Food and drink, Dessert
Cake 'Prague', born in Moscow
For a long time it was believed that everyone liked the chocolate cake "Prague" was invented in the eponymous capital of the Czech Republic. However, it is not. This cake, fond of Russians, was invented by the confectioner of the Moscow restaurant named "Prague" Vladimir Guralnikov.
His career began a very long time, even before the revolution. Guralnikov is the author of thirty more popular cakes, among which is the famous "Bird's Milk". This cake consists of three chocolate cake impregnated with biscuit, prepared with the addition of cocoa powder. Cover the cake with a simple chocolate glaze or chocolate fondant and sprinkle with chocolate chips or decorate with roses from the cream. Cake "Prague", the recipe of which includes butter, turns out to be very soft and juicy.
To make it, you need 6 pcs. Eggs, 150 grams of sugar, 115 grams of flour, 25 grams of cocoa powder and a little butter, 40 grams is enough. For glaze you need to take 60 grams of chocolate and the same amount of butter. To make a cream, you need to take one egg yolk, twenty grams of water, 120 grams of condensed milk, two hundred grams of butter, 10 grams of cocoa and one sachet of vanilla sugar. As a layer, you need 60 grams of jam or apricot jam.
Preparing the cake "Prague" so. First you need to break the eggs in a bowl and separate the proteins from the yolks, and then beat them separately: yolks beat up with half the norm of sugar, white, whites - in a strong foam. Then the whipped whites and yolks are mixed. The flour is sieved with cocoa and, gently stirring, is poured into the egg mixture. Mix from the edge to the center. After that add the softened oil and also gently mix. Before the dough is poured into the mold, it is oiled and sprinkled with flour. Bake the biscuit at a temperature of two hundred degrees for half an hour.
After the biscuit is ready, he should be allowed to stand for five minutes and only then take it out of the mold. To the bottom of the cake is not soaked, it must be put on the grate and leave it for eight hours. In order to make a cream, you need to soften a little butter, and then beat with a bag of vanilla sugar. Egg yolks are mixed with water, add condensed milk and boiled until thick. After the syrup boils, you need to mix it with whipped butter, and at the very end add cocoa powder. Do not immediately mix the whole syrup with the whipped butter. It is necessary gradually, in small portions to pour in the syrup and continuously whip the cream.
Now the cake "Prague" is ready for assembly. The retired biscuit is divided into three equal parts. To cut a biscuit you need to take a long sharp knife, longer than the diameter of the cake or thin line. If there is neither one nor the other, you can use the usual thread. The two lower cakes are lubricated with cream, and the upper one is coated with jam or jam. It is not necessary to impregnate the cakes with syrup, since they are already sufficiently succulent.
A layer of jam is needed in order for the icing to lie on the cake as evenly as possible. Jam or jam for coating should be taken uniform, freezing in the air. From the melted chocolate and butter make the icing and pour it on the cake. You can prepare the glaze either in a water bath or in a microwave. Since some of the glaze will necessarily flow from the cake, it is better to do it with a small margin. After the icing has solidified, the cake can be served on the table.
Many, especially young housewives, do not risk cooking the cake "Prague", considering the recipe for its preparation as complex. In fact, everything is very simple and should not be afraid. By the way, in the popular television program "Sweet stories", revealing to viewers many culinary secrets, the cake "Prague" from Alexander Seleznev was presented .
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