
Should I go through craniosacral therapy? Reviews about craniosacral therapy. Craniosacral therapy for children

Craniosacral therapy is a relatively new technique, which, nevertheless, becomes more and more popular every year. This practice is based on the assertion that all parts of the human skeleton are not only mobile (including the skull bones), but also closely related. So when is it expedient to use craniosacral therapy? What is a similar technique? What problems can you handle by trusting a specialist? These questions are of interest to many.

History of Creation and Development of Craniosacral Therapy

The development of this technique began around the beginning of the twentieth century, the famous American osteopath, William G. Sutherland. An outstanding scientist at one time was a student of Andrew Taylor Still, who developed the basic principles of modern osteopathy.

V. Sutherland in his works noticed that the cranial bones can be divided without a fracture, which means that they are mobile. It was he who first transferred the biomechanical principles of classical osteopathy to the seams of the skull. For many years of work and constant research the doctor has established that the body works at a certain rhythm, which he called cranioosacral.

Sutherland managed to create the fundamental basis of therapy, called cranial osteopathy. Later, the scientist established the existence of a strong physiological connection between the skull and the sacral spine department - so there was craniosacral therapy (cranium - skull, sacrum - sacrum).

What is called a craniosacral rhythm?

The mechanism of primary breathing was discovered by Sutherland. The osteopathic physician discovered that the human body works in a certain rhythm - the volume of the skull is then increased, then decreases, and in a minute of such cycles it can be from 6 to 10. The scientist made the assumption that such movements are associated with rhythmic contractions and relaxation of the brain, Which is transmitted to the rest of the bones through the cerebrospinal fluid.

A new theory of what a craniosacral rhythm was, appeared a little later. The author of it is the American osteopathic physician John Upleger. He made the assumption that the rhythms of the movement of the bones of the skull are associated with cyclic changes in pressure in the cerebrospinal fluid. The rhythm has its own frequency, a clear symmetry and amplitude, different phases.

In addition, in his works Dr. Apeldzher points out that there is a connection between the rhinocerical rhythm arising in the nervous system and all connective tissues in the human body. According to this theory, every organ, tissue and cell in the body works cyclically, in the same rhythm. Some practitioners compare rhythm with a breathing flower, which then opens the petals, then closes them, obeying the innate, natural cycle.

Naturally, if the cranosacral rhythm is broken, then this affects all systems and organs. Craniosacral therapy is used today to prevent and treat almost any disease. It is believed that if the rhythm and cyclicity of the "respiratory" movements of the cranial bones are normalized, this will not only improve the state of health, but also affect well-being.

How is the massage?

Craniosacral chiropractic therapy is a long-term treatment process that helps improve not only the functioning of the body, but also the emotional state. As a rule, the massage lasts about an hour. At this time, the patient lies on a comfortable couch, allowing the doctor to examine the congenital craniosacral rhythm and detect abnormalities.

During the massage, the osteopathic physician works on the bones of the human skull and the sacrum. Movement specialist almost invisible and resemble light, soft stroking.

This procedure is not accompanied by discomfort and, moreover, painfulness. Patients, on the contrary, assert that soft massage movements perfectly relax and tonify at the same time, releasing energy, improving health and mood.

At what diseases are craniosacral therapies used?

In fact, this technique is used to treat almost all diseases. Naturally, in the first place, massage sessions are designed to relieve spine and nervous system diseases. In particular, people with osteochondrosis, curvature of the vertebral column, cerebroasthenic disorders, pathology of the joint between the temporal bone and the lower jaw are often recorded for admission to the osteopath.

Craniosacral therapy is used to eliminate disorders in the work of the nervous system, in particular, neuritis of the facial and trigeminal nerve. A massage session can eliminate a headache of any origin. Indications for such therapy are epilepsy, encephalopathy, resulting from severe injuries, as well as increased intracranial pressure, vegetative-vascular dystonia, ENT diseases, stasis of fluid in the body.

In the US and European countries, this technique is widely used to treat the syndrome of chronic fatigue, postpartum depression, certain mental disorders, emotional exhaustion.

When will the first results appear?

The first results appear already in the first hours after the massage session - patients feel light and relaxed, note the disappearance of headaches, stiffness and heaviness in the spine. The effect of one procedure lasts about 3-4 days.

If it is a question of treating a serious illness or general recovery of the whole organism, then, naturally, it takes at least several months to obtain a visible effect.

Contraindications to the massage

Craniosacral therapy has practically no contraindications and can be used both according to the doctor's indications and for general disease prevention. Nevertheless, before beginning treatment, you need to undergo a complete examination of the body.

Firstly, massage is not performed in the presence of any infectious diseases - in this case, first you need to undergo the appropriate course of treatment. Secondly, contraindications are cancer, as well as acute thrombosis and aneurysm.

Can I use such techniques to treat children?

Of course, craniosacral therapy for children will be no less useful than for adult patients. With the help of this technique, a variety of disorders and deviations in development are corrected.

First of all, it should be noted that this technique is used for slowing the physical development, for example, if the kid can not hold the head, sit or crawl on his own. It is also effective with a weak sucking reflex. Regular massage sessions strengthen muscles, promote the normal development of the immune system, and normalize the digestive tract. Statistical surveys confirmed that children after such treatment become less restless, sleep well, rarely cry. The technique is effective in the event that it is necessary to correct the shape of the skull, disrupted as a result of severe childbirth.

Craniosacral therapy: reviews

Feedback about this technique is positive. Adults note almost instantaneous improvements. To children, cranial therapy helps to develop the musculoskeletal and nervous systems.

Many people are interested in questions about where the craniosacral therapy is carried out. Moscow, and any large city, as a rule, offers the services of specialized clinics. But it's worth taking a careful look at the choice of an osteopath, since a poorly performed massage will not only not improve your health, but can also hurt.

Naturally, craniosacral therapy is not a panacea for all diseases. But this practice really helps to improve the physical and emotional state, correct the defects of the spine and accelerate the healing process against the backdrop of conservative therapy.

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