
Peach Redhaven: photo and description, features of cultivation, reviews

It's no secret that almost every gardener dreams of growing on his plot a peach tree with the sweetest and tasty fruits, which would give a good harvest. Variety Peach Redhaven - this is exactly what you need. In addition, this plant is suitable for growing both in Ukraine and in central regions of Russia. It has excellent vitality and amazing taste.

Peach Redhaven: photo and description

It belongs to the American breeding school, since this variety was bred in 1940 in one of the US universities as a hybrid of industrial importance. Now almost 70% of all existing peach plantations in farm and individual farms of the United States and Western Europe consist of trees belonging specifically to the variety Redhaven. He was also included in the State Register of Selection Plants of the Russian Federation and recommended for cultivation on the territory of the North Caucasus region.

Peach tree can grow up to five meters in height. It has a globular median crown with fairly large (2-3 cm wide and 15-18 cm long) dark green shiny leaves. Its solitary flowers grow to medium size (about 18-22 mm in diameter). They are painted in bright pink color and consist of five petals of a rounded shape. The period of their flowering falls on the end of April - the middle of May.


Peach Redhaven, photo and description of which is presented in this article, has slightly flattened lengthened-round fruits weighing 120 to 200 grams. It has a yellow and red blush dense, firm skin with a slight pubescence. The pulp of the peach is bright orange with thin crimson veins. The fruit is sweet and has a high tasting score of 4.9 points out of a possible five. A pointed bone can be easily separated from a ripe fruit.

Such a fruit as peach Redhaven contains organic acids (wine, apple and cinnamon), micro- and macro elements (potassium, manganese, iron, magnesium), essential oils, pectins, carotenes, and vitamins of group B, C and PP. Caloric content of 100 grams of fruit is 39 kcal.

Features and timing of planting

Peach seed Redhaven experienced gardeners are advised to buy only in the nearest specialized fruit and berry nurseries, because the plants have already been adapted to the local climate and have undergone the primary pruning procedure. This approach to the case greatly increases the chances of its early survival. By the way, the most viable are the annual saplings.

When buying Peach Redhaven for planting in your garden, you should pay attention to its appearance. In the event that the plant is grafted on an almond rootstock, the vaccination site itself, however, like the rest of the bark, should be smooth and smooth, brown in color, without any influx. In addition, it is necessary to examine the roots of the seedling. They should not have the slightest signs of rot, and also be clean and moist.

The peach, planted during the period from the middle to the end of April, adapts well when the air temperature does not fall below + 10 ... + 15 ⁰C at night. It is this time interval that is ideally suited for planting a plant that, in an already warmed and fertilized soil, will be able to maximally quickly strengthen and develop its root system. The tree in the first year lays the right amount of growth (vegetative) kidneys for the subsequent formation of a well-developed crown.

Selection and preparation of the site

The first thing to consider is that a peach planted exclusively on the southern side of the plot must receive enough sunlight to form generative buds. If the place is darkened by other trees or buildings, then the fruits will turn out to be small and sour. In addition, the peach does not like wind and drafts, so a few meters away from it should be at least some kind of shelter in the form of a high fence or a number of other fruit trees.

When choosing and planning a place for planting a tree, you need to know that Peach Redhaven has a crown about 10 m in diameter. Specialists do not recommend planting it on the spot where before a year or two grew cruciferous, melons or solanaceous cultures, as well as strawberries or strawberries. The peach is also poorly developed in low-lying areas with acidified and boggy soil, where water usually stagnates. It is known that the root system of this tree penetrates into the earth for 30-70 cm, so the ground flows should lie not less than at a depth of 1.5-2 meters.

In order to properly plant the peach Redhaven, it is necessary to prepare a pit in advance (at least two weeks). Usually this is done in the fall, but it is possible in the spring, pre-fertilizing the groove. In the landing pit, located on sandy or poor soil, make from 5 to 8 kg of organic fertilizer (compost or reparted manure). If the soil on the site is fertile, then it will be sufficient to cover the bottom with a mixture consisting of 300-500 g of wood ash and 50 g of potassium chloride and superphosphate. By the planting time, the pit will have time to settle.

Seeding sequence

  1. First of all, it is necessary to excavate a landing pit with a depth of 70 cm and a diameter of 1 m.
  2. The distance between peach seedlings and other trees should be about 3-4 m.
  3. In the middle of the landing pit, you should drive a stake up to 1 m high.
  4. Supporting the seedling, you need to spread out and distribute the roots so that they occupy the entire space of the pit.
  5. The plant is sprinkled with the ground excavated earlier.
  6. After planting the seedling must water 35-40 liters of water.
  7. Mulch the soil with sawdust or a dry grass layer of at least 10-15 cm.
  8. A young tree should be tied to a planting cola.
  9. Pruning of the seedling is carried out, taking into account the desired type of crown, which can be palmetto or cup-shaped.


