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Constipation in children: treatment, causes, prevention

Quite often pediatric patients are children who suffer from constipation. If you touch on the issue of statistics, then this problem is the most common among the problems with the stomach. The lack of a chair occurs mainly in the nursery children, however, before you start to consider such an issue as constipation in children, whose treatment is rather important, it is worth reading some data. Only then you can talk about the presence of pathology.

A chair in a child in the first 12 months of life:

  • At the age of 6 months, the frequency of stools is 5-6 times, provided that they are naturally fed
  • From 6 months to a year - not less than 2-3 times a day under condition of natural feeding
  • At the age of up to 6 months, the frequency of the stool is 2-3 times, under condition of artificial feeding
  • From 6 months to a year - not less than 1-2 times a day under condition of artificial feeding

If the frequency of the stool does not correspond to the specified data, then children's constipation, the treatment of which is necessary, can certainly become a real problem. If you look at the question from the side of science, then constipation is a violation in the intestine, which is accompanied by an increase in the interval between going to the toilet from 24 to 48 hours.

If parents face such difficulties as constipation in children, treatment can be done at home. The most rapid method is a cleansing enema. It is characterized by the use of boiled water, which should be cooled to room temperature. To increase the laxative effect, glycerol can be used as an additive. The recommended dose is 1 to 2 teaspoons per 200 grams of water. After the liquid has been injected into the intestine, it is recommended to hold the buttocks for a few minutes, so that the water does not immediately pour out.

In order for the stool to become softer, you can use petroleum jelly. Give the product in small quantities in the intervals between feedings. Recommended dose of ½ teaspoon - for babies, up to 3 teaspoons - for children from 4 years.

Another tool that promises to immediately eliminate constipation in children, the treatment of which requires enormous effort, is the use of candles. By inserting a candle into the anal opening, it is necessary to squeeze the buttocks so that it is not reflexively withdrawn from the passage. For infants, the most convenient position for insertion is a posture lying on the back with raised legs and bent knees.

There are popular methods of treating constipation, which involves eliminating the problem by applying different natural components. Initially, it is necessary to add to the daily diet of the baby such foods as carrots and beets, dried apricots and mangoes, as well as kiwi, they have a laxative effect. An excellent means is zhosterny compote. For its preparation it is necessary to take from a table spoon berries, raisins and prunes. Composition pour 2 cups of water and boil for 20 minutes. Liquid drink half a glass before going to bed.

When a child is on artificial feeding, it is recommended to change the ration of the mixtures. It is worth adding to the diet of milk powder, with the use of fermented milk products and fiber. When the organism of a crumb does not perceive milk, it must be completely excluded from the diet.

Do not forget that the problem with constipation can be completely solved by starting to drink more often to the baby. As mentioned above, a decoction of raisins, dried apricots and prunes can become an indispensable tool. Some of the juices have a laxative effect. Apple, celery and beetroot drinks will get rid of problems. As a prophylaxis of the disease, you need to add fruit purees to your child's daily diet. Do not abuse honey and rice porridge.

We conclude that constipation in children, whose treatment is quite acceptable at home, in most cases are age problems, and not pathology.

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