
Soaking seeds in aloe juice before planting

Soaking seeds before planting is a procedure that improves the yield of garden crops. Also, such an exercise can significantly reduce the incidence of plants in the growth process. Used for soaking a variety of means. It can be, for example, potassium permanganate, growth stimulants or even just water. Very often, the seeds are soaked in aloe juice. On how to conduct this particular operation, and we will talk further.

Basic rules for soaking planting material

Before proceeding to any other action, the seeds of garden crops should be decontaminated.

Actually, the soaking procedure itself must be carried out in accordance with the following rules:

  1. The volume of the liquid used should be approximately 50 times higher than the same value for the dry weight of the seeds.
  2. During the soaking procedure, the seeds should be carefully monitored. The timing of soaking should be followed exactly. Restrain planting material in the liquid can not. Otherwise, the seeds can simply die.
  3. The temperature of the solution for planting material of heat-loving crops should be 20-25 ° C, for ordinary - 18-20 ° C.

Use of aloe juice for seeds

Why do experienced summer residents soak the planting material of garden crops in such a solution? Aloe vera juice for plants is useful especially because it is a natural biostimulant. It is also considered a good natural antibiotic.

Thus, soaking seeds in aloe juice allows summer residents to increase their germination in the first place. It is believed that it stimulates the development of the embryo, this tool is not worse than any purchased one. Also, when soaked in aloe juice, additional disinfection of planting material from various harmful microorganisms takes place.

Seeds of which plants are allowed to process

The effect of such a procedure as soaking seeds in aloe juice can be obtained in fact pronounced. But, unfortunately, it is possible to process the planting material in this way, not all garden crops. Especially well respond to soaking in such a solution of tomato seeds. Also, this method is excellent for treating seeds of cabbage, cucumbers and all kinds of salads.

However, the planting material of such garden crops as, for example, pumpkin and celery, it is impossible to soak in the aloe juice. The same goes for the seeds of onions. For planting material of all these cultures, aloe vera juice is nothing more than an aggressive environment. Sometimes summer residents are interested in whether it is possible to soak the seeds of pepper in aloe juice. It is unfortunately impossible to process the planting material of this popular vegetable garden culture. Seeds of pepper in aloe juice can lose germination.

How to disinfect

So, what should be the order of the gardener's actions, who decided to treat the seeds with aloe juice? According to the rules, as mentioned above, the planting material should first be disinfected. For this, seeds can be:

  1. To warm in a thermos . Water should be used at a certain temperature. So, for example, for cabbage this indicator can be equal to 52-54 ° C. Seeds of tomatoes are heated in water with a temperature of 50-52 ° C. The disinfection time with the thermos is usually 30 minutes.
  2. Etch with potassium permanganate. This technology of disinfection usually involves the use of 1-2% solution. To prepare the latter you just need to dissolve one teaspoon of potassium permanganate in 3 glasses of water. Disinfection in this case should last about 45 minutes. Water for the solution should be taken at room temperature.

After disinfection, seeds should be thoroughly rinsed in running water.

Soaking the seeds before planting in aloe juice: the main steps

Actually, the procedure for processing the planting material with aloe juice is carried out in several steps:

  1. Leaves are prepared.
  2. The stimulating solution itself is prepared.
  3. Soaking is carried out.

Preparation of cut leaves

Material for the preparation of the solution experienced dacha is advised to take from a plant aged no less than three years. It is best to soak seeds suits the juice of leaves growing at the very bottom of aloe. Cut the material for the preparation of the solution with a sharp knife. Of course, the leaves chosen for soaking should not have any damage or signs of disease. The plant itself should also be chosen perfectly healthy.

Aloe juice is very corrosive and corrosive. Therefore, in order not to damage the embryos in the seeds, the leaves should be wrapped in gauze and put in the lower compartment of the refrigerator before soaking. They are there for about 24 hours. During this time the aloe juice will become more "soft".

How to prepare aloe juice for soaking seeds correctly

About what concentration to prepare the liquid, the opinions of the villagers differ. Some are advised for a procedure such as soaking tomato seeds in aloe juice (or planting stock of other crops), prepare the solution in a 1: 1 ratio. That is, for one volume of juice to take the same amount of water. This method is used by most summer residents. But some truck farmers also soak seeds in undiluted aloe juice.

In any case, the water for the solution should be taken at room temperature. Pure aloe juice, intended for soaking, should also not be cold.

How to soak

Actually, the procedure for processing seeds of garden crops with aloe juice is as follows:

  • Disinfected seeds are laid out in a bowl so that they do not cover each other;
  • Pour the planting material with aloe vera juice or its solution with water.

Soaking tomato seeds in aloe juice, as well as any other crops, is performed at the rate of 50/1 by volume. To be afraid of that seeds can "suffocate" in such quantity of a solution, it is not necessary.

Soaking time in this case will also depend on the degree of swelling of the planting material (in seeds of different cultures, this indicator is different). Usually the processing procedure takes from 18 to 24 hours.

Another way

You can try to soak seeds in aloe juice and a little bit on another technology. In this case, the leaves are also cut from the lower part of the stalk of adult aloe. Then they are cut along and put the planting material in rows on one of the halves. Then the seeds are covered with the remainder of the leaf. To use this method of soaking planting material in aloe juice is even easier than described above.

What to do next?

After the seeds are completely soaked with aloe vera juice and swell, they should be pulled out of pots or leaves. Flush the planting material is not necessary. Seeds should immediately be planted on beds or in seedlings.

The opinion of gardeners about the way of processing

Comments on soaking seeds in aloe juice from gardeners are only good. As many summer residents note, with properly conducted processing of planting material in such a solution, the cultures germinate very quickly. Afterwards, they develop well and quickly and increase the yield. So, for example:

  • Those asters, whose seeds were soaked in aloe juice, germinate 7-10 days earlier and do not get fusariosis;
  • After soaking in such a solution even overdue seeds stored for several years rise.

Some gardeners are advised to use aloe juice not only for germination of seeds, but also for better rooting, for example, cuttings of roses or some garden bushes.

Than you can replace aloe

This culture is growing on the windowsill in many apartments. However, sometimes it does happen that there is no possibility to get aloe juice from a gardener. In this case, soaking can be cut, for example, leaves Kalanchoe. The technology of seed treatment with the juice of this plant is absolutely identical to that used when using aloe.

Instead of concluding

Thus, we found out what the proportion should be in the solution when soaking seeds in aloe juice, and also how to properly carry out the procedure itself. As you can see, the event is relatively uncomplicated. The main thing - to properly prepare the solution itself and remove the seeds on time - immediately after their swelling.

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