
Darsonval "Carat DE-212": reviews about the device. Darsonval treatment: reviews

Progress in the field of cosmetology and medicine entails the emergence of new drugs and instruments that are becoming more versatile and multifunctional. Modern methods of treatment of some diseases are more effective in comparison with earlier procedures. One of the recently appeared devices is darsonval "Karat DE-212". Reviews about his work are both positive and negative. Since the device has a medical purpose, it is worthwhile to understand the principle of its operation and other nuances of application.

Basic information about darsonval

Darsonval is a general name for a group of instruments whose operation is based on the influence of pulsed currents of high frequency and voltage. Their strength does not exceed 0.02 mA. The method of darsonvalization was first applied by the French scientist Darsonval, after whom he was named.

Darsonval has several models that can differ in the number of nozzles and some technical characteristics, which affects the scope of their application and versatility. Acquire only devices of those manufacturers who have a quality certificate and who are registered in the Russian Federation. This will help to avoid the frustrations that are unavoidable in the case of using a non-certified device.

Design and function

Darsonval "Karat" is a device that forms microcurrents of low power. They are passed through the electrodes in the glass vacuum tubes. Due to the fact that the currents have a small power, they do not have time for the time allotted for the procedure to lead to the formation of a significant amount of heat in the cells of the tissues.

The device darsonval is used in two modes: contact and non-contact. With contact darsonvalization, a so-called silent discharge is created, which arises from direct contact of the electrode with the skin. If there is an air gap between the electrode and the skin surface, then a spark regime appears, which is a contactless method of darsonvalization. The larger the air layer, the greater the power of the spark, but it should not exceed 2 cm.

Where does darçonval "Karat" apply?

The device is widely used in cosmetology and medicine to treat various skin diseases and eliminate their effects. Treatment darsonvalem offer in many cosmetology centers and modern physiotherapy rooms. This is due to a combination of its effectiveness and quite acceptable cost.

In addition to cosmetology, there are several medical directions in which darsonval is often used:

  • dermatology;
  • neurology;
  • urology;
  • gynecology;
  • Stomatology.

General and local darsonvalization

General darsonvalization is characterized by the simultaneous action of low-power currents on the entire organism. This procedure eliminates headaches, increases the tone of the vessels, improves sleep, etc., resulting in a decrease in body fatigue and increased efficiency.

Local darsonvalization is aimed at eliminating local problems, for example, foci of various skin diseases. To carry out this type of darsonvalization is suited darsonval "Carat DE-212". Reviews of his work give you the ability to determine the capabilities of the device. This model has a number of advantages over other darsons, which makes it very common among consumers.

Darsonval "DE-212 Carat": the price and advantages

The main advantages of this device are its availability and versatility. It is used both in professional cabinets of cosmetology and physiotherapy, and at home. Its compactness and ease of use make it easy to carry out the procedure.

The darsonval device has a constant voltage of 25 kV, which is recognized as the most effective value. This model is equipped with a universal stand for the nozzle, which is suitable for models from different manufacturers. Apparatus darsonval, reviews about which are mostly positive, has a relatively low price - an average of 2,900 rubles. But in addition to cosmetic procedures, it can also be used to treat certain diseases. That is, one device is useful to all family members.

Popular methods of using the device

How correctly to use darsonval? Instructions for use, which comes with each device, will quickly assemble the device and evaluate its capabilities. There are also several basic ways of using the device.

For the contact method, you need to insert the electrode into the device and gently drive them through a small area of the skin. To conduct darsonvalization of dry skin, you need to use a cream. The procedure should last no more than 3 minutes. Oily skin is treated with talc for no more than 5-8 minutes.

When conducting darsonvalization, avoid using alcoholic lotions that can lead to fire.

The non-contact method is used to create a spark discharge, which cauterizes pustules and disinfects the skin. In this case, the electrode must be torn from the skin above the lesion. To create the effect of tightening and smoothing wrinkles, the electrode is placed above the surface of the skin with a layer of air no more than 2 cm.

Indications for use

In the treatment of which diseases can the darsonval apparatus be used? The use of the device is effective for the therapy of the following diseases:

  • Eczema (including chronic);
  • seborrheic dermatitis;
  • Allergic and atopic dermatitis;
  • Alopecia (alopecia of all types);
  • abscess;
  • Parotitis;
  • Neuralgia;
  • Alveolitis, gingivitis, periodontitis;
  • Chronic inflammatory processes of the genitourinary system;
  • hemorrhoids.

In addition, the device relieves pain in such diseases as radiculitis, osteochondrosis, etc. This is due to the fact that exposure to microcurrents stimulates metabolism, outflow of lymph and venous blood, improves blood circulation in general.

