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Communication with the public (specialty). Advertising and Public Relations

The last decades were marked not only by a change in the political structure and way of life of people, but also by the emergence of entirely new professions, which no one had even heard of before. In the west, many of these specialties have already existed for a long time, but they came to us only with the beginning of market relations in the country's economy. One such profession is advertising and public relations. Now these words do not sound strange, however, not everyone knows what kind of specialist who is engaged in public relations, which is his duty.

PR-manager. The duties he performs

PR-Public relation from English translates as "public relations". A specialist of this level should form a public opinion about his client. As the latter, most often, various companies, firms, political leaders, public movements and even show business stars act. The success of his client in the eyes of the public will depend on the extent to which a PR specialist will perform his work qualitatively. There, where you need to "untwist" the firm or pull it out of financial stagnation, you need a PR manager.

The duties of this specialist are very broad and diverse. He is responsible for creating a positive image of his client, conducting various PR campaigns, working with the press, competitors, partners, authorities, writes press releases, provides information support to the client on the Internet and is responsible for internal communication in the company. As can be seen from the above, a specialist in public relations is a unique and universal person, that's why not everyone is able to become one.

Skills and qualities required by a PR manager

A person who decided to devote himself to this difficult specialty, should realize that he alone will not have enough knowledge. And the following qualities and skills will be necessary:

  • A wide range of interests and diverse interests.
  • Sociability and ability to negotiate with people.
  • Creative thinking.
  • Excellent oratorical and epistolary skills.
  • Organizational abilities and the ability to "lead" people behind them.
  • Ability to analyze, predict and draw logical conclusions.
  • Initiative, self-control and organization.

The accumulation of knowledge and training of all these skills and qualities is in itself a rather difficult work. Public relations require full commitment from a specialist, as well as a high level of responsibility and self-organization.

Training this profession

Communication with the public - a specialty is very popular and fashionable. That is why very many entrants submit documents to the faculties involved in the training of such specialists. Almost in all humanitarian, legal, economic and even pedagogical universities of our country you can find this specialty and go through it with training. However, it can be said with certainty that most of the graduates can not become successful PR-managers, because it is extremely difficult to achieve success in this field. After all, in order to become a sought-after specialist, you still need to know perfectly psychology, sociology, jurisprudence, at least one foreign language and have excellent knowledge in management, economics and marketing. And that's not all yet!

The best specialist is always the person who has experience, which the graduate often does not have. Therefore, despite the fact that the faculty of "Public Relations" is very fashionable and prestigious, it will be necessary to try very hard to become an expert with a capital letter.

Where does the PR manager work?

A specialist in public relations is very much in demand, because he is needed literally everywhere. Starting with small retail trade and ending with large conglomerates - everywhere without such a person the functioning of the enterprise can significantly worsen. Communication with the public is a specialty that will provide its owner with guaranteed employment wherever possible. And it is possible in the following places:

  • Various state structures and authorities.
  • Various companies and enterprises.
  • Specialized firms engaged in public relations services.
  • Individuals wishing to raise their rating in the political arena or in business.

Despite the fact that every year a large number of specialists are being produced, for which advertising and public relations should become a source of revenue, there is not much competition in this area. Many do not withstand the hard rules of the game in this area and leave the profession. Remain the most persistent and talented.

Advantages and disadvantages of the profession

Communication with the public is a specialty with many advantages, but, unfortunately, disadvantages. The advantages of this specialty are:

  • Opportunity for professional growth and career development.
  • Acquiring new acquaintances with interesting people.
  • The prestige and high social position of this position.
  • Demand in the conditions of modern market relations

In addition to the merits, the specialty of the PR manager also has a number of shortcomings, which include:

  • An irregular working day, frequent business trips, which is not exactly suitable for a family man.
  • High and intensive pace of work.
  • Great emotional and psychological stress.

Based on the last drawback, we can conclude that without stress-resistance at this place of work there is nothing to do. In addition, the candidate for this position should be ready, on the one hand, to the increased intellectual load, and on the other hand to the mobile pace of work.


Communication with the public - a specialty is very relevant in our time, but not tolerating half-measures. This work will have to be given completely and without rest. It is impossible to become an expert only in half, "a little bit". It requires maximum dedication and at the same time selfless devotion and love of one's business. Otherwise, it is necessary to say goodbye to the dream of becoming a successful and sought-after specialist. Which, however, occurs among a large number of graduates of faculties that teach this profession. However, many remain and work on this field, to subsequently become leading PR specialists, who often open their own business.

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