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Comparisons in the "Lay of Igor's Host": examples from the text

"A word about Igor's regiment" was created by a man poetically brilliantly gifted and well versed in Boyan's songs and folk poetry of his time. It is full of vivid epithets, comparisons, metaphors, organically creating the fabric of the work.

Short story

To conduct a literary analysis, which will reveal in a work such as "The Lay of Igor's Host", epithets, metaphors, comparisons, we will briefly recall the content. So, it begins with a metaphorical beginning about the singer Boyana, who, leading the story, "spread his thoughts, let ten falcons into a herd of swans", that is, he laid his fingers on the strings. Only then begins the story of the unsuccessful campaign of Igor and his squad. Despite the terrible omen, the eclipse, they continue to march on the Polovtsians and even win in the first battle. But in the second they suffer not just defeat, but complete defeat. The whole army is dying. Igor and his son are in captivity with the leaders of the Polovtsians Konchak and Gzak. Then Igor secretly runs, and the son returns later.

The Kiev prince Sviatoslav is portrayed as a formidable ruler capable of uniting the Russian lands.

Topic of the work

By love of the Motherland and the desire that the princes, after stopping strife, finally unite, almost every phrase of the scribal monk is imbued. The artistic and ideological aspects are inseparable from each other. Let us demonstrate some comparisons in The Lay of Igor's Host. Examples: the battlefield on Kayal is like a plowland, where the land is sown with bones, or a feast with bloody wine, when the battle ended with the victory of the Polovtsians, and on the Nemiga - a harvest with sheaves of heads. Peaceful work is opposed to war, destruction is creation. Virtually no book comparisons are used in The Lay of Igor's Host. Examples: enemies are crows, their carts do not creak in the darkness, but scream like swans, and the Polovtsians are likened to a brood of cheetahs. While Russian princes are compared to falcons, hovering in the winds, which are also overcome by the bird in courage. And in the long past, the princes' squads were menacing, like tours that bravely growl when they were hit by arrows. Igor himself appears in the images of a falcon, an ermine, a wolf. Svyatoslav of Kiev compares himself with a falcon. Bui-tour is the nickname of Igor's brother. Such comparisons are found in The Lay of Igor's Host. Examples show their connection with folk poetry.

Images of women

They, gentle and affectionate, are always thinking about family and home affairs. The sadness and care of women are inextricably linked with the grief of the state, as the comparisons in The Lay of Igor's Regiment say. Examples: the young wife of the prince is compared with a cuckoo. The wind in her weeping is the master who dispelled her fun. Also, the gentleman is the sun, warm and beautiful for all, but for Igor's team it has become tragically dangerous, dried up all around, ruining its thirst. Yaroslavna begs Mr. Dnipro to return her dear, so that she can not cry any more over the bitter part of her husband. Yaroslavna calls for peace. She mourns not only her husband, but also all Russian soldiers. And the Kursk prince even in a hot battle remembers sweet wife Glebovna and all her habits. Each line of "The Lay of the Regiment ..." appeals to the world.

Image of the Motherland

Before the listener or the reader stands an immense country. The wide geographical expanses are involved in action. The Polovtsian steppe ("the land is unknown"), the blue boundless sea, many rivers and cities. Before the author spreads all of Rus, from the edge to the edge. Its vastness is emphasized by the simultaneity of actions in different places. Sing the girls on the Danube - their songs fly over the sea - and to Kiev itself. Simultaneously with the squad of Igor the Polovtsians are moving, their roads are not ready, their cart creaks.

Filled with "The Word of Igor's Host" epithets, metaphors, comparisons. Typically, folklore epithets overwhelm him: if the wolves, then gray, if swords, then sharp, if the arrows, then salted, if horses, then greyhounds, if the raven, then black. Virgo is red, the sun is bright, the dawns are bloody, the tear is pearl, the string is alive ...

Nature does not remain indifferent to the joys and sorrows of the people. Igor, escaped from captivity, a river with silver banks gives a green bed. The shelter of Igor is a warm fog, guarded by gogol and wild ducks. The author covers events for one and a half millennium, "glorifying the two halves of this time" (metaphor), constantly connecting the past and the present. He unites in the "Lay of the Regiment ..." and nature, and people, and history. The artistic form of the work helps to identify one idea - the idea of the necessary unity of Russia. All poetic trails that fill the "Lay of Igor's Host" - comparisons, epithets - work on this.

How else is Igor's campaign described

Sukhovat, but the Ipatiev Chronicle is detailed and extensive. "A word about the shelf of Igor" (comparison if you hold), first, is shorter, and secondly, of course, a poetic phenomenon. From the annals you can set the date of the march and the date of the eclipse, how many days Igor was waiting for his brother and how unexpectedly Igor heard the news that the Polovtsi were ready for battle. The chronicle reflects the construction of troops, both Russian and Polovtsian, and also goes the story that after the first victory of the Russian Polovtsi began to suddenly come, like a dense forest. From there we learn that a total of fifteen people remained from the entire Russian army.

"The word about the regiment ..." is an important work for our country. It can be analyzed not only from a literary, but also from a historical point of view.

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