Redhaven - a peach, the cultivation of which is associated with some peculiarities, refers to a rather capricious culture. Although formally this plant belongs to the category of self-pollinated species, that is, it can bear fruit without foreign pollinators, to which insects and other trees belong, but this happens very rarely.

Judge for yourself, this process can be adversely affected by windy or humid weather, as well as a normal draft. Therefore, experienced gardeners recommend planting immediately 2-3 peaches with the same period of flowering. Near Redhaven, you can place such famous brands as the Ambassador of Peace, the Gift of Kiev, the Favorite or the Memory of Shevchenko.


The variety Redhaven is distinguished by its drought resistance. In abundant watering this tree needs only in the period of its maximum growth and the formation of fruits. For one tree it will be necessary to pour at least 20-30 liters of water. Such periods include:

  • Time of fruit laying - the beginning of June;
  • The phase of fruit formation - the first half of July;
  • The time of ripening is the end of July and the beginning of August.

Water should be poured into grooves with depth no more than 8-10 cm, previously made in the area of the suction roots at a distance of about 70-80 cm from the tree trunk. In the rest of the time, the plant is watered 1-2 times with a periodicity of 2-3 weeks for 5-10 liters of water.


Redhaven has an average fruit ripening period. They begin to pour at the end of July. I must say that the fruits do not ripen all at once, so their cleaning lasts for 35-40 days until the end of August. The flowers of the tree perfectly develop even on annual shoots, so the first, albeit small, harvest can be collected already in the second or third year. Starting from the sixth, the peach yields stable yields, which can reach up to 35-40 kg of fruit per year. When the 11-12th year of the tree's life comes, it will be twice as fruitful and give about 100-110 kg of its sweet and extremely useful products.

The fruits of peach Redhaven perfectly transport transportation, but it will be much more reliable if they are collected just before the time, that is, in the state of so-called technical maturity. Opushenie, which is found on fruits, well protects them from any minor bumps, contact or friction.

How to crop a peach in the fall

Peach trees, belonging to the variety Redhaven, grow very fast. The growth of their lateral branches for a year is about 30-40 cm. These trees can form a crown up to 9-10 m in diameter. That is why their pruning should be carried out annually. A three-year-old plant manages to develop its crown sufficiently to allow its decorative formation to begin.

It is very important to know how to trim a peach in the fall, since the main task of this process is both the sanitary care of the tree, and the regulation of its fruiting. As is known, during this period there is a decline in the active phase of vegetation of plants. This means that pruning branches will save the peach from severe stress and numerous diseases. Autumn pruning can be done from the beginning of September and until the middle of October, but only after the harvest has already been harvested. If the autumn turns out to be warm, then the peach will have additional time to restore its strength.

How to grow a peach from a stone

Some gardeners are skeptical about this process and consider it a waste of time. However, it is not. Having eaten a delicious, sweet and fragrant peach, it is worth spending a little time to plant his seed or seed in the ground so that in three or four years again you will taste its fruits. But for this you need to know a few secrets.

Peach from a bone can be grown only if it is taken from a ripe fruit. It can be planted immediately in the ground to a permanent place, since often such plants rise much better. It is recommended to plant several bones at the same time, because some of them may not ascend. Sometimes it happens that the plant can only proklyutsya a second or third year after its landing in the ground. They are usually planted from October until early November.

In order to save the stone, it is dried and cleaned in a cool dry place. A few days before landing, it is soaked in water. Then there are two options. The first of them is to split the bone and extract the seed from it, and the second - to plant it as is to a depth of up to 8 cm, and then water it and promulch.


Basically, Russian gardeners are happy with this sort of peach, as it is frost-resistant and does not suffer a temperature even in -25 ⁰C. Ripe and juicy fruits can be stored at home at room temperature for not more than four days, and packed in paper or plastic bags and placed in a refrigerator - for a whole week.

In addition, peach Redhaven, reviews about the taste qualities of which are exceptionally positive, can be laid for longer periods of time. For this, fruits with a minimum stage of maturity are suitable. They can be stored either in the warehouse or in the basement, previously disinfected in pairs of hydrated lime or fumed coal. Thus, they can be stored for 2.5-5 weeks. The avid lovers of this fruit add it to various desserts, and also prepare jams, jams and compotes from it.

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