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When does the fontanel overgrow?
Most couples who have just become parents ask the question: "When do the fontanel grow in children?" When can I sound an alarm and run to the doctor? Let's talk about this.
Spring is a patch on the head of a newborn, which is not covered by the skull bone. Due to these gaps, the cranial bones can be displaced during the movement of the child along the birth canal. When a little time passes after birth, the baby's head will return to normal form again. A large fontanel is called a diamond-shaped gap, which is about three centimeters in size, where the frontal and parietal bones of the newborn converge. As a rule, by one and a half to two years, it closes.
When the fontanum grows in children: premature and 25% full-term
At such children at a birth there is an open small fontanel at the very basis
What functions does fontanel have?
Its main function and task is to ensure that the head of the child passes normally through the birth canal. In the first few years of life, the fontanel is the protection of the child from severe head injuries . Most of the parents are afraid of damaging it, but this is in vain, since it is protected by a strong film that can not be practically broken. Newborns have 6 fontanelles, four close in the first few days of life, a fifth - somewhere in a couple of months, and the largest - up to one year.
When the children are overgrown with fontanel - in one time does it happen?
Each fontanel has different sizes. It is worth noting that the original dimensions are not related to those that are available when closing. In the first few months of the baby's life, a large fontanel can become larger, as the brain rapidly develops. Since every kid has an organism that is strictly individual, the period for which the fontanelle overgrows can also be very different. In some children, quickly grows a fontanel, that is, about three months, which is the norm for healthy children. Specialists have noticed that this process is a bit faster for boys than for girls. In any case, if something bothers you,
Is ripple dangerous when children grow a fontanel?
Very often mummies believe that fontanel is an "open" place and therefore are afraid of damaging it. But such fear is greatly exaggerated. Where it is located, the brain has protection from three shells: liquid-liquor, which acts as a shock absorber, a network of tendons and skin. If the fontanel pulsates, what can be seen or felt, it is absolutely normal, just like it swells during screaming or muscle tension.
What does the fontanelle say about?
If it looks badly sunk in case of an infectious disease, high temperature, diarrhea or vomiting, this can be a sign of dehydration.
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