Homeliness, Gardening
Variety President - apple-tree column. Description, photo
Of great interest among gardeners is the cultivar President - an apple tree, characterized by small and compact forms. It attracts by its resistance to diseases, high yield and beautiful juicy fruits. Refers to the column-shaped varieties, which allow you to save space on the site and place many trees in a small space.
Variety description
The apple tree has thickened shoots. Due to the shortened internodes, its leaves are located quite close to each other, creating a dense green column with a height of no more than two meters. The lateral branches branch off from the central trunk at a slight acute angle, as a result of which a very compact crown is formed, occupying a distance of up to 20 cm in each direction. Starting from the third year from the moment of planting, such a garden is capable of yielding a very high yield for 15 years.
The apple-tree is beginning to bear fruit at the end of August. Fruits are attractive in appearance, medium in size (from 150 to 250 g), yellowish-white color with a light pink blush from the side, lit by the sun. Their shape is slightly flattened. The skin is thin, but very dense, shiny. The flesh of fruits is fine-grained, creamy, with a rather pronounced flavor. Very high productivity of this variety - from a single tree is removed 5-6 kg of apples, and with good care the harvest can be up to 16 kg. The shelf life of the fruit is not more than one and a half months. Apples can be consumed both fresh and used for any processing options. Of them, compotes, juices, fruit wine, as well as jams, jams and jam are made.
Main advantages
Apple tree The president is a colonial, like all other varieties with a similar type of crown, has a number of advantages. The peculiarity of such trees is the absence of lateral branching. Colon-shaped form is formed without the participation of man, and the tree grows into one trunk, which is densely covered with fruits. Planting such apple trees allows you to save space, which is very important when the area of the site is not very large. Colon-shaped trees practically do not need pruning. A great advantage of them is the convenience of harvesting. In addition, apple trees of this form - this is a real garden decoration.
First, you need to create a scheme for placing trees on the site. The place where the apple tree will grow The president, whose description is given above, is determined taking into account the distance between the seedlings - it should be at least 0.5 m, between rows - up to one meter.
Landing pits are prepared in advance. Their size should be such that the roots are placed freely. The optimal size is at least 90 cm in length and width, the depth is the same.
If the soil is heavy, clayey, a drainage layer is placed on the bottom of the pit. For this purpose, river sand or gravel is suitable. Then 3-4 kg of compost, 50-100 g of potassium and 100 g of superphosphate are added to the removed soil and mixed thoroughly. Part of this mixture is placed on the bottom, and the rest of the earth will go to the backfill. Accurately spreading the roots, the seedling is placed in the planting pit, thoroughly falling asleep all visible grooves, and then slightly compact the soil. Near each tree form small holes, which will serve to detain water during irrigation. After that the seedling is watered abundantly, spending up to two buckets of water on one sapling.
Apple tree variety The President needs careful care throughout the season. In order to obtain fruits of suitable size and prevent the breaking of the tree from the severity of the apples, during the flowering period, the crop should be adjusted, removing some of the flowers and ovaries.
To protect the root system, the soil must be mulched. It is recommended that you use sawdust, bark of trees or sloping grass. Mulch should not be left for the winter, otherwise it can lead to multiplication of rodents.
The crown of the tree is watered abundantly twice a month. Pruning her in the first year after planting is mostly of a sanitary nature. Side shoots in this case cut into 2 buds, as they spoil the decorative shape of the apple tree and, in addition, take a large part of the necessary trace elements. In autumn two branches will appear on this place, which should be cut in the same way in the spring.
The president is an apple tree that belongs to the varieties of an intense type. The seedlings planted in spring and summer can already blossom. While the root system is not yet completely formed, flowers and ovaries require a large number of nutrients. Therefore, it is necessary to take care of enriching the soil with compost or humus beforehand. Additionally, special growth regulators, such as a solution of heteroauxin, can stimulate the root formation. Gardeners often use foliar top dressing with urea solution, which are carried out at least 3 times per season. The soil in the trunks should be loosened and maintained in a wet state. It is important to know that at the time of planting a complete mineral fertilizer can not be made in any case: the root system is not yet able to absorb the soil solution, and this can have a detrimental effect on the development of the apple tree.
According to the laws of agricultural technology, nitrogen is fed in the spring, the full fertilizer complex is introduced in the middle of the growing season, and since August, the main focus is on potash fertilizers. This will help to ensure that the apple tree, the photo of which is given in this article, has survived the winter without problems.
Protective measures
The apple tree, like any other garden plant, needs not only watering and feeding. To get a rich harvest, you need to protect the plant from damage that can cause various diseases and pests. The president is an apple tree, which also needs measures to prevent diseases. This is basically spraying with special means suitable for common apple trees.
In autumn young trees are prepared for winter, providing them with a safe shelter from severe frosts. Do this with the help of coniferous lapnik or straw.
With proper care and care, the President will enjoy a good harvest. Apple tree is also a great addition to the landscape design of the garden.
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