The device can relieve of bad state of health, problems with sleep, joint and muscle pain. Also darsonvalization is used in the complex treatment of certain diseases.

Application in cosmetology

In the cosmetic sphere, several areas are distinguished, in which the darsonval apparatus is used. Clients' feedback about the methods with its use is in many cases positive.

Darsonvalization in cosmetology cabinets is most often used as the final procedure. For example, after vacuum cleaning of the skin or after the procedure of brossazha. Exposure to microcurrents promotes rapid absorption of nutrients. Therefore, to increase the effectiveness of cosmetic masks successfully use darsonval "Carat DE-212". Clients' comments about the combination of darsonvalization with cosmetic procedures speak about its expediency and high effectiveness of such application.

Also, the device is used to achieve an easy lifting effect and normalize the work of sweat and sebaceous glands. This makes the skin more taut and clean, eliminates acne, redness and other unpleasant rashes.

Darsonvalization of the head

In the treatment of baldness or the restoration of hair follicles after exposure to an aggressive environment, darsonval is most effective. The price of the device is several times lower than the treatment in the cosmetology room.

For use on the head, the darsonval apparatus has a special scallop-shaped electrode. They need to drive over the scalp, after removing all the hairpins from their hair and combing them. The whole procedure takes about 8 minutes. The course of treatment depends on the effect produced and the degree of alopecia, but an average of 20-30 sessions. To get rid of other diseases, the number of sessions must be agreed with the attending physician.

What other advantages does darçonval "Carat DE-212" have? Feedback about this device and the effect that it has on the entire body, prove that the device does its job.

Using darsonval for problem skin

Darsonval relieves many skin problems. For example, acne is less visible after a few sessions, and disappears after the course of treatment. Apparatus darsonval, the price of which does not exceed several sessions in the cosmetologist's office, will help normalize the condition of the problem skin and return it to a healthy appearance. Also, the device is successfully used to smooth out facial skin, which makes wrinkles almost invisible.

The spark discharge mode produces the effect of decontamination due to ionization of air. A daily five-minute procedure will make the skin look cleaner and healthier. Darsonval also normalizes the work of the sebaceous glands and activates the activity of the cells. This property is used in cosmetology to increase the effectiveness of masks, so it can often be found in beauty parlors.

Darsonval for skin lesions

The use of the device in the period of postoperative rehabilitation is due not only to its disinfecting effect, but also the ability to dry the wounds, cauterize the pustules. The spark discharge mode at a certain electrode location creates the necessary temperature for the drying effect. Also, the device is effectively used to remove the effects of burns and frostbite.

Also darsonval is widely used for the rapid healing of postoperative sutures and shallow wounds of various origins, as it has antiseptic effects. This wonderful device will also help to get rid of skin rashes, diseases of veins and so on. The device has several nozzles, specially designed for use on different parts of the body. This allows to increase the efficiency of the device.

Treatment of varicose veins by darsonvalm

The effectiveness of darsonval in the treatment of varicose veins is due to its ability to increase vascular tone and improve the outflow of venous blood. This helps to get rid of the obstructions of blood vessels and to normalize blood pressure.

Darsonval also reduces the appearance of varicose veins. For example, it makes the protruding vessels less visible. But for the most rapid and effective disposal of varicose veins, darsonval should only be used in combination with basic treatment. Intensity and duration of treatment should be agreed with the attending physician. This will not only help to achieve an excellent result, but also to avoid negative consequences.

Contraindications for use

Like any other medical device, darsonval has its contraindications. There are a number of reasons why darsonval should not be used. The price of the device in most stores is available, but still many are willing to purchase the products that will be useful for them. Therefore, before buying, it is better to study the list of contraindications to use.

General darsonvalization is not prescribed to pregnant women, since stimulation with a current of even a small force can lead to a reduction in the walls of the uterus. For the same reason, darsonval during pregnancy can not be used to treat cystitis and other pelvic diseases.

Exposure to microcurrents can also accelerate the growth of malignant tumors and other neoplasms. The presence of a pacemaker is also a contraindication to the use of darsonval. The high frequency current can knock down the frequency of the artificial pacemaker.

When epilepsy is also not recommended to use darsonval, as stimulation with this device can cause an attack. The same applies to any mental disorders, accompanied by a violent reaction to stimuli.

It is worth remembering that some have an individual intolerance to electrocution. Such people can have an allergic reaction to darsonvalization. To avoid disappointment, you should consult your doctor before using darsonval. Instructions for using a certified instrument contain all contra-indications and recommendations.

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