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What tastes better is a goose or a duck. What distinguishes a goose from a duck, what is the difference

Very rarely the feast does without meat products. It is a nutritious product that well satisfies the feeling of hunger and saturates the body with protein. Each kind of meat has its positive and, even, negative qualities. Meat of poultry is present on our table most often. Chicken or turkey fillet is considered dietary. Goose or duck is traditionally cooked on holidays, for large banquets. The difference between these birds is, but not so significant. What's more tasty than a goose or a duck? Let us discuss this issue in this article.

Use of the duck

The main advantage of duck meat is the presence of omega-3 fatty acids. They are necessary for the body for good work of the heart, brain. Omega-3 makes the skin smooth and radiant. Duck meat has a very high content of vitamin D, so its use contributes to the absorption of calcium, strengthens bones, muscles and increases immunity. This product also contains vitamins E and B and minerals. However, the fat content of the duck sometimes goes off scale, and the caloric content leaves much to be desired. Therefore, you should use it with caution.

Use of goose meat

To understand that the goose or the duck is more delicious, it is necessary to talk also about the benefits of goose meat. This is a very valuable product. Meat has a slightly sweet taste and contains many vitamins and minerals: zinc, iron, calcium, etc. Goose meat is saturated with fatty acids. It helps to normalize the work of the stomach, relieves toxins, diarrhea and treats the spleen. Both products have their positive qualities. Speaking of the benefits, it is impossible to determine what distinguishes a goose from a duck. What is the difference in taste qualities we consider next.

What to cook?

Very often before the housewives the question arises, what to choose for a traditional festive dish - goose or duck. Everyone, of course, can have his own preferences. The famous duck in Beijing is considered a delicious dish, which is served in the best restaurants. The Chinese really appreciate this bird. They believe that duck fat is good for the human body. Prepare a duck with vegetables, and the result is an amazing culinary masterpiece. Goose meat is very fat. A good bird has up to 40 percent fat. But how can you do without a traditional goose with apples for Christmas? After baking, goose fat impregnates fruit and gives them incredible taste and aroma. So choose that it's more delicious than a goose or duck.

How to make a choice

Duck meat is very fragrant. But that it was really tasty, you must choose an adult. Only the meat of such a duck has a special taste and aroma. Goose meat is considered no less nutritious. Its taste is not worse than that of a duck. It is better to take a carcass of 6-8 month old geese. Dishes from goose, duck, turkey and any other bird are delicious, if properly cooked. Therefore, the selected recipe and cooking technology plays an important role here. It is also very important to choose quality meat. The carcass should be fresh or chilled. The skin should be dry, and the meat should not have a specific odor.

What to fry

What to understand, what is more delicious than a goose or a duck, it is necessary to try both these products. We offer a recipe that is suitable for any bird. First we prepare the carcass. We peel apples from seeds and cut them into slices. Goose or duck grease with the necessary spices and sauces. Stuffing the carcass with apples, and sewing the abdomen with threads. We put the bird back on the baking tray, greased. Add a little water to the bottom so that the carcass is not burnt. We put the baking tray in the oven, which we pre-heat. Goose or duck is fried for a long time, about 2-2.5 hours. In the process, fat will be heated, which should be watered carcass. From this, the meat will become more juicy and aromatic. In order for the bird to cook faster, it can be baked in a special sleeve. When the meat is ready, it must be removed from the oven and the thread that ties the abdomen away. Then put the whole carcass on the dish as a whole or cut into pieces. Around we put baked apples, which turn out very tasty. Duck meat is more juicy and fat, but the goose has a sweetish taste. To understand what is more tasty fried goose or duck, you should try both cooking options. On this account, everyone has an opinion. The taste of meat depends also on the selected additional ingredients, which can give it new notes and a peculiar flavor. Cook a goose or duck is not difficult, but for a long time, and a lot of meat in these birds is not. Therefore, it is more a festive dish than everyday.

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