Health, Diseases and Conditions
Trichomoniasis: symptoms, consequences, diagnosis, treatment
The most common STD in the world is trichomoniasis. Symptoms of it are similar to manifestations of other sexually transmitted diseases. Therefore, it is only tests that will help determine the pathogen accurately.
The first place among diseases of the genitourinary system is also trichomoniasis. 10% of the population suffer from it according to WHO. Annually, trihomoniasis is diagnosed in 170 million
Its causative agent is a vaginal trichomonas. It lives in men in the prostate gland, seminal vesicles, urethra, and in women in the vagina. Infection with trichomoniasis occurs sexually, although the household option is also not excluded. For the first time in the body, these microorganisms affect the urethra.
Trichomoniasis - symptoms in women:
- Pain during sex and urination;
- Redness and a tooth of genitals, and also occurrence of erosions and ulcers on them;
- Hyperemia and swelling of the cervix, vulva, vagina;
- Tenderness of the abdomen;
- Vaginal discharge (yellow with an unpleasant odor).
This list of the most common manifestations of trichomoniasis, but they may not be available.
Trichomoniasis - symptoms in men:
- Burning and pain when urinating;
- Allocation from the channel;
- Itching in the urethra;
- Ulcers and erosions on the head of the penis;
- Pain in the perineum ;
- Rarely hematospermia;
- Signs of prostatitis in lesions of the prostate gland.
One of the complications of the disease is its chronicity with inadequate and untimely treatment. In men, this leads to prostatitis, epidermis, infertility, erectile dysfunction, urethral stricture, vesiculitis, and in women - to cystitis, endocervicitis, bartholinitis, perineum and vulva inflammation , edema of the labia, skinhead, infertility.
To diagnose trichomoniasis, a general smear is used. It is taken from the vagina in women, and from the urethra in men. The results are confirmed by seeding, PCR and UIF.
The most dangerous is the asymptomatic course of the disease, since treatment is not performed in a timely manner. However, the harm from this form of the disease is not less.
Signs of trichomoniasis in men are not observed much more often than in women. In addition, in this case the person, not knowing about his illness, infects the sexual partners.
Trichomoniasis during pregnancy can lead to unfavorable outcome, premature birth. In addition, at birth, the fetus can become infected. At pregnancy it is recommended to take 2 g of metronidazole once from the second trimester (but only after consultation with the attending physician!).
The same treatment regimen is also used for uncomplicated acute trichomoniasis. Also, metronidazole may be prescribed to take longer for a different schedule. The intake of this drug can not be combined with alcohol. Sometimes additional treatment is provided, such as physiotherapy, urethral instillations, prostate massage, immunotherapy.
In chronic and complicated trichomoniasis, longer antimicrobial therapy is recommended. Often used several drugs. Additional treatment is mandatory.
After a couple of weeks, the effectiveness of therapy is evaluated. Treatment is considered successful if there are no manifestations of the disease and negative tests. For the duration of therapy, sex is prohibited.
When a person is diagnosed with trichomoniasis, all his sexual partners should be treated. Preventing the disease is the exclusion of promiscuous sex and the use of condoms. With anal and oral contacts, infection is unlikely.
With adequate and timely therapy, the outlook is favorable. Use only local treatment is considered ineffective.
Thus, trichomoniasis, the symptoms of which are similar to manifestations of other STDs, should be diagnosed only on the basis of analyzes. A favorable prognosis is possible only with adequate treatment.
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