
Hippeastrum: transplant, cultivation, care, photo

The beauty of the flower of the hippeastrum can charm. The plant blooms only once a year, but how! However, unpleasant surprises can also be comprehended: the flower has not appeared or the plant has begun to wither. To avoid this, you need to know the nuances of caring for hippeastrum, its peculiarities of growth.

Characteristics of the plant

Hippeastrum is usually referred to onion plants, so it has its own characteristics of care and reproduction. In total, about 90 species of this plant are known. In accordance with this, the size of the bulb may differ. It can reach a diameter of about 5-10 cm.

Hippeastrum, which is also transplanted with bulbs, has linear leaves. Their color is predominantly green, but some specimens may have a crimson color. Inflorescences in the plant are umbellate, the length of the peduncle is from 35 to 80 cm.

The color of the flowers of this plant can be very different. Sometimes she can just surprise with the colors and unusual combinations.

Features of home gippeastruma

The flower gippeastrum, the photo of which can be seen in this article, has a number of features that you just need to know in order to cultivate it.

If you prefer plants with light flowers, then keep in mind that they receive very few seeds suitable for planting. For the summer, it is most expedient to move this plant to the garden, having dug it in its private plot.

Blossoming gippeastrum can be a great gift for any holiday. After all, the timing of its flowering is easily regulated. The flowering period lasts about ten days for each flower. For forcing, bulbs of a rather large size are used, since they contain a sufficiently large supply of necessary nutrients.

How to care for hippeastrum at home?

Growing hippeastrum - the process is rather difficult and laborious. Because of this, many do not dare to have a blossoming gippeastrum at home. To grow it, you should choose a well-lit place, best of all the southern direction. However, direct sunlight should not be allowed to fall on the leaves. The temperature should ideally be maintained at 17-25 ° C.

Hippeastrum, which is transplanted for summer in the open ground is very favorable, should be protected from excessive overmoistening. At first, watering it should be extremely small, increasing volumes only with the appearance of the peduncle, which will signal that the vegetative period begins.

Hippeastrum bulbs do not like direct water on them. It should be ensured that the earth is wet, but in no case wet. The bottom way of watering from the pallet, which is more sparing, will do. After the end of flowering, watering can be substantially reduced, and then completely stopped.

The procedure for gippeastrum transplantation

Hippeastrum, planting and caring for which require some effort, will certainly thank you for an unusually beautiful and wild flowering. An important point for his transplant is the choice of pot. Between the bulb and the wall there should not be a distance exceeding 2 cm. Hippeastrum, transplanted every 3-4 years, is planted either before the rest period, or immediately before exiting from it.

For transplanting plants, it is better to use the transshipment method, so that the root system is minimally traumatized. About a third of the bulb should be above the surface of the soil.


Hippeastrum, planting and care for which are described in this article, has two ways of reproduction: seed and vegetative. In this case, the seeds are best sown immediately after you have collected them. So their germination reaches almost 100%. If the seeds dry up, the germination rate sharply decreases - to 30%. However, for the appearance of seeds, a flower requires artificial pollination.

You can also separate the so-called children from the main bulb. You can do this, for example, during a transplant. The baby is put in a separate pot. It is noteworthy that for two years the leaves on it do not remove even during the rest period.

The rest period

The flower of the hippeastrum, whose photo can be seen in this article, is characterized by a period of rest. It lasts from September to January. Plants that were in the open in the summer, by September need to be brought into the room. At this time, watering should be minimized, and then completely stopped. In this regard, the flower leaves will dry, which need to be removed, and cut off the stem. After this, the pot should be sent to a dark and dry place with a temperature of 6-12 ° C. You do not need to water it. In this state, the plant is 6-8 weeks. After this, the awakening period begins.

Flowering period of hippeastrum

Hippeastrum, the transplant of which was carried out before the rest period, needs to activate the flowering. Especially to tricks to accelerate this process resorted to in the event that on the eve of any celebration, to which it is simply necessary to make a throw-out.

In order to approximate flowering, the bulbs of the hippeastrum before planting in the ground can be treated with water at a temperature of 43-45 ° C for three hours. Temperature extreme will provoke flowering in about three weeks.

You can also stop watering your pet at the end of August, and then move to a dry and dark place before the end of January. After that the watering resumes. After one and a half month the plant is again ready to please you with its flowers.

Some growers practice another technique. In July, the plant cuts all the leaves and stops watering, and with the resumption of watering, liquid complex feeding is introduced. However, in order to avoid a burn, the kidney should first be thoroughly soaked. The flowering period in this case will be approximately in August or September.

Why does hippeastrum refuse to bloom?

Disruptions in flowering can be associated with soil depletion. After all, this plant consumes quite a lot of nutrients, and their supply in a small pot is very limited. To avoid this, you need to regularly make fertilizing. You can do this together with watering.

The reason for the absence of flowering can become pests. It is on the struggle with them that the plant can throw all its basic forces, and they will not remain bloated.

Bloom will not come and because of waterlogging of the soil, as well as due to the rotting of the bulb.

The timing of the onset and the quality of the subsequent flowering are directly dependent on how correctly the plant was introduced during the rest period and how it was carried out. Since mid-September, you should completely stop watering, trim the withered flower sprouts and remove the fallen leaves. Thus, the plant leaves in a period of rest, which will last until you expose the pot from a dark cool room to a well-lit place and do not resume watering. Hippeastrum will again begin a period of active growth.

When growing a flower in the room, lovers often face diseases and pests. That they did not bring a lot of trouble and did not ruin your pet, you should periodically carry out preventive maintenance in the form of examination and antiviral treatment. Hippeastrum, which is transplanted with an examination of the bulb, can be treated with solutions of antifungal agents.

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