HealthAlternative Medicine

People's remedies for temperature. Nature on guard of health

Every person, there are periods in life when immunity suddenly fails and health problems begin. This is especially true for raising body temperature. This reaction does not take long to wait. The slightest catarrhal symptoms and in people with low immunity the temperature rises, the state of health worsens and immediate action is required.

Of course, there are a lot of medicines in the modern pharmacy, which, according to the advertisement, will quickly and without consequences eliminate this unpleasant factor and normalize the state of health. But there is one unaccounted nuance. Recently, when the facts of counterfeit medicines became known and studies have shown that they are not so harmless, we are increasingly turning to the accumulated historical knowledge of mankind in the field of medicine. We remember or look for people's remedies for temperature, which are becoming more popular. This is not surprising, because they are tested and serve humanity for many years.

It is especially necessary to take care of the health of children, it is under the guidance of a doctor that a decrease in temperature by folk remedies will be most preferable. Of course, do not forget that before you begin treatment, you need to find out the cause of the temperature increase.

It can rise under the influence, for example, of pyrogens. These are special substances that are produced by human immune cells or, even worse, are the products of vital activity of pathogens.

People's means of temperature in any case can not bring harm. And they are not as unpleasant as some medicines. You just need to instill a culture of the correct use of traditional medicine.

For example, a decrease in temperature by folk remedies implies a plentiful but tasty liquid and completely natural remedy.

A doctor who adheres to the main postulate "do no harm" will definitely appoint you a warm drink at a high temperature. It, in turn, will cause a reaction in the form of profuse sweating, which will help to overcome the disease more quickly.

People's remedies for temperature are, first of all, a cranberry fruit juice, rich in vitamin C , tea with linden flowers, aromatic herbal teas with lemon and honey, tea from tansy flowers, red currant juice or cowberry juice. It is also possible and necessary at this time to use jam: cornelian, cherry and, of course, the most famous crimson.

How to prepare a healing lime tea? The answer is simple: 100 grams of pharmacy lime blossoms are combined with a liter of boiling water, we insist, we must filter through gauze and take with the addition of honey.

Note that infusions of herbs, such as stinging nettle, hips, decoction from willow bark, clear leaves, decoction, elderberries and fruits of mountain ash, as well as oat decoction are also effective folk remedies for temperature. They are simply less known among the population. As a rule, after applying these pleasant but safe natural remedies, the thermoregulation of the patient's body will be carried out more intensively.

Only one remark. Treating temperature with folk remedies does not provide for its immediate reduction, it will equalize and return to normal gradually. A sharp decline with the help of strong medications will adversely affect the recovery on the whole and, in addition, deplete the body's internal reserves. In any case, such treatment is prescribed only by a doctor.

Treating temperature with folk remedies means various wipes. The greatest effect can be achieved using such compounds as a mixture of vodka with cool water in a ratio of one to one. This wiping should be done carefully, without pressure, to wipe the entire body, and especially the places under the knees, elbows, as well as whiskey and feet.

Reducing the temperature of folk remedies gives excellent results, if carried out with the use of vinegar, which is a softer and more pleasant remedy.

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