Arts & Entertainment, Art
What is an illustration to a work
Picture books have long been familiar to everyone. They are better perceived and more interesting, especially for children. These pictures to works are called illustrations. When the books were hand-written, the drawings were also created by hand. It was very expensive and not affordable for everyone. With the advent of printing, such books became increasingly popular. So what is an illustration? This is any picture or image that explains or complements the text of the work.
The term illustration can be understood in a broad or narrow sense. In the broad sense - this is any image that explains the text of the work. They help to understand what is said in the work, make sense the most imaginative and understandable. It can be scientific-cognitive drawings (for example, drawings, maps or charts)
Or artistic-figurative.
What is an illustration in the narrow meaning of this word? These are pictures that explain the text, interpret it and help the reader understand better. Even before reading, they provide an opportunity to navigate the content of the work. There are many pictures of famous artists who illustrated books. For example, the canvases of O. Daumier to the novel of Cervantes "Don Quixote".
Many illustrations of artists are now perceived as independent works, although often their plot is incomprehensible in isolation from the text. After all, they must match the content and complement it. The artist helps the reader to better understand the text, to present the characters and their surroundings. Usually he chooses a book that he likes and is close to his perception of the world. In addition, the artist-illustrator needs to know a lot about the life and customs of the people of that time, which is described in the book.
Illustrated works are better perceived and especially loved by children. The pictures attract attention and interest the reader. There are many famous artists who created illustrations for books. These are I. Bilibin, V. Lebedev, J. Vasnetsov, E. Charushin and many others. Such works develop the aesthetic taste of the child, teach him imaginative thinking and instill love for the book.
Types of illustrations
And what is an illustration in terms of the diversity of its species? In the books are placed many different drawings: these are engravings, etching, facsimile or lithography. These are the names of illustrations by the way they are transferred to paper. They differ in the place they occupy in the book.
Everyone who loves books knows what an illustration is, but many of its species are very few people. For registration of art works are used also initial letters - colored capital letters at the beginning of the paragraph, painted with patterns and drawings, or vignettes - ornament or a plot composition in a circle.
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