit in fighting the infection, but can be dangerous for an infant.

Drops in the nose with breastfeeding: what can you do?

It should be noted that the use of any drug during breastfeeding, even after consulting a doctor, should start gradually and with small doses. This will determine the presence of possible allergic reactions in the baby.

The most safe and even useful are drops and sprays based on water and sea salt. They perfectly moisturize the mucous membrane and can be used in pregnancy, feeding and even in children from the first weeks of life.

Relatively safe are oil droplets from the common cold. When lactating, they usually do not cause allergic reactions due to plant components ("Viton", "Pinosol" and others). They have a good antimicrobial and anti-inflammatory effect.

To remove the edema from the nasal mucosa and quickly alleviate the symptoms, usually prescribe vasoconstrictive drops in the nose (with breastfeeding) with xylometazoline in the composition. When breastfeeding doctors do not recommend them for more than three to five days. It is also desirable for mother to use children's drops, because in them the dosage of the drug is much less. You can try to do without any vasoconstrictor drugs or use them only before bedtime.

There is a drug such as "Derinat" (drops in the nose). When breastfeeding, they are absolutely harmless. It is recommended to drip it even for prevention. According to reviews, it can be judged that these drops often prescribe even to nursing infants if someone in the family is sick.

List of officially approved drugs

Officially authorized drops in the nose during breastfeeding:

  • "Aquamaris", "Physiomer" (in the composition of water and salt).
  • "Derinat" (the active substance is sodium deoxyribonucleate).
  • "Pinosol", "Vitaon", "Delufen" (on an oil basis).
  • "Euphorbium Compositum" (homeopathic drops).
  • "Nazivin", "Tizin", "Nazolin", "Naphtizin" (in the composition of xylometazoline).

Is it possible to drip breastmilk into the nose?

Bury, wash the nose and even just lubricate it with breast milk doctors categorically prohibit. It has been scientifically proven that sweet warm milk creates a favorable environment for the reproduction of bacteria and viruses. So such a medicine will not only not cure, but will seriously aggravate the situation.

Homeopathic remedies for a runny nose in a nursing mother

Very often homeopathic remedies are recommended as a powerful weapon against all adversity at any age and position. Supporters of such treatment at every step scream about the dangers of "chemical" drugs and promote their methods.

The fact that homeopathy can not do any harm is not surprising. In the famous "peas" and "droplets" is such a paltry amount of active substance that the body simply can not notice it. So you can really use such medicines even without a doctor, because all their benefits are in the placebo effect. Therefore, very often you can hear feedback that homeopathy cures everything, because if a person really believes that this is a medicine, then with a high probability, he will recover.

Runny nose in a nursing mother and antibiotics

To begin with, antibiotics are never taken for nothing, because of a common cold. For the reception of such a medicine there is always a serious reason and the appointment of the attending physician. If it already happened that the common cold is already running, there is a strong cough, the temperature does not subside, but rises higher, the health worsens and there are different localizations of pain, without going to the doctor simply can not do.

A doctor can prescribe a breastfeeding mother with antibiotics if the benefits exceed the risks. But at the same time it should be remembered: feeding should be temporarily (before recovery) stopped, and milk should be decanted and poured (so that it does not burn out, and later it could be restarted feeding the baby). It's okay that a couple of weeks the child will have to spend on the mixture, the main thing is that my mother soon recovered.

Continue to feed, if a runny nose starts, or go to the mixture? Reviews

Experienced moms say that if there are no other symptoms, breastfeeding is not only possible, but one must continue. When the mother is ill, with milk the baby gets antibodies, which the adult body starts to produce already in the first hours of the illness. Thus, according to the law of nature, the baby can not become infected. But all the same doctors recommend for the period of illness to refuse kisses and, of course, not to cough at the child and not blow your nose if he is nearby.

How to protect a child from a cold

  1. It is desirable that the child could at least sleep in an uninfected environment - try to allocate the baby a separate room for the period of my mother's illness.
  2. Ask the father or grandmother to walk with the child.
  3. Spend wet cleaning the apartment at least once a day.
  4. Ventilate the apartment every two hours.
  5. Try to feed your child in a gauze dressing.
  6. Continue breastfeeding - this is the best support for the baby's immune system.

Folk remedies

Are there completely natural drops in the nose (with breastfeeding)? Than to treat in this case a rhinitis, national medicine will recommend:

  • Rinse the nose with a solution of salt. The same method, incidentally, recommends traditional medicine (in warm boiled water dilute salt in a ratio of about 1 to 30).
  • Drops in the nose from the aloe / calanchoe juice (the aloe leaf is cut and squeezed, watered and buried in the nose).
  • Drops of beet juice (from raw beet juice squeeze and drip 2-3 drops into the nose).
  • Rinse the broth with chamomile and bury it in the nose.

A tablespoon of dried chamomile flowers is poured into a glass of boiling water and insisted for several hours. The resulting solution is filtered and buried in the nose. Also, the infusion can be further diluted with water and used to rinse the nasal passages and throat.

  • Inhalations on herbs. Can only be used if there is no temperature.

The testimonials of experienced mothers suggest that the use of drops often recommended by folk healers in the nose (with breastfeeding) from garlic, as well as raspberry, lemon, onion and honey, is not worth it. They often cause severe allergies in the baby.


In order not to use medicines to combat rhinitis, it is worthwhile to think about prevention in advance. This will help:

  • Walking (not less than twice a day). It will be useful for both mom and baby.
  • Ventilating the apartment.
  • Maintaining air temperature in the apartment around 20 degrees Celsius.
  • Use an air humidifier.
  • Clothes for the season and weather.
  • Healthy food.
  • Doing sports.
  • Hardening.
  • Use of protective ointments and masks (in public places, especially during epidemics).

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