
Priority problems of the patient are ... Nursing care

During recovery from treatment at home or in the hospital, as well as in case of loss of working capacity, the patients need qualified help and support. In this case, the main problems of the patient affect not only physiological, but also psychological needs. Support from an experienced nurse has an extremely positive impact on a person and leads to his soonest recovery.

Priority problems of the patient are, first of all, the need for careful care, compliance with medical prescriptions. The presence of nursing care in this case is a guarantee that the patient will not be helpless in difficult situations or in the absence of relatives.

Main problems of the patient

The majority of immobile patients first of all feel discomfort due to limited mobility of the body. Hence the lack of self-propulsion, a change in the habitual diet. The result of the above problems is often the development of violations in the functioning of organs and systems, in particular, the appearance of edema, headache, dyspnea, pain in the joints, heart rhythm failures.

In turn, the patient's psychological problems are expressed in a lack of communication, in a sense of general moral discomfort. Without the support of a nurse or a nurse, such discomfort can develop into apathy to the world around him. Against the background of a stationary state, protracted depressive states often appear.

Priority problems

Priority problems of the patient are the following pathologies and conditions:

  • Lack of consciousness;
  • Incontinence of urine and feces or constipation;
  • Disruption of the respiratory organs;
  • Malfunctions in cardiac activity.

Potential problems

At the stage of rehabilitation in a person with limited mobility, a number of difficulties can potentially arise. Without proper care for the patient, the development of pressure sores and diaper rash is likely. With prolonged lying in a supine position, the patient may suffer from muscle tissue malnutrition, which often flows into osteoporosis and is accompanied by bone fractures.

Among other things, the patient's problems - real and potential - affect the risk increase:

  • The formation of venous thrombi;
  • Development of pneumonia;
  • The occurrence of urological infections;
  • Manifestations of complications that affect the functioning of the cardiovascular system.

Basics of the Nursing Plan

Nursing care should be based on the following provisions. To begin with, the caregiver needs to achieve equalization of the patient's body parts, to think about how to carry out the movements of limbs to resistance as accurately as possible.

In addition, the sisters should warn the victim of the possible danger of making slopes and turns, explain the basic principles of biomechanics to the patient.

Particular importance is the control of the patient's nutrition. For the early restoration of the diet of a person chained to a hospital bed, should include foods saturated with proteins, phosphorus, calcium. Therefore, food is based on the use of legumes, fish, meat and liver, dairy products.

In what cases do you resort to nursing care?

The support of the patient from the side of a health worker or a nurse looks topical:

  • If the patient is in a coma;
  • At restoration after a stroke, a heart attack, other infringements of work of bodies of cardiovascular system;
  • In the rehabilitation period, aimed at eliminating the consequences of serious injuries;
  • After surgery;
  • In the case of a cancer patient developing;
  • With psychological disorders, mental illness, nerve abnormalities;
  • In cases where the patient's basic needs can not be realized independently;
  • When serving infirm people, people of senile age.

First stage of nursing care - examination

The main goal of the patient's nursing survey is to collect data on his state of health. Initially, health professionals collect information to form a medical history. Then they resort to physical examination, in particular, measurement of body temperature, arterial and eye pressure. Subsequently, blood and urine tests are performed, and the biochemical indices of bodily fluids are examined.

The second stage of nursing care is the identification of patient problems

The next stage of nursing care determines the potential and existing, as well as the priority problems of the patient. It can be stressful conditions, fear of surgical intervention, discomfort due to the limitation of body mobility.

Typically, health workers identify simultaneously different types of patient problems. In such situations, the main task is the identification of difficulties, the elimination of which requires urgent intervention. As an example, it is necessary to cite an increase in blood pressure, stress, the development of pain syndromes. On the contrary, intermediate problems do not pose a health hazard - the presence of discomfort in the postoperative period, lack of self-control, and so on.

The third stage of nursing care is setting goals

There are a number of tasks that invariably pose to nurses when caring for a patient:

  • Formation of information base about the patient;
  • Identification of the patient's objective needs during the rehabilitation period;
  • The arrangement of the main priorities in the service;
  • The development of a patient care plan, taking into account the patient's current and potential problems;
  • Determination of how effective the plan of measures will be in terms of successful rehabilitation of the victim.

This takes time to evaluate each goal. The duration of evaluation here depends on the etiology of the disease, objective problems, the patient's condition.

Nursing care involves the implementation of several goals: long-term - more than 2 weeks and short-term - 1-1.5 weeks. For example, when setting goals, a nurse can teach a patient for several days to take the medicine on his own, bury eye drops without outside help. At the end of the allotted period, the caregiver must determine how effective the patient is coping with these actions.

The fourth stage of nursing care is intervention

The main goal of nursing intervention is the activities aimed at the implementation of previously set goals. The following systems of intervention of the health worker are distinguished:

  1. Compensating (absolute) - it requires several categories of patients. First of all, the victims, who are in a critical or unconscious state. To service patients, according to the presented system, resorted to in cases of medical prescriptions aimed at limiting mobility. In addition, the approach is applied if a person can not make informed decisions on his own.
  2. Partially-compensating - the distribution of actions between the patient and the nurse depends on the degree of limitation of the motor abilities of the victim, as well as the predisposition of the latter to learning.
  3. Supportive - the system of intervention is used in situations where the patient is able to independently learn to care for himself and perform simple tasks. At the same time, the presence of the nurse and control of her actions are a prerequisite for caring for the patient.

Fifth stage of nursing care - evaluation of results

There may be sister problems. The patient must be brought into active state as soon as possible. Therefore, at this stage, the health worker has to assess the degree of implementation of the items in the plan, compare the results of the activities with the desired results.

At the end of the evaluation of the results, the sister draws the appropriate conclusions, makes notes in the medical history. The documentation indicates whether the patient's condition improved or worsened as a result of the measures taken.

If the results of nursing care are unsatisfactory, the mistakes made are identified. Previously set goals change to more realistic, achievable in existing conditions. Eventually, the action plan is revised, corrections are made to the nursing care plan.


As can be seen, the patient's priority problems are the physical and psychological discomfort that arises in response to limited body mobility, the need for prolonged compliance with bed rest. With regard to nursing care, such activities not only contribute to the speedy rehabilitation of the patient, but also the adaptation of the native victim to the changes that have arisen because of problems with the health of a loved one. In general, the dissatisfaction of the patient's needs always causes the emergence of certain problems.

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