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Chekhov's story "Surgery": analysis and summary

Already more than 100 years, admirers of Russian literature have the opportunity to enjoy reading humorous and satirical stories of AP Chekhov. "Surgery", "Chameleon", "Thick and thin", "The death of an official" and many other works show the writer's attitude to moral ugliness, the loss of a human being in man. AP Chekhov in his stories often ridicules stupidity, ignorance and other negative features of the character of people. At the same time, the writer skillfully directs the sting of satire not only to the protagonist of his work, but also to those people who come into conflict with him, being unable to wisely come out of an unpleasant situation.

Short and informative stories - the main path of Anton Chekhov

Chekhov's story "Surgery" once again emphasizes the opinion of numerous literary critics that the writer is a master of writing short story miniatures. In favor of this opinion, says a number of phrases used in his time by the writer: "The art of writing is the art of cutting", "Brevity is the sister of talent", "The language should be simple and elegant," etc. Chekhov, like no other, Talk about global things. He with the help of several strokes could give an exhaustive description to any person.

A. P. Chekhov never acquainted the readers with the previous biography of the heroes of his stories, their parents or ancestors before they began to perform any actions described in the story. The author has always started stories from the very behavior of a person, his words, thoughts and feelings associated with one or another of his actions. Description of the appearance of the main characters or situation - this is the most that can be found in the stories of Chekhov. "Surgery" is not an exception to this rule. However, these descriptions do not go beyond what anyone can see, that is, the author's own opinion does not appear in them, so that the reader is given the opportunity to form his own opinion about this or that place, the hero or the situation.

Summary of "Surgery"

His story "Surgery" Chekhov begins with a reference to the fact that the doctor of the Zemstvo hospital left to marry, and his duties on taking patients were taken by the paramedic Kuryatin.

The first patient of the paramedic is the deacon Vonniglasov, who suffers from severe toothache and sincerely hopes for the knowledge and skills of the first. Kuryatin, in turn, assures the patient that surgery is a trifling matter, only knowledge and the right approach are needed.

However, after he saw the tooth of the patient and decided to remove it, the confidence significantly diminished. This fact is emphasized by the description of the paramedic's fluctuations as to which instrument to use. He does not know whether to choose a tongs, a key or a goat's leg. First, the hero looks at the instruments for a long time, then, taking a goat's leg, he approaches the patient, but after a few seconds he returns and changes it to the forceps. This is what AP Chekhov points out. Surgery as a result is not such a simple matter, as it seemed to the paramedic at first glance. Taking the forceps, he fumbled with the sexton's tooth for a long time, but he could not pull it out. The story ends with the fact that the sexton, who has suffered pain and evil, leaves the feldsher, reproaching him.

Image of a paramedic in a story

Kuryatin is one of the main characters in the story "Surgery". Chekhov content of the story filled with a description of not only the behavior of the hero, but also his appearance. It is worth noting that the feldsher looks far from perfect. The negative image is supplemented by a foul-smelling cigarette, which Kuryatin holds in his hand.

As for the inner world of the paramedic, then here comes to the fore his excessive self-confidence, self-praise and idle talk. In this way he covers up his inability and ignorance. He brags before the sexton about his acquaintance with the landowner Alexander Ivanovich of Egypt, who was at his reception and did not complain (in contrast to the present patient). As a result, the deacon leaves with severe pain, and the paramedic does not understand his mistake, and instead of apologizing, he also calls him ignorant.

The image of the sexton in "Surgery"

No less important is the sexton Vonmiglasov - the second hero, who narrates the story "Surgery". Chekhov emphasizes the illiteracy and stupidity of Vonmiglasov. After all, the sexton, instead of immediately addressing the doctor, listened to various advice of the same ignorant as himself.

The story emphasizes the sycophancy of the sexton, who at that time were distinguished by the lower strata of the population. At first he was baptized, brought a prosphore, praised a paramedic - in a word, behaved very "devoutly." However, less than half an hour later, as his behavior changed to the opposite, he began to wish Churyatin all the worst and even took the prosphoron with him.

Prototypes of the heroes of "Surgery"

The work of Chekhov "Surgery" has real prototypes. Anton Chekhov's brother repeatedly told how the writer during his medical practice at the Voskresensky Hospital observed one case, which formed the basis of the story.

Participants in the real situation were a medical student, replacing a doctor, and a patient who turned to a hospital with a toothache. During the reception, an inexperienced student tried to pull out a tooth for a long time , but could only break the crown. As a result, the angry patient cursed and left.

Analysis of "Surgery"

The story is based on the communication of only two people who met at will of fate in a rural hospital - the paramedic Kuryatin and the sexton Vonmiglasova. However, they turned out to be quite enough to emphasize such negative human traits as ignorance and complacency, which was done by A. P. Chekhov. "Surgery" is a work in which the most vivid characteristic of the characters is their speech. Vonmiglasov, trying to show his "piety", a lot of ordinary words is reworked into a church manner. Feldsher Kuryatin, in turn, emphasizes its own importance, using a huge number of medical terms, of course, not understandable for a simple sexton.

However, as soon as it comes to removing the tooth, it becomes clear that Kuryatin is not at all an experienced doctor, as he presented himself at the beginning. Moreover, it seems that he got to work in the hospital, he is completely coincidental and you can not trust him. Ends Chekhov's story "Surgery", as one would expect, by inflicting harm on another person, who, by the way, as a result also turns out to be not so devout. The ignorance of both heroes is emphasized by their speech at the end of the story, which, from a mutually respectful tone, passed to accusations and curses.

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