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Dysbacteriosis in infants. Treatment, symptoms, prevention

The first year of life of the baby is the most difficult in terms of the formation and formation of its gastrointestinal tract. Every young parent knows what colic, gas and unstable stool are, and also heard about such a concept as a dysbacteriosis in a baby. Treatment of it can be prescribed only by a doctor, but moms and dads can prevent its development. Let's understand what is dysbiosis, what are its signs, treatment and prevention.

What is dysbiosis?

In short, dysbacteriosis is a violation of the quantitative and qualitative relationship between "good" (lacto- and bifidobacteria) and "bad" bacteria that inhabit our intestines. As a result of this imbalance, the microflora changes, which leads to an increase and growth of conditionally pathogenic and pathogenic ("bad") bacteria. What causes a disorder in the microflora? Until a certain moment these "inhabitants" of the intestines peacefully coexist. Aggression can be triggered by factors such as stress, illness, and reduced immunity. If we talk about dysbacteriosis in a baby, whose treatment is performed only after the diagnosis, it can be provoked by incorrect breastfeeding, eating disorders, decreased immunity, preterm infants, antibiotics, infectious diseases, etc.

Dysbacteriosis in infants. Treatment, signs

Let's start with the signs of dysbiosis. They can be: irregular stools, constipation, foamy feces with green admixtures, veins of blood. Peeling, dryness and redness of the skin, regurgitation after feeding (after 1.5-2 hours), refusal to eat, cramping of legs, bloating, which can be determined visually. In addition, the baby is not sleeping well because of spasmodic attacks that torment the intestines. With dysbiosis, constipation is especially frequent, caused by an inadequate number of bacteria responsible for the normal evacuation of the intestine. Here are the main symptoms, talking about dysbacteriosis in infants. Treatment is prescribed only after a laboratory analysis of the feces of the baby. Their studies show whether the bacterial background is violated or not.

Treatment of dysbiosis

Almost all doctors agree that dysbacteriosis is not a cause, but a consequence of another disease. Therefore, in order to eliminate the dysbacteriosis, it is necessary to find the factor that provoked its appearance. It often happens that with the appointment of bacterial preparations for the intestinal population, the necessary organisms do not improve or it is short-lived. For this reason, it is so important to conduct a comprehensive health survey of the child, in order to identify or exclude the possibility of more dangerous diseases at an early stage. And what doctor treats the intestinal dysbiosis in an infant ? On the basis of bacteriological research, a pediatrician, an allergist, an immunologist can prescribe treatment.


Many parents ask about what is the best remedy for intestinal dysbiosis in a newborn or an infant? Pediatricians and neonatologists say that this is a full-fledged breastfeeding of a child for up to a year. If introduced complementary, then it should be a diverse and age-appropriate food. When mixed feeding should be appropriate mixture, enriched with "useful" bacteria.